Mid Life Transits

Pluto Square Pluto – the Time of Upheaval (36-39)

"The Pluto Square Pluto Transit can be one of the most life-changing transits and is one everyone experiences. Understanding what is happening and how to navigate it can make all the difference!"

Neptune Square Neptune – the Fog of Life (38 to 42)

Neptune Square Neptune - "Beautiful Dreamer Neptune square Neptune transit is a generational mid-life crisis transit that happens to everyone about age 42. It lasts about 9 to 12 months depending on Neptune retrograde. You will start to question your goals and how much you have lived up to your ideals, dreams, and expectations. You may want to make some changes but take care not to set unrealistic goals."

38: Second Return of the Lunar Nodes

42: Age 42: (Saturn Opposition Saturn). 
Midlife crisis. Individual reacts — maturely or immaturely — against the soul-inhibiting limitations which society has imposed upon his or her ego. Is my need to belong blinding me to my true values?

38-44: The Big Leap Forward
Saturn Trine Saturn - Familiar Boundaries

Uranus Opposes Uranus – the Wake-Up Call! (42-44) 

Uranus Opposes Uranus – the Wake-Up Call! (42-44) Uranus opposite Uranus transit, also called the Uranus opposition, is a major transition in your life that comes in your early forties. This mid-life crisis can feel like you have to catch up on things you forgot to do, or on goals, you have not achieved. A sense of urgency can lead to unexpected behavior and rapid changes in relationships or employment.

 Chiron Return – Healing Your Life Wound (49-51)

"Chiron Return – Healing Your Life Wound (49-51) 
Chiron return is when we start tapping into Uranus’ insights. What society expects from us is no longer enough. We want to break free from our limitations and explore completely new horizons. Uranus is our divine side. The Chiron return is when we finally become aware that there is more to life." "Some may argue that the Uranus opposition is the mid-life time and often one of crisis, in that way that only Uranus can deliver a shakeup! I tend to favor the idea that the Chiron Return is the ideal mid-life moment, suggesting that with a better diet, exercise, and medical breakthroughs we will see more and more people living closer to 100 (instead of a max of somewhere in the 70s; in America, the current average is 78). When Chiron returns you should be ready to heal your spiritual wound; we all get one at birth based on the position of Chiron in our chart."

Age 50 (Waning Square): "Re-evaluation of individual priorities and life-direction producing further refinements to the soul’s individuation process. A period of concentrated, steady effort to serve in accordance with our ideals, or a backslide into the collective norm (think: Baby Boomer who “sold out”).

2nd Saturn Return – Becoming the Wise Man or Wise Woman (56 to 58)
"By the time we reach our second Saturn Return we should have started our authentic journey at around 30, experienced a chrysalis transformative period between 36 and 39, emerged confused in order to find faith in our path, been shocked out of confusion to fully awaken to the authentic self that should have begun developing at 30, healed our lifelong spiritual wound, all to become a wise man or woman ready to impart our knowledge and wisdom responsibly to the generations behind us. We are to assume more, not less responsibility, and act as guiding lights for improving civilization." 

Age 66 (Waxing Square):The synthesizing and sharing of what aging has taught you. Confessing and breaking one’s prideful habits of consciousness while one is still relatively healthy and cognizant.