Leo Fashion

Brigitte Neilson is a Leo Rising.

DON'T JUST LOOK up your SUN SIGN, also look at your 

As you can see in the following chart, if you are a Sun sign Leo, you were born between July 23 to Aug. 22nd.  But in order to find out your rising sign, you will need your full chart and time of birth.  Your rising sign (or Ascendant) is actually more important when it comes to using astrology for fashion and to understand your appearance.  The elements of the sign Leo are the same, whether it is your Sun sign or rising sign.  As you probably know, it is an FIRED sign.  It's quality or modality is FIXED.  The sign of Leo is ruled by the planet SUN. The sign of Leo rules the area of the body: the HEART and UPPER BACK.  There are many opinions about colors for this sign, but they include: red, gold and yellow.  You can wear those in any chroma.  You can wear those colors whether this sign is your Sun sign or your rising sign.  You may also want to look up the sign for both. (You can also check your Venus sign and the sign on your 6th house).

With the Sun ruler, Leo is a sign that has a healthy ego and likes to make a statement with their clothing.  Gold is one of their colors, so gold jewelry is an important accessory.   And Kimberly at Star Sign Style says Leo is associated with the fabric pattern of baroque.  Leo is associated with fur (it could be fake) or any luxury fabric.

Must haves: trench coat, shawl, gold jewelry, sunglasses
Back on rack: anything boring, sensible or too comfy

"Your sign rules fashion, so you could wear a potato sack and outshine Anna Wintour. Leos have an uncanny knack to spend relatively little money on clothes yet look like top-ranking fashionistas. Shop in discount stores or ethnic markets to find one-of-a-kind outfits that are fabulous and individualistic, yet don’t break your budget." source

"Leos lives in style and wears clothes well-cut elegant and demanding attention. If and when they want they will dress up meticulously neat and other times exasperately sloppy. For men, the silk shirt and tie with single breasted suit reflect elegance for formal wears. Silk suits them the best. For women, Cargo pants/Capris with tight top to match would do better. Hand-painted fabrics with bold and vibrant colors for formal wears would make them standout from the rest of the crowd."
Leo Style


Colors ruled by the Leo sign: The illuminating color of "Gold" is ruled by Leo. It symbolizes authentic connections made from the heart. The Leo sign color of gold:
1. Promotes courage
2. Creates self-confidence
3. Builds self-love and self-respect
4. Provides warm connections to others


You might want to dye it red too!

"You Leo girls don’t care if you are in a crowded restaurant, or on the big screen at the stadium; as long as you are the center of attention, you’re happy. In order to be the first one to be noticed at a party, you can’t wear anything but a stand out pair of shoes to match your exuberant personality.

Fashion for you:
Everything about you is so exuberant, magnificent, and fabulous, dear lion. You can run your own show! You are in your best, when the spotlights makes you the center of attention. You are ruled by the Sun, so you always manage to stand where the lights are most flattering. Gold is your favorite color, even a little black dress, should be disturbing and opulent, to fit you."   source

ASTROLADA: she suggests also checking your Venus sign, because that shows what we prefer and then look at your Ascendant.  Sun sign is only 20% and Moon is only 20% of your fashion influence.

Introductory Astrology

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Nice article. I Really appreciated.
