In Human Design, you will see that you have red numbers labelled Design on the left and black numbers labelled Personality on the right, which show the position of your planets, luminaries and nodes.
The black Personality numbers imprint at birth and show our conscious potential, what we are aware of and who we think we are, our identification with our bodies. This crystal enters the body at the moment of our birth. These planetary placements will match your astrological chart. This carries the intention of our soul, or our soul purpose.
The red Design numbers relate to your soul, or crystal, that comes from the Earth through the father's energy at the moment of conception and enters the body approx. 90 days before birth. This is our unconscious potential and traits, that we don't identify with, but others clearly see. It is the story of who we will be in this lifetime, the body or "human suit" our soul will wear and our life purpose.
We are challenged to integrate the Design life purpose with the Personality soul purpose.

Introductory Human Design
Lunation Calendars
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