Human Design
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centers |
When you first discover your Human Design Rave Chart or Body Graph, you may not relate to all of it, and most likely are not yet living in an authentic manner as actually designed. They call this living in the "Not Self." So here is a description of the open and defined centers in Not Self versions and elnightened versions. The Not Self strategy is what we do unconsciously to deal with our energies before we understand them. When you begin to understand the mechanics of your vehicle, you can learn to become at peace with and use your energy more effectively.
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defined Head |
The Not Self strategy of the Defined Head:
The Head is a pressure center. It is fuel to think through questions, doubts, confusion. You can become overly focused on trying to figure out your own issues and life, and miss the opportunity to be inspirational to others.
If you aren't aware of this, you turn mental pressure inward, resulting in anxiety, self-doubt, confusion. You may also try to resolve this mental pressure by making hasty mental decisions. By not focusing on being patient, you miss opportunities for the gift of inspiration.

True Self Defined Head:
The Defined Head, when realized, is able to be inspirational, uplifting and empowering to others. You turn mental pressure outwards. You can be an outer authority for others. You are also able to flow with your own inner timing to process mental pressure and reach clarity effectively.
Effect on Others: Remember you are sending out this energy to anyone with this center undefined/open. They may be excited, interested and open, or they may feel intruded upon or overwhelmed. They also may amplify and mirror the energy of this center back to you.
You can actually unintentionally put thoughts into other people's minds, and notice them speak them.
"The Undefined HEAD person is influenced by the Defined HEAD person when they are in each others aura. It is the ‘other’ that influence the way the Undefined HEAD person thinks. Their thoughts are not original."
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open or undefined Head |
Not Self Decisions: Yes, I'll find out for you. I have to find the answer as the world as i know it will fall apart!

True Self Open Head:
With wisdom and witnessing, you watch your mental process and how it is absorbing that of others. You can enjoy your mind, but not let it guide your decisions or actions. You focus instead on your own Inner Authority. You are open to wonder, the unknown and uncertainty. You also learn to avoid taking on the mental pressure of others to help them find answers. You can enjoy the pressure to know more, without being identified with having to actually find answers. You trust that sometimes things become clear and sometimes they just don't.
Wisdom: Knows what is/is not worthy of thinking about; knows what inspiration is/is not of value for humanity."
Not You: Remember you are receiving the energy of this center from anyone with this center defined. You may amplifying and mirroring the energy of this center back to them (which they may not like if they are not conscious of themselves).
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defined Ajna |
Not Self Defined Ajna:
You can have obsessive thinking, without relief, causing mental anxiety.
True Self:
You are confident in your own preferences and predispositions. You enjoy having a mind that operates in a consistent, specific and trustworthy way. You can feel certain of your opinions, concepts and theories.
Effect on Others: Remember you are sending out this energy to anyone with this center undefined/open. They may be excited, interested and open, or they may feel intruded upon or overwhelmed. They also may amplify and mirror the energy of this center back to you.
"Someone with a Defined AJNA Center is not influenced by another’s presence but has his or her own preferences and predispositions. Someone with an Undefined AJNA Center can have a very flexible thinking process open to all possibilities and to conditioning."
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open or undefined Ajna |
Not Self Decisions: I have to memorize this so I can show I'm certain or right.

True Self Open Ajna:
You learn to stop pretending that you are certain. You are comfortable saying "I don't know," "I don't remember," "Let me check my notes," "Let me get back to you." You enjoy the strength of taking in information like a sponge, having flexible and adaptable thinking. You know you are not rigid in your thinking. You are no longer concerned with looking smart. You catch yourself when that pressure comes up, and reassure yourself.
Wisdom: Knows what one can be certain about; recognizes which ideas, insights and opinions are useful, practical and worthy."
Not You: Remember you are receiving the energy of this center from anyone with this center defined. You may amplifying and mirroring the energy of this center back to them (which they may not like if they are not conscious of themselves).
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defined Throat |

True Self: Has a fixed style of speaking and/or acting. Uses strategy and authority to find the correct timing for communicating and acting. You can tell the world who you are, and what you can do.
Effect on Others: Remember you are sending out this energy to anyone with this center undefined/open. They may be excited, interested and open, or they may feel intruded upon or overwhelmed. They also may amplify and mirror the energy of this center back to you.
"The pressure of the THROAT Center is “what will I become or be?” and there is this tremendous pressure to become something because of the conditioning of society."
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open or undefined Throat |
Not Self Decisions: "I have to keep talking so I'll be noticed. I can't stand not taking action; Just do it. Silence drives me crazy."

True Self:
When at peace, you realize you don't have to do or say anything to get attention. You know when and what attention is worth getting. You become comfortable with silence. You are able to remain quiet until properly initiated to speak or do something. You no longer worry about planning what you will say. You also learn to recognize who speaks truth.
Wisdom: Knows who and what is worthy of attention; potential to express oneself in a variety of ways such as singing or multi-lingual
Not You: Remember you are receiving the energy of this center from anyone with this center defined. You may amplifying and mirroring the energy of this center back to them (which they may not like if they are not conscious of themselves).
Talking to Your Mind: Remember your open centers are telling your mind what you should be, from the Not Self.
Tip: If you want to have an important conversation with someone with a defined Throat, go to a public place with lots of people, so that the effect of the one person's defined Throat is diffused with other people's.
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defined G (or Self) |
Not Self Defined G:
You may initiate new directions or love relationships from the dictates of your mind, which are not actually right for you. You also may initiate leading others, when it is not right for them.

True Self Defined G:
You have fixed direction in life, influenced by your specific design. You can share comfort with others about the direction the group or community is taking. Comfortable following your strategy and authority, as it puts you in the right direction and with the right love in your life.
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open or undefined G (Self) |

True Self Open G:
When you become aware of correctly working with an open G, you honor that who you are with and where you are is very important. If they are making you feel comfortable, it's the right place and people to be around. You become at peace with having no fixed sense of direction, identity and love. You become comfortable not knowing who you are. You are appreciative of being open and flexible, and being guided by those around you. Also knowing you are a mirror for others.
Wisdom: "Knows what's truly of value and can help others find love and direction"
Not You: Remember you are receiving the energy of this center from anyone with this center defined. You may amplifying and mirroring the energy of this center back to them (which they may not like if they are not conscious of themselves).
Talking to Your Mind: Remember your open centers are telling your mind what you should be, from the Not Self.
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defined Heart, Ego or Will |
Not Self Defined Ego: "A pumped up ego and expecting everyone around them to be like them Puts pressure on others to prove themselves and keep promises Being too forceful

True Self: Consistent access to will power A natural sense of self-esteem and self-worth Fixed way of dealing with the material plane in terms of deals, bargains and promises"
Effect on Others: Remember you are sending out this energy to anyone with this center undefined/open. They may be excited, interested and open, or they may feel intruded upon or overwhelmed. They also may amplify and mirror the energy of this center back to you.
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open or undefined Heart, Ego or Will |

True Self Open Ego:
When you know you have an open ego center, you reassure yourself when you catch yourself trying to prove something to yourself or others, that you have nothing to prove. You also keep yourself from making promises in the false effort of proving worthiness. You refocus on your Strategy and Authority as the reason to work, rather than to prove yourself.
Not You: Remember you are receiving the energy of this center from anyone with this center defined. You may amplifying and mirroring the energy of this center back to them (which they may not like if they are not conscious of themselves).
Talking to Your Mind: Remember your open centers are telling your mind what you should be, from the Not Self.
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defined Spleen |
Not Self Defined Spleen: Ignores instincts in the moment; Lets their mind or other people's emotions overwhelm their instincts.

True Self Defined Spleen:
Correctly using your defined spleen, involves tuning into your Splenic awareness. You trust your gut feelings, intuition and hunches. You are able to relax into a sense of well being (and feel good), which you can share with others. You also learn to rely on your fixed way of processing fear which leads to a sense of security.
Authority: If the Spleen is your Authority, it means that you must listen to your intuition, as it speaks only once.
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open or undefined Spleen |
Not Self Decisions Open Spleen: "I'll stay with this (job, lover, apartment, etc) because I'm afraid I won't find a better one."
True Self Open Spleen:
When you are aware of your Open Spleen, you refocus on your Strategy and Authority to make decisions about who and what is worth having in your life, rather than from fear or dependency. You confront fear when appropriate. You find your specific way to take care of your health and your body.

Wisdom: Potential to be wise about health and the immune system: can recognize what is or is not healthy; can sense when others are not healthy."
Not You: Remember you are receiving the energy of this center from anyone with this center defined. You may amplifying and mirroring the energy of this center back to them (which they may not like if they are not conscious of themselves).
Talking to Your Mind: Remember your open centers are telling your mind what you should be, from the Not Self.
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defined Sacral |
If you have a defined Sacral, you are a Generator (or Manifesting Generator), as you know. (As a Generator, your Sacral is your Authority, unless you also have the Solar Plexus defined). You are an energy being. You can work from morning 'til night and rejuvenate overnight - if you are following your strategy and only working on things that are correct for you, meaning you have energy for. Before you know this, you are choosing projects with your mind instead of your body. So this means to be in the Not Self. You will be initiating instead of responding. Thus you will be frustrated with many things you agree to work on. Unfortunately, this means you won't find the joy you are capable of and you will deplete your sacral energy and quit a lot of dissatisfying projects.

True Self Defined Sacral:
When you follow your strategy, and check with your body and sounds from your gut, you find enjoyment from being busy doing what you love. You use your sacral energy without feeling depleted, and feel happy and satisfied. This requires practicing becoming at peace with waiting for things to respond to, rather than initiating.
When you follow your strategy, and check with your body and sounds from your gut, you find enjoyment from being busy doing what you love. You use your sacral energy without feeling depleted, and feel happy and satisfied. This requires practicing becoming at peace with waiting for things to respond to, rather than initiating.
- Responds with the Sacral voice (ah-HUH or UHN-un)
Effect on Others: Remember you are sending out this energy to anyone with this center undefined/open. They may be excited, interested and open, or they may feel intruded upon or overwhelmed. They also may amplify and mirror the energy of this center back to you.
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open or undefined Sacral |
The Not Self strategy of the Open Sacral Center is to do too much, not know when enough is enough (with sex, sleep, food, work, etc). You can become overzealous.
If you have an open Sacral, you are not a Generator nor an energy being. Because being a productive Generator is valued in our society, you will try to behave like one. You may exhause yourself through overwork to the point of illness. You may also become addicted to interacting with Generators, because you do not have your own source of energy (at least from this motor). You enjoy accessing the life force energy of their defined Sacral, this can also include the sexual nature of this energy, putting you at risk of sexual addiction as well.
If you have an open Sacral, you are not a Generator nor an energy being. Because being a productive Generator is valued in our society, you will try to behave like one. You may exhause yourself through overwork to the point of illness. You may also become addicted to interacting with Generators, because you do not have your own source of energy (at least from this motor). You enjoy accessing the life force energy of their defined Sacral, this can also include the sexual nature of this energy, putting you at risk of sexual addiction as well.

True Self Open Sacral:
When you follow your strategy, which will not be Sacral, you learn to stop working before you get tired. You allow yourself to take naps and go to bed early. You learn to notice when enough is enough. You learn to love what you are doing, in a peaceful and relaxed manner. You realize and learn to manage that you do not have a consistent source of sacral life force energy. You therefore work for shorter periods of time, as a specialist, consultant or guide (to Generators). You are aware of being influenced by others Sacral energy, and can choose when this is right for you to be around and when to remove yourself.
Wisdom: "Knows when enough is enough and can guide others to use their energy efficiently"
Not You: Remember you are receiving the energy of this center from anyone with this center defined. You may amplifying and mirroring the energy of this center back to them (which they may not like if they are not conscious of themselves).
Talking to Your Mind: Remember your open centers are telling your mind what you should be, from the Not Self.
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defined Solar Plexus |
Not Self Defined Solar Plexus:
If your Solar Plexus is defined, it is automatically your Authority, as you may know (even if your Sacral is also Defined). You are an Emotional Being, which means you have an emotional wave. You should not make impulsive decisions, especially when you are anxious. You can also put emotional pressure on others, sending emotional chaos into the environment. When you interact with those who have undefined or open Solar Plexus, you may become irritated that they amplify and reflect back to you your own emotions, without knowing this is what is happening, you will think they are overly emotional.

The Not Self strategy of the Defined Solar Plexus is to try to live in the moment and ignore their own emotions or let their mind or other people's emotions overwhelm their own emotions.
If your Solar Plexus is defined, it is automatically your Authority, as you may know (even if your Sacral is also Defined). You are an Emotional Being, which means you have an emotional wave. You should not make impulsive decisions, especially when you are anxious. You can also put emotional pressure on others, sending emotional chaos into the environment. When you interact with those who have undefined or open Solar Plexus, you may become irritated that they amplify and reflect back to you your own emotions, without knowing this is what is happening, you will think they are overly emotional.

The Not Self strategy of the Defined Solar Plexus is to try to live in the moment and ignore their own emotions or let their mind or other people's emotions overwhelm their own emotions.
True Self Defined Solar Plexus:
When you follow your strategy, you become familiar with your emotional wave, comfortable riding this wave waiting for clarity that comes when anxiety passes. You become more adept at feeling your own feelings. Your process helps increase your emotional wisdom. You also begin to recognize that others can reflect your emotions back to you, and learn to deal with this in a healthy way.
Effect on Others: Remember you are sending out this energy to anyone with this center undefined/open. They may be excited, interested and open, or they may feel intruded upon or overwhelmed. They also may amplify and mirror the energy of this center back to you.
When you follow your strategy, you become familiar with your emotional wave, comfortable riding this wave waiting for clarity that comes when anxiety passes. You become more adept at feeling your own feelings. Your process helps increase your emotional wisdom. You also begin to recognize that others can reflect your emotions back to you, and learn to deal with this in a healthy way.
Effect on Others: Remember you are sending out this energy to anyone with this center undefined/open. They may be excited, interested and open, or they may feel intruded upon or overwhelmed. They also may amplify and mirror the energy of this center back to you.
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open or undefined Solar Plexus |

Not Self Decisions: I just won't mention it because they might get upset"
True Self:
"It's Important enough to tell the other person how I really feel and allow their emotional wave to be whatever it is and not take it personally"
Not You: Remember you are receiving the energy of this center from anyone with this center defined. You may amplifying and mirroring the energy of this center back to them (which they may not like if they are not conscious of themselves).
Talking to Your Mind: Remember your open centers are telling your mind what you should be, from the Not Self.
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defined Root |

True Self Defined Root:
Working effectively with your defined root involves not expecting others to handle the load you can, not putting pressure on others, processing your own pressure by the rest of your design, and relying on your consistent internal manner of processing pressure.
Effect on Others: Remember you are sending out this energy to anyone with this center undefined/open. They may be excited, interested and open, or they may feel intruded upon or overwhelmed. They also may amplify and mirror the energy of this center back to you.
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open or undefined Root |
Not Self Decisions Open Root: "Hurry for no good reason; Speeding on the freeway or rushing through something you really enjoy like taking a shower or reading a book"

True Self Open Root:
When you know you have an open root, you can use your Strategy and Authority to decide what's worthy of dealing with quickly. You allow external pressure to flow through you without having to act on it. You catch yourself when you are hurrying to make a decision. You learn to use this pressure center to your advantage.
Wisdom: "Knows which pressures are worthy of speedy action"
Not You: Remember you are receiving the energy of this center from anyone with this center defined. You may amplifying and mirroring the energy of this center back to them (which they may not like if they are not conscious of themselves).
Talking to Your Mind: Remember your open centers are telling your mind what you should be, from the Not Self.
Introductory Astrology
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