Becoming more self-aware

Our rising sign or ascendant is what people first see or their first impression of us, but we may be fairly unconscious of what we are putting out there, because of course we cannot see ourselves, except in the mirror or in reflections through the feedback of others.  Most of us don't really like to view ourselves on tape or hear our voice on a recording, because we aren't full self-aware or it feels uncomfortable.  Here are some thoughts I learned at a recent training by Gary Lorentzen on this subject.

To learn what you are projecting and to be more self-aware

Ascendant signs greatest need for awareness, what they may be lacking most also:

  • ARIES: needs to be self-aware (ruled by Mars)
  • TAURUS: needs to have self-worth (ruled by Venus)
  • GEMINI: needs self-understanding, learning through communicating (ruled by Mercury)
  • CANCER: needs self-nurturing (ruled by the Moon)
  • LEO: needs creative self-expression (ruled by the Sun)
  • VIRGO: self-critical, needs to adjust self to reality (ruled by Mercury)
  • LIBRA: to find balance between personal and social/relationship
  • SCORPIO: needs to unite with others and to be open to being changed by others (ruled by Mars and Pluto)
  • SAGITTARIUS: needs to understand the culture and society they are in and to be more open-minded (ruled by Jupiter)
  • CAPRICORN: needs to be successful and accomplished (ruled by Saturn)
  • AQUARIUS:  needs to be both independent and socially involved (ruled by Uranus)
  • PISCES: needs to have faith in yourself and others, to be trusting and trustworthy (ruled by Jupiter and Neptune)

What behavior would best make that happen?

Look to the Ruling Planet of the Ascendant Sign:

  • Sun (ruling Leo): wants to be confident and self-assured
  • Moon (ruling Cancer): wants to be nurturing, being willing to change and emotionally intelligent
  • Mercury (ruling Gemini and Virgo): wants to be communicative, flexible, intelligent, using common sense
  • Venus (ruling Taurus): wants to be loving, affectionate, grateful, charming, social and artistic
  • Mars (ruling Aries and Scorpio): wants to be assertive, energetic, physical, direct and upfront
  • Jupiter (ruling Sagittarius and Pisces): wants to be educated, cultured, well traveled, philosophical, spiritual/religious
  • Saturn (ruling Capricorn): wants to be disciplined, organized, achievement oriented, self-sufficient
  • Uranus (ruling Aquarius): wants to be individualized, unique, ingenious, socially conscious, innovative, non-conforming, revolutionary
  • Neptune (ruling Pisces): wants to be spiritual, inspired and inspiring, caring and compassionate
  • Pluto (ruling Scorpio): wants to be transformative, intensely interested in things, is either calm and self-controlled or destructive

What do you need in order to have the best behavior?

What is the sign of that ruling planet? 
Look again at the list of sign needs above, this time for the Ruling planet of the Ascendant.

What life experiences and activities will help make the behavior happen?

What house is the Ruling planet falling in?
What do we need to experience?
  • First House: experiencing one's persona
  • Second House: experiencing one's resources and talents
  • Third House: communicating and learning
  • Fourth House: seeing and feeling most yourself, experiencing your personal identity
  • Fifth House: personal expression of who we truly are, being most comfortable
  • Sixth House: habits that sustain yourself, bridging self and others
  • Seventh House: partnering, relating to others, how you see others
  • Eighth House: capacity for being intimate, resulting from your partnering in 7th
  • Ninth House: finding meaning, understanding culture and your place in it, spirituality
  • Tenth House: contributing, activities that develop your social role, identity and reputation
  • Eleventh House: being in community, participating by using your role to contribute and cooperate
  • Twelfth House: trusting in fellow humans, transcending the ego and paranoia, capacity for compassion and sympathy

Is this intensified by any Rising Planets

Are there any Rising Planets?
Look  at any Rising Planets which will add their energy.

What are the modifications of behavior?

Are there aspects to the ruling planet?
Trines and sextiles would of course be supportive, while squares would be challenging, etc.


My Chart:

My Rising Sign is Sagittarius, with Ruling Planet of Jupiter in Cancer in 7th house, part of a Grand Trine.

  • SAGITTARIUS Rising: needs to understand the culture and society they are in and to be more open-minded (ruled by Jupiter)
  • Jupiter (ruling Sagittarius and Pisces): wants to be educated, cultured, well traveled, philosophical, spiritual/religious
  • CANCER: needs to be self-nurturing 
  • Seventh House: partnering, relating to others, how you see others
  • Grand Trine Water: emotional connections, fluid, perhaps lacking boundaries
  • Rising Planets: 
  • Moon: wants to be nurturing, being willing to change and emotionally intelligent
  • Venus: wants to be loving, affectionate, grateful, charming, social and artistic
  • Mars (ruling Aries and Scorpio): wants to be assertive, energetic, physical, direct and upfront

Introductory Astrology and Calendar


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