Series of Three Eclipses

I wrote this on around June 8th: Wow, these are crazy times. The entire world has been on lockdown (to some degree) due to COVID-19.  Then George Floyd was killed due to police brutality.  There has been protesting around the world for over 10 days now.

The effect of these three eclipses for me.
Jun 5 Lunar Eclipse P 15° 34’ Sagittarius 4:12 AM12th house cusp: 26 ScorpioTWELFTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the twelfth house, you may recognize an overwhelming need for rest and spiritual renewal. You've been busy with all sorts of everyday activities, deeply involved in your work and routines. It's time to balance your life with some down time--otherwise, you simply don't feel whole. There can be exposure of a private or even clandestine matter in some cases. Secrets can emerge at this time, or there can be a desire to do something private, secret, or risky. A work project can come to fruition. / Unredeemed past karma; the dark forces of ignorance, Inversion of the soul force, Bondage to the personality, Selfless service to humanity, Access to the collective experience of one`s past lives, Resurrection in service to the World Savior (the Soul)
Jun 21 Solar Eclipse A 00° 21’ Cancer CD 1:41 PM,7th house cusp: 17 GeminiSEVENTH: The focus is on one to one human interaction at a personal level and a business level. A sense of incompleteness encourages individuals to seek an equivalent in order to enhance self-esteem. The meaningful alliances are generally expressed as marital or business partnerships. The Solar Eclipse in the seventh house strengthens relationships that are solid and satisfying while disbanding relationships that are unbalanced or unrewarding. Harmony and balance are important to emotional growth. Self-worth can be realized through one's ability to assist another person to meet his/her needs. / The Dweller on the Threshold, Soul mate and/or special co-workers, The Path of Union between the Soul and the personality
Jul 4 Lunar Eclipse P 13° 38’ Capricorn CD 11:44 PM

(The Solar Eclipse of last Dec. was in the first house.)
1st house cusp: 17 SagFIRST HOUSE: A Lunar Eclipse in the first house, it may be time to change your image or redefine your personality in some manner. Finding a balance between autonomy and dependence is what this eclipse is about for you. Your emotions are on your sleeve right now. It is a good time to put your needs first, but doing so with respect for others will take you further. Whether you can succeed as a leader is "tested" right now. There may be some drama involving a significant other. / The Soul Body, the aura, soul purpose, ray type, head chakra, expressions of manifested will, activities of the soul

June Lunar Eclipse


I love Astrology King, and here's excerpts from his article:

"The Full Moon on Friday, June 5, 2020, at 15 degrees Sagittarius, is a lunar eclipse. The lunar eclipse June 2020 astrology is impulsive and angry because the Moon is square Mars. The Moon is also opposite Venus retrograde which not a good omen for love relationships. Strong relationships will withstand the test through patience and unconditional love.

Lunar eclipse square Mars with the tiny orb of 0°18′ is easily the strongest influence on the lunar eclipse June 2020 astrology. It brings simmering anger to the surface so care is required to avoid being hurt or causing harm. You could lose your temper with a loved one or face emotional attacks from others. There is a danger when taking risks or acting impulsively. But holding onto anger and frustration is not advised, so some degree of emotional discomfort is to be expected.

Lunar eclipse opposite Venus brings the potential for laziness, gluttony, carelessness with money, and indiscretion in love. You will likely want more love and affection but have trouble giving it. If dating, you may have a tendency to lower your standards just to be with someone.

Venus retrograde also makes giving and receiving love and affection more difficult and can indicate financial stress. Old friends or lovers may reappear or you may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues. But pleasant destiny encounters are possible and you could find your soul mate, and experience a feeling of inevitability or familiarity.

The effects of the June 5 lunar eclipse may not last the usual six months of an eclipse because it is superseded by the July 5 lunar eclipse. But the June 5 lunar eclipse will form an eclipse phase of at least two weeks duration with the June 21 solar eclipse."

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde 2020 begins on June 18 at 14° Cancer and ends on July 12 at 5° Cancer.

June Solar Eclipse

Astrology King says:

"The new moon June 2020 solar eclipse at 00°21′ Cancer makes just one significant planetary aspect as shown in the chart below. Although a solar eclipse quincunx Saturn may be termed a minor aspect, it is an important influence in this case because the aspect orb is only 0°19′. So balancing personal freedoms against responsibility and restrictions is a major theme for this eclipse. A fixed star at 00°11′ Cancer also has an effect on this solar eclipse. A strong influence with an orb of only 0°10′."

Mars entered Aries
"Astrological Mars traversing its own sign of Aries, the me-first sign, begins June 27, 2020 edt with a sextile to Saturn Rx @00AQ15, an aspect of modesty, setting priorities, and/or multi-tasking. This is not the only positive aspect that Mars, planet of energy and motivation, will make on its journey through Aries but it is the first and on some level, will set the tone until Mars enters Venus-ruled Taurus on or about January 6, 2021 (est)."  source  

July Lunar Eclipse

Astrology King again: 

"The July 5 lunar eclipse is opposite Mercury and trine Uranus. But as the chart below shows, these are only mild influences because the aspect orbs are quite wide. Moon conjunct Jupiter at nearly 10 degrees orb may only have a very slight impact, but a positive one. The Sun, Moon, and Mercury are all joined by very beneficial fixed stars. Overall, the aspect and stars have a positive influence on lunar eclipse July 2020. Even the normally challenging influence of Mercury retrograde is less of a concern than usual."

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