"Hello, in relationships I’m trying to figure out why I am passive. I listen more than I speak (in my profession). If someone states something as a fact, and it’s really a preference, I will usually defer. I have a lot to say but struggling making it understandable. I often swallow a lot. I realize later “why didn’t I say that?”
I think this is because of my split I have 43 defined (Neptune and Mercury) and nothing in 23 I believe 23 is how you put knowledge into language people can understand, so I have a defined throat, as well as defined had ajna, they’re just not connected. My three open centers are ego, solar, plexus, root. So that would be where I take in other people's energy. Any thoughts?"
"Yes your Personality Mercury is about your conscious communication, and Neptune brings a veil..
So because your conscious communication (43.4 Mercury) is conjunct your Neptune (43.1) ~ it’s veiled!
Neptune 43.1 Patience
Mercury 43.4 One-track Mind
And with mental definition disconnected from the throat, your words will never come out the way you want them to.
And your undefined Solar Plexus makes you inclined to want to avoid emotional confrontation, perhaps why you “swallow a lot” rather than confront.
You have a passive, receptive, meditative mind (Tone 4 Personality). You are storing visual information inwardly, after seeing and experiencing things, and others draw upon your Mind for your meditations (Tone 4) about what Doesn’t Work (Line 3)."
"You are a passive discoverer of what risks are worth taking, and what risks are not worth taking (28.3) and this is an ongoing trial and error process.
Sun 28.3 Adventurism
But yeah your not-self Mind says that “I need to explain my insights and be understood” (bridging Gate 43), but also ~ “I need to avoid confrontation (undefined Solar Plexus) in order to be liked and prove that I’m worthy (undefined ego), and to be free of the pressure (undefined Root).”
3/5... You've had a lifetime of being projected on that 'you know better, why did you do/say that'.... Especially with that 31.5 design sun, it's all about leadership through influence... You've been conditioned out of trying to influence people bc you got burned at the stake for it (.5)
Your undefined solar plexus as well leads you to avoid confrontation/truth/transparency.
Your head/ajna has two full channels.... Two channels connecting the same two centers always creates a dilemma...
Your main code 28.3 is also a lot about trial and error with risk and caution, 27.3 trial and error between selfishness/selflessness.
Earth 27.3 Greed
Your Neptune being the 43 can lead you to focus on the anxiety/fear of rejection from sharing your unique knowing
Your Jupiter represents how you cooperate with others 15 (modesty which creates a channel with your 5.6 timing) and your design side is your 45.6 detriment (the 45 is the voice of the tribal leader but will only be involved with things that are mutative)
Jupiter 15.4 Wallflower
Moon 5.2 Inner Peace (below)
Subconscious South Node 5.2 Inner Peace (below)
Moon 5.2
Especially since you're a 5, being more aware of the projection field and how it conditions you will help a lot... Especially with your 31.5 (projection of how they want you to lead or influence) and your 41.5 (projection that you'll provide the energy to fuel their emotions and fantasies)
Design Sun 31.5 Self-righteousness
Design Earth 41.5 Authorization (below)
Are you getting seduced and pulled by the projection field or are you using your authority?
Your Pluto's though (your inner truth beyond Neptune veil 43) are the 47.1 (being an authority on realization) and the 64.4 (externalizing confusion or being very fixed on a specific confusion/ asking the right questions so we can make sense of the past) 64-47 is the mystorian/historian/story teller..."
Design Pluto 64.4 Conviction
Pluto 47.1 Taking Stock
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