Chiron in the 3rd house has to do with your ability to process information mentally and to communicate.
If you have Chiron in the 3rd house, you might have difficulty expressing yourself and being heard. Sometimes, you are easily heard, but your true intentions don’t come across.
It’s easy for Chiron in the 3rd house people to incur destructive or negative thought patterns, but they might alternatively avoid anything emotional and have difficulty discussing what they feel. Most people with Chiron in the 3rd house fall into one of these two extremes.
I find that people with Chiron in the 3rd house often believe strongly in rationality and logic, but this is sometimes at the expense of developing their intuition or following their gut feelings. Alternatively, these folks will use only emotion and throw logic and intuition to the wayside.
Sometimes, there is even a bit of both. The third house can be a bit erratic because it is the house of Gemini, so the individual with Chiron in the 3rd house might sometimes be completely illogical and emotional, but other times rely only on facts and avoid displays of emotion or empathy.
I also notice that Chiron in the 3rd house can relate to learning disabilities, such as dyslexia or ADD. These folks think a bit differently than others, and while there is nothing wrong with that, they inherently don’t like their differences. It is their own judgments of their differences (that are formed from society) that cause the issues.
Occasionally, Chiron in the 3rd house can also refer to a wound with siblings. There may be past life trauma or wounds with these specific siblings, or the siblings may just be unable to communicate effectively. This causes a deep wound and hurt for the Chiron in the 3rd house individual.
The way to heal Chiron in the 3rd house is to speak your truth. Learn to value your own thoughts and opinions, and practice balancing gut instincts with logic. You will develop your own method of communication with enough practice, but you must first let go of the judgement that either you or society has cast on your mental abilities." Tea & Rosemary
My Chiron is in Pisces in the 3rd, conjunct Saturn, opposed Pluto and Uranus, square Moon, Venus & Mars
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