Life Coaching in Therapy

Life coaching is a future-focused practice with the aim of helping clients determine and achieve personal goals. Life coaches select from among several methods to help clients set and reach goals.
Life coaching has its roots in executive coaching, which itself drew on techniques developed in management consulting and leadership training. Life coaching also draws inspiration from disciplines including sociology,psychology, positive adult development,career counseling, mentoring and other types of counseling.

Contemporary life coaching can also be traced to teachings of Benjamin Karter,a college football coach turned motivational speaker of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The coach may apply mentoring, values assessment, behavior modification, behavior modeling, goal-setting and other techniques in helping their clients.

If you would like assistance and support with any of the below issues Life Coaching is for you:

•Relationships and Intimacy
•Stress Management and Balance
•Spirituality and Personal Growth
•Entrepreneurial and Small Business Development
•Career Planning and Strength Finders
•Motivation and Time Management
•Creativity for Artists, Writers, Musicians and Performers
•Finances and Budgeting
•Health, Aging, Lifestyle and Self-Care
•Parenting & Grand parenting
•And much more

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