
Eclipses and You: How to Align with Life's Hidden Tides

Eclipses and You: How to Align with Life's ...
by Judith Hill
I went to a lecture tonight by astrologer and author, Judith Hill, on eclipses.
You will want to get this book to learn more about the polarity of eclipses.
They are either associated with north node or south node, and she has a table in the book.

Fire Eclipses: often bring wildfires

  • Aries: sudden, dramatic, immediate, quick
  • Leo: hot, intense, long term results (fixed), heart based
  • Sagittarius: travel related (do not fly), insomnia, mania, can be spiritual
Water Eclipses: bring water related tragedies or storms
  • Cancer: moody, domestic life, water, women, brain, stomach, womb
  • Scorpio: intensity, medical, insurance, takeovers, vermin
  • Pisces: depression, oceans, lack of boundaries, mysticism, sleepy, meditation
Air Eclipses: wind storms
  • Gemini: nervous system, mind, don't fly, don't take meds.
  • Libra: marriage, time to rest, meditate
  • Aquarius: ideas, insemination, lightening, electricity, don't get a haircut, ice
Earth Eclipses: grains, earth/dust storms
  • Taurus: body, money, toxins
  • Virgo: prolitariate, liver, thyroid
  • Capricorn: cold weather, allergens, mountains, obstacles

Aquarius: ideas, insemination, lightening, electricity, don't get a haircut, ice

Gemini: nervous system, mind, don't fly, don't take meds.

Libra: marriage, time to rest, meditate

Capricorn: cold weather, allergens, mountains, obstacles

Taurus: body, money, toxins

Virgo: prolitariate, liver, thyroid

Aries: sudden, dramatic, immediate, quick

Leo: hot, intense, long term results (fixed), heart based

Sagittarius: travel related (do not fly), insomnia, mania, can be spiritual

Cancer: moody, domestic life, water, women, brain, stomach, womb

Pisces: depression, oceans, lack of boundaries, mysticism, sleepy, meditation

Scorpio: intensity, medical, insurance, takeovers, vermin

Lunar Eclipses

If this Lunar eclipse conjuncts a planet in your chart, you may feel its intensity more than others. If the Lunar Eclipse conjuncts your Sun, for example, it can act like a charge of energy. The desire --or necessity-- to turn over a new leaf is strong. A significant other or the public can play a large role in the events of your life now. In major aspect to the Moon, a Lunar Eclipse can trigger major changes to your living situation and personal life, including personal relationships. Circumstances that significantly change your daily routine and domestic world can arise. Possible issues for the eclipse's transit to natal houses:

  •  FIRST HOUSE: A Lunar Eclipse in the first house, it may be time to change your image or redefine your personality in some manner. Finding a balance between autonomy and dependence is what this eclipse is about for you. Your emotions are on your sleeve right now. It is a good time to put your needs first, but doing so with respect for others will take you further. Whether you can succeed as a leader is "tested" right now. There may be some drama involving a significant other. 
  •  SECOND: A Lunar Eclipse in the second house, you may get a cosmic push to make necessary financial changes in your life. Sharing issues come into focus, as do issues of power--what's yours and what's mine. Your comfort zones matter, and now is the time to take care of your own needs without eclipsing the needs of others. A financial settlement, the beginning or end of a particular debt, and other such scenarios can be part of the picture now. 
  •  THIRD: A Lunar Eclipse in the third house, there may be some sort of drama surrounding communication, modes of transportation, schooling, mobility, neighbors, or siblings. Daily routines can change dramatically. There may be a major event in the life of a sibling. There could be a publishing offer or you might be in a position to promote yourself. Travel or education plans may come to fruition. You might gain an entirely different perspective on a matter. 
  •  FOURTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the fourth house, domestic conditions are illuminated. House repairs, family dramas, and other such issues need serious attention. The demands of your personal life are now paramount. Striking a balance between energy spent on work and energy spent on domestic matters is essential now. Balanced attention to your public and personal lives is what you need to focus on. It's time to prioritize. A major career project can come to fruition or completion. 
  •  FIFTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the fifth house, a romantic affair may be tested. If love is true, there's nothing to fear. The demands of your larger goals in life may have been eclipsing your pleasure-seeking activities. Also possible, your children may be going through their own changes and "stages", and need more attention now, or a child could be experiencing a major new beginning. Some might have a child. A new creative project might begin now. 
  •  SIXTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the sixth, there could be changes necessary in your job or health routines. You can use this surge of emotional energy to make positive changes to your routines. Do something to improve your work conditions if they are annoying you. Get going on your exercise or nutrition program that you know you have to do in order to feel more balanced. A work project or a job itself can begin or end now. A physical or mental health issue might come to light. 
  •  SEVENTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the seventh house, partnerships may be tested, but there is nothing to fear if the relationship is strong. The seventh house represents an important one-to-one relationship--a marriage partner, significant other, business partner, or an adversary. It's time to strike a balance between your own needs and those of another. It's time to compromise and negotiate. You might suddenly find yourself with more social opportunities, or you might acquire many new clients. 
  •  EIGHTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the eighth house, some drama with regards to a spouse's income, or your taxes, debts, and investments, may occur on a mundane level. It may be time to settle some of your debts, financial or otherwise. What makes you feel comfortable and secure needs to be balanced with attention to other people's needs and comfort levels. There can be new money coming into your life. 
  •  NINTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the ninth house, your personal beliefs may be tested. Your hunger for adventure or learning may come into focus. All of the attention you've been giving to mundane affairs has you wondering when you're going to have some fun. You want to take a leap of faith now. There may be an important beginning or culmination in education. If you are in business, a writer, or the like, you might reach a wider audience. 
  •  TENTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the tenth house, you may need to review and change your career goals. Career matters come to a head, but as the seventh house from the fourth, so might a personal, domestic, family, or house and home matter. You're called to perform, possibly on a moment's notice, and it's best to keep your cool and do whatever you can to show your competence. 
  •  ELEVENTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the eleventh house, friendships may be tested, or your relationship to groups or organizations. You're looking for validation from friends and group activities now. There can be a major event involving a child or a romantic partner, or a culmination of a creative project can occur at this time. 
  •  TWELFTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the twelfth house, you may recognize an overwhelming need for rest and spiritual renewal. You've been busy with all sorts of everyday activities, deeply involved in your work and routines. It's time to balance your life with some down time--otherwise, you simply don't feel whole. There can be exposure of a private or even clandestine matter in some cases. Secrets can emerge at this time, or there can be a desire to do something private, secret, or risky. A work project can come to fruition.

Solar Eclipses

Eclipses in your natal houses

  • FIRST HOUSE: The focus is on personal development. Self-recognition is essential to self-esteem and growth. Acknowledgement of a weakness is as important to development as the recognition of strengths. No person can exist without some form of weakness. Some people experience identity crises or ruminate on self-doubts as part of the growth process. The Eclipse's influence is one in which the individual realizes that personal potentials can be developed and expresses them more fully. Self-knowledge, self-confidence, and self-enrichment lead to an expansion of personal horizons for those who respond positively to Solar Eclipse energies. A negative reaction blocks growth potentials and gives rise to arrogance and self-gratification. People that are too satisfied with the "self" as they are, fail to recognize what they have become.
  • SECOND HOUSE: The focus is on financial perspectives. The ego drives one to seek financial and material status. Excessive ego may prompt a person's attempt to increase income by expanding resources while another person may try to amass assets for savings or other security means. Acquiring large debts while purchasing material objects can satisfy the ego; or displays of financial generosity might give another person a sense of pride. The results of the Solar Eclipse period within the second house might range from proportional prosperity to economic ruin. However, security and growth is not merely financial activity; the focus deals with the development of material values and obligatory attitudes that promote inner growth as well as material and psychological security.
  • THIRD: The focus is on intellectual and communicative needs. Self-satisfaction is likely to be achieved through learning and teaching - not always in the areas of teaching in the professional sense, but teaching by outwardly articulating ideas and knowledge in conversation or in written form. Intellectual pursuit might take on various forms, and the effort is rewarded with a increased aware of the personal environment
  • FOURTH: The focus is on the incentive to establish the type of home life feels comfortable and reflects security. Improvement are likely to be expressed by improving the tangible features of home or by improving family relationships (or both). A Solar Eclipse may be the impetus to move to another location. Parents, family dynamics, and lifestyle are important issues at this time. Change and adjustment is often necessary in order to satisfy the emotional needs of the individual.
  • FIFTH: The focus is on the need to risk expressing oneself creatively and affectionately. The fifth house, ruled by the Sun, represents the soul and life essence; the areas in a person's life that brings them joy. The individual emphasizes activities and relationships that allow enjoyment and create happy feelings as a means to develop self-esteem. A parent often finds that during the eclipse period that bonding with children cultivates inner growth and ego satisfaction for the children and the parent. A balance of give and take is essential. Too much of one or the other tends to block potential growth.
  • SIXTH: The focus is on personal health, employment environments and job relationships. A positive response to the Solar Eclipse typically results in better health and nutritional practices. The satisfaction that a person feels in a healthy work situation is also essential. Reducing work-related health hazards, whether physical or psychological, can positively affect one's overall productivity. Finding positive ways to improve cooperation between co-workers can also have a lasting impact on one's health.
  • SEVENTH: The focus is on one to one human interaction at a personal level and a business level. A sense of incompleteness encourages individuals to seek an equivalent in order to enhance self-esteem. The meaningful alliances are generally expressed as marital or business partnerships. The Solar Eclipse in the seventh house strengthens relationships that are solid and satisfying while disbanding relationships that are unbalanced or unrewarding. Harmony and balance are important to emotional growth. Self-worth can be realized through one's ability to assist another person to meet his/her needs.
  • EIGHTH: The focus is on sharing material, physical, and/or inner spheres. Activation of the material assets that may be shared with the marriage partner or business associates. Activation of the physical sensory may arouse aggressive sexual urges. The psychological or inner response accentuates spiritual evolution and psychic development. The individual's motivation may depend upon his/her own level of growth attained to this stage of life.
  • NINTH: The focus is on the development of abstract or intangible thought. Questions of morality, ethics, religious practices, and philosophical issues are addressed in an attempt to develop a personal guide; a foundation and a sense of structure for living life. During Solar Eclipse's influence, higher education, cultural expansion, and travel experiences play a part in the individual's exploration for wisdom and truth.
  • TENTH: The focus is on career advancement and social reputation. A sense of pressure may be experienced for developing public recognition that induces the determination to advance one's goals. The individual may look for tangible evidence (pay increase, promotion, public publicity, etc.) that his/her efforts are being rewarded and as a display of success.
  • ELEVENTH: The focus is on society and the human race. Group interests and organizational involvement become more significant in one's life. It is typically through eleventh house relationships and experiences that charitable viewpoints develop. One's own sense of worth is advanced when selfless humanitarian acts become a common practice or accepted as a natural decree of the universe.
  • TWELFTH: The focus is on psychological development and spiritual growth. Outward expressions of psychic and spiritual activity impact the inner person. One grows increasingly aware of the interdependency that must exist between the physical and spiritual natures. Psychological fears and repressed desires can manifest as can as untrustworthy and deceptive tendencies during the influence of the Solar Eclipse. The secretive side of one's nature becomes more apparent or active for better or for worse. In the case of the latter, positive growth depends upon taking appropriate corrective actions.


Here are more interpretations of eclipses through the houses:

Eclipses: personal look

Eclipses and You: How to Align with Life's Hidden Tides

Eclipses and You: How to Align with Life's ...
by Judith Hill
I went to a lecture tonight by astrologer and author, Judith Hill, on eclipses.

Here I have marked the eclipses of 2013 and upcoming in 2014 on my chart.
She says to use whole house system, which I did not, mostly b/c I'm lazy.

click for larger

NN means a North Node eclipse and SN means a South Node eclipse.

Meaning of eclipses in signs and houses of my chart:
  • Apr 25, 2013 3:57 PM Sun 5 Tau 45 Opposition Moon 5 Sco 45(LE) partial lunar eclipse (south node in Taurus) NN - Moon was conjunct my Sun in 11th house. NN means it was positive.  I don't remember what was happening then.  (Greg's Neptune 9 degrees Scorpio in his 11th house)
  • May 9, 2013 8:28 PM Sun 19 Tau 32 Conjunct Moon 19 Tau 32(SE) annular solar eclipse (south node in Taurus) SN  This would have been opposing my Neptune and Mercury 11th house and negative polarity. This was my deceased brother's birthday. (no planets for Greg 6/12 houses)
  • May 25, 2013 12:25 AM Sun 4 Gem 08 Opposition Moon 4 Sag 08(LE) penumb lunar eclipse (north node in Scorpio... so) NN  The moon was conjunct my own South Node and the Sun was conjunct my north node, and it was positive polarity. 6th/12th (Greg's moon is 5 Sag, so this must have been significant).
  • Oct 18, 2013 7:37 PM Sun 25 Lib 45 Opposition Moon 25 Ari 45(LE) penumb lunar eclipse (north node in Scorpio, so) SN  This was 4th/10th stuff for me, and negative polarity. (This is when the govt shut down). (Greg's Venus is 24 Aries)
  • This Oct. 31st we dressed as Dia De Los Meurtos
  • Nov 3, 2013 7:50 AM Sun 11 Sco 16 Conjunct Moon 11 Sco 16(SE) ann-total solar eclipse (north node in Scorpio) NN This was not conjunct but in the sign of my Sun, 11th house, positive polarity.  It certainly was intense.  Water eclipses are emotional, Scorpio eclipses are intense. Boundaries between living and dead are thin.  Can experience an ego power surge within the next year. (Greg's neptune is 9 Scorpio)
Next Year
  • Apr 15, 2014 3:42 AM Sun 25 Ari 16 Opposition Moon 25 Lib 16(LE) total lunar eclipse NN influx of energy 4th/10th, Libra marriage (good since NN), also good time to rest and meditate (Greg's Venus is 24 Aries 5th house, so this is a date we should watch for)
  • Apr 29, 2014 2:14 AM Sun 8 Tau 52 Conjunct Moon 8 Tau 52(SE) annular non-central eclipse SN This will be drain of energy conjunct my Sun/ego 11th, negative polarity, better plan for this. (Greg's Neptune is 9 Scorpio)
  • Oct 8, 2014 6:50 AM Sun 15 Lib 05 Opposition Moon 15 Ari 05(LE) total lunar eclipse SN drain of energy in 4th/11th, Aries eclipse are sudden, dramatic, quick, firey (not close enough to Greg's Venus)
  • Oct 23, 2014 5:56 PM Sun 0 Sco 25 Conjunct Moon 0 Sco 25(SE) partial solar eclipse NN This will be influx of energy conjunct my Sun/ego 11th, positive polarity, Water eclipses are emotional, Scorpio eclipses are intense.  Will again experience an ego power surge in the next year. (Not close enough to Greg's Neptune)
my husband

Eclipse and Lunation Calendar

Eclipse and Lunation Calendar

  • Apr 25, 2013 3:57 PM Sun 5 Tau 45 Opposition Moon 5 Sco 45(LE) partial lunar eclipse (south node in Taurus) NN
  • May 9, 2013 8:28 PM Sun 19 Tau 32 Conjunct Moon 19 Tau 32(SE) annular solar eclipse (south node in Taurus) SN
  • May 25, 2013 12:25 AM Sun 4 Gem 08 Opposition Moon 4 Sag 08(LE) penumb lunar eclipse (north node in Scorpio... so) NN
  • Oct 18, 2013 7:37 PM Sun 25 Lib 45 Opposition Moon 25 Ari 45(LE) penumb lunar eclipse (north node in Scorpio, so) SN
  • Nov 3, 2013 7:50 AM Sun 11 Sco 16 Conjunct Moon 11 Sco 16(SE) ann-total solar eclipse (north node in Scorpio) NN
  • Apr 15, 2014 3:42 AM Sun 25 Ari 16 Opposition Moon 25 Lib 16(LE) total lunar eclipse NN
  • Apr 29, 2014 2:14 AM Sun 8 Tau 52 Conjunct Moon 8 Tau 52(SE) annular non-central eclipse SN
  • Oct 8, 2014 6:50 AM Sun 15 Lib 05 Opposition Moon 15 Ari 05(LE) total lunar eclipse SN
  • Oct 23, 2014 5:56 PM Sun 0 Sco 25 Conjunct Moon 0 Sco 25(SE) partial solar eclipse NN

Nov 17, 2013 SundayNovember Full Moon
25 degrees Taurus
Dec 02, 2013 MondayDecember New Moon
10 degrees Sagittarius
Dec 17, 2013 TuesdayDecember Full Moon
25 degrees Gemini
Jan 01, 2014January New Moon 
Jan 15, 2014January Full Moon 
Jan 30, 20142nd January New Moon 
Feb 14, 2014February Full Moon 
Mar 01, 2014March New Moon 
Mar 16, 2014March Full Moon 
Mar 30, 20142nd March New Moon 
Apr 15, 2014April Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse
Apr 29, 2014April New Moon / Solar Eclipse
May 14, 2014May Full Moon 
May 28, 2014May New Moon 
Jun 13, 2014June Full Moon 
Jun 27, 2014June New Moon 
Jul 12, 2014July Full Moon 
Jul 26, 2014July New Moon 
Aug 10, 2014August Full Moon 
Aug 25, 2014August New Moon 
Sep 08, 2014September Full Moon 
Sep 24, 2014September New Moon 
Oct 08, 2014October Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse
Oct 23, 2014October New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse
Nov 06, 2014November Full Moon 
Nov 22, 2014November New Moon 
Dec 06, 2014December Full Moon 
Dec 21, 2014December New Moon 

Work and Money

Work and Money
Key Factors to Look For in the Natal Chart For Determining Money Potential:
  1. The condition of the 2nd house for one's personal assets: planets found within the house and their aspects; the ruler of the second house and its position by sign, house and aspect; and the sign on the cusp of the second house. 
  2. The condition of the 8th house for one's personal assets accumulated through partnership and/or marriage: planets found within the house and their aspects; the ruler of the eighth house and its position by sign, house and aspect; and the sign on the cusp of the eighth house.
  3. The condition of the 11th house for one's personal assets accumulated through business and career: planets found within the house and their aspects; the ruler of the eleventh house and its position by sign, house and aspect; and the sign on the cusp of the eleventh house.
  4. The condition of Venus, the natural ruler of the second house, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion. Also, look for where the signs Taurus and Sagittarius are found in the chart.
  5. The chart ruler (ruler of the Ascendant) and its relationship to the rulers of the second and eighth houses. Also take note of any planets found in the second and eighth houses.
  6. The condition of Saturn and Mars in the chart, in order to determine the native's drive and ambition. On their own, these factors do not show money potential, but they are contributing factors to accumulating wealth.

Astrology Topics: The Astrology of Money & Wealth

Work Your Stars!: Using Astrology to Navigate Your Career Path, Shine on the Job, and Guide Your Business Decisions
Work Your Stars!: Using Astrology to Naviga...
by Matthew Abergel
From Work Your Stars

Your Sun Sign show your strengths and weaknesses as it relates to your mission.

Your Rising sign is the image you most want to present in the workplace and how you want to enhance your  public and professional image

Your Moon sign indicates what kind of environment you want to work in and how you handle stress.

Your Mercury is how you communicate and show your expertise.

Your Venus shows how you network, cooperate and get along socially in your career world.

Your Mars indicates your leadership style and how you resolve conflict and assert yourself.

Your Jupiter is the key to opening up greater opportunities and how you maintain faith in your career development.

Your Saturn shows limits to your potential and how you will overcome them.

Your Zodiac Sign, Your Health

Interesting article

"Many doctors used to take astrology seriously—and season of birth has been linked to increased risk for a number of serious diseases. Can modern medicine actually learn from stars and seasonality?"

Read more here:

12th House Signs

12th House Signs
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of AriesAries
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of TaurusTaurus
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of GeminiGemini
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of CancerCancer
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of LeoLeo
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of VirgoVirgo
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of LibraLibra
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of ScorpioScorpio
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of SagittariusSagittarius
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of CapricornCapricorn
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of AquariusAquarius
Celebrities with 12th House in the astrological sign of PiscesPisces

Donna Cunningham on 12th house planets!

Donna Cunningham on 12th house planets!

Chart Angles

What is your Ascendant Sign (AC)? (Most Visible)
Do you have any planets conjunct your Ascendant?

What is your Descendant Sign (DC)? (Shadow Side)

Read about some Ascendant/Descendant polarities:

What is your Midheaven Sign (MC)?           (Public Persona, particularly in Internet)
Do you have any planets conjunct your MC?

What is your Immum Coeli (IC)? aka Nadir           (House of Home, Home Base)
(Latin for "bottom of the sky")

Read about some MC / IC polarities:

Planets Conjunct Angles

Aries Midheaven SignTaurus Midheaven Sign
Gemini Midheaven SignCancer Midheaven Sign
Leo Midheaven SignVirgo Midheaven Sign
Libra Midheaven SignScorpio Midheaven Sign
Sagittarius Midheaven SignCapricorn Midheaven Sign
Aquarius Midheaven SignPisces Midheaven Sign

Here I have marked my angles.
My Visible AC: Sagittarius (Fire)-- My Shadow DC: Gemini (Air)
My Public Persona MC: Libra (Air) --- My Home Life DC: Aries (Fire)

Your MC needs to please your IC.

"You will not be possessed, you need the freedom to come and go as you please. If you make arrangements ahead of time you can opt out if a more interesting offer comes up. Your relationships are viewed through the intellect, and you find it hard to debate beyond your own opinions. You need stimulating people in your life, but with your fiery disposition you can provoke arguments in close relationships and partnerships through your definite opinions. In close relationships you must learn to appreciate other people’s points of view without taking it as a personal confrontation or attack. You have a tendency to jump to conclusions and judge situations without taking all the facts into consideration which can provoke arguments. You can appear to preach or lecture which could make your partner or others switch off from your views and opinions, perhaps refusing to speak or discuss any further issues. When your friends need help you can be too soft for your own good and this can meet with disagreements from others in your circle of close friends who say you are too soft. When your actions or opinions are challenged, you can provoke situations by being tactlessly honest or outspoken which can attract scathing comments and opposition from those who feel offended by your apparent lack of decorum. You can hook into mind games, playing one situation off against another to win credits; this can become a real issue in relationships because you always want to be right but you cannot always be right. You must learn to get your facts straight before casting judgement on others because you can make incorrect statements out of turn. If you listen to other people’s views and opinions with an open mind and respect them, then you will become very wise, and you will have very rewarding relationships. "

"You could have been placed in a ‘take-charge’ position at a young age due to family circumstances, but this helped you to develop personal independence. You may have faced aggression in friendship in your primary years, but you learned to walk away from aggression and people who try to control you. You do not like to get involved in conflicts, but if you are pushed to your limit, you will break friendships that are not compatible. You do not like upheaval in your life, you like to balance relationships, and you tend to take the supportive role in friendship; this strengthens your friendships and relationships, and gives you a sense of inner satisfaction. In your childhood, you were exposed to issues of leadership (you had to learn to become independent). You either played the leading role, or you were led around by friends; from this you learned to balance relationships – ‘give and take’ equally. You are only too willing to help or support your friends; ‘you are there for them’ and you will ‘back them’ when they need you, but you believe in ‘equal sharing’ and ‘balanced relationships’; if relationships are not balanced, you will walk away. Relationships have to be on an ‘equal footing’; you are not dependent on others, and you are quite happy to be on your own. Although you enjoy socialising, you have a preference for one-to-one relationships. You show a charming and diplomatic face to the world and you have good ‘public relations’ skills; however if anyone tries to dominate your independence, you will exert your will and stand your ground on principle; you may have lost friends through this. When your relationships are based on equal sharing you feel good about yourself."

I have Moon, Venus and Mars conjunct my AC.

*Moon conjunct Ascendant Your emotions are a prominent part of your personality. You are sensitive and intuitive. Your mother may have been a major influence in your life. Since the Moon is so frequently changing its appearance, you too may often go through this need to change your appearance, with an eye to perhaps always being abreast of the current fashion and trends. However it may also be that you prefer to appear somewhat different than other people, preferring your own unique style of dress and appearance. You may also appear moody and changeable to others, and only put on the face that you feel is appropriate for your mood at the moment. You are likely to be highly intuitive, and could readily 'pick up' on what other people feel, although you may not be aware of this on a conscious level. Picking up the mood of the public would be very easy for you, and you could very easily 'play to the audience' knowing exactly what the public want to hear. For this reason you would make a very fine actor or actress. *Mercury conjunct Ascendant Communications will most probably play a major role in your life. You are mentally alive, inquisitive, curious and enjoy discovering new ideas, which you will also want to share with other people. You may need to guard against the temptation to talk about yourself, and only subjects that interest you; a need therefore, to develop an interest in other peoples thoughts, ideas and opinions. A career or vocation that enables you to use your considerable communication abilities needs to be explored. Just be careful that you do not over-talk others, always be prepared to listen, as much as you like to talk, and expound your oratory skills. Try to develop a spirit of enquiry, rather than always wanting to talk about those things that interest you the most. You may like to hold the floor, but please be aware of the other actors in the play; they have something to say too.

 *Venus conjunct Ascendant You are likely to be a warm and attractive person, with an urge to be involved in relationships. Other people are likely to be attracted by your charm. Art and creativity may also play an important role in your life. You may place a lot of importance upon your appearance, or the appearance of those that you meet in your everyday life. Try not to judge other people by the clothes they wear, or first appearances. You may find you wish to associate more often with those people who appear good looking, attractive, fashionable or popular at the time, and value appearances more than appearances really warrant. Simply be careful not to get too carried away by physical appearances the latest fashions, keeping up with the Joness, and, above all, avoid vanity. Try always to combine a sense of modesty and appreciation of other peoples qualities, and not become like the Queen in Snow White, constantly checking mirror...mirror on the wall. This placement would suit anyone wishing to utilise their attractive appearance and physical charm towards their career or profession, such as a model, hairdressing, films, acting, drama or fashion, together with all things associated with ones appearance and appeal to others.

 *Mars conjunct Ascendant You are most likely to be an active and energetic person, with plenty of spontaneity and drive to express your individuality. You may sometimes be a little blunt and straightforward. You may therefore need to be aware of the need for a little tact and diplomacy in your dealings with others, since you may, quite unwittingly come across as being too direct and even forceful. This may not be your intention at all. Be very careful that you do not come across as being too assertive. This energy pattern may provide a tremendous amount of get up and go, seeking always to explore new horizons and try new ways of expressing your physical energy, skills and strength. This would be an ideal placement for those who might enjoy pitting their strength against the elements. Military interests and activities, martial arts, etc. may well be appealing, as too, all activities that may relate to combat and warfare, arms and ammunition, challenging the elements, as would be found in being a member of the elite S.A.S. for example. Equally, this placement could well feature prominently in the charts of those who excel in the fields of athletics or sporting activities, since the energy imparted by Mars would lend itself well to both the competitive spirit and the expression of the physical drive and stamina.