Personalize Full Moon: March 5

The moon will be full on Thursday, March 5th, at 14 degrees of Virgo, but what will this mean for you?  And it will be Gibbous 2 or 3 days before that, so use the time from the beginning of the week to get ready.  See the planner at the end of this post.

The Smallest Full Moon of the Year 

"The smallest full moon of the year – which we’ve heard called the micro-moon or mini-moon – occurs on March 5, 2015. This March full moon – smallest full moon of 2015 – lies about 50,000 kilometers (30,000 miles) farther away from Earth than will the year’s closest full moon – the full supermoon of September 28, the Northern Hemisphere’s Harvest Moon. The September 2015 full moon will also stage a total eclipse of the moon, which some will call a Blood Moon because it concludes a series of four straight total lunar eclipses that started on April 15, 2014."

You can always look at "This Week in Astrology" at Cafe Astrology to see if there is a significant lunation in the week.

"This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Worm Moon because this was the time of year when the ground would begin to soften and the earthworms would reappear. This moon has also been known as the Full Crow Moon, the Full Crust Moon, the Full Sap Moon, and the Lenten Moon."

What Sign is the Moon in?

First we can consider the sign that the Moon is in, in general.  The moon changes sign about every 2.5 days, taking a lunar month to traverse the sky and our charts.
When the Moon is in Virgo
We instinctually gravitate towards practical activities under the influence of a Virgo Moon. In an urge to set things right, we might easily find ourselves re-organizing and rethinking plans. Emotional satisfaction comes from solving problems, making order out of confusion, and helping others. Health matters might come into focus. We notice the smaller parts that make up the whole, and instead of letting nagging details bother us, we might work on ironing them out so that we can feel more confident moving ahead.   
The Moon in Virgo generally favors the following activities: Mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details.
Virgo Full Moon

"Find this degree along the Virgo-Pisces axis to spiral in to the themes that could be swirling for you. I used these words of constant change to mirror the mutable nature of these two signs.

 The mutable phase in each trio (cardinal, fixed, mutable) is the time of rearranging, loosening the fixed hold on how things have been. Here we get a mood lift, when we're flexible, and able to let old mindsets dissolve -- tolerating the void like uncertainty -- as a new awareness dawns.

At the Virgo Full Moon, there's a high beam on the mind-body connection -- how are thoughts, and what you digest affecting your body? The Sun is engaged, in Pisces, for spiritual vitality -- heeding the messages of the soul (in dreams, knowings)."

Full Moon for your Sun or Rising Sign (this link was specific to a different full moon though)

Look at both, but preferrably your Rising sign.  For me, my Sun is in Scorpio and my Rising is Sagittarius: 

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 
"Consider" comes from the Latin "consīderāre", meaning to observe, or go with the stars. For thousands of years, we considered that what was above reflected what was below. Thousands. Now horoscopes are one of the most popular things to read and yet astrology itself is generally seen as archaic superstition. Astrology is seen this way in part because it is easily disproved by science and that is because it isn’t one. It’s a meditation; a contemplation and, yes, it hopefully gives us pause long enough to consider what our next right action could be... 
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 
Remember all the creative brilliance that I was waxing poetic about last week? Well this is the week for its manifestation. Bearing in mind that creativity is born out of chaos, this week could feel like an out of control science experiment or just the right amount of wowzas. It’s not all happening on the external plane though...

What is happening at the lunations?

Every new moon (and full moon) is different because it falls in a different sign.  When the moon is new it is in the same sign as the Sun because, by definition, they are conjunct and the moon is between the earth and the sun.  When the moon is full it is in the opposite sign from the Sun because, by definition, they are the farthest from each other, with the earth between them.

So an important thing to consider is the house in your natal chart where the lunation is falling, as well as any planets that might be nearby.

So you will need to look at your chart.  I recommend pulling it up at (use the free extended charts, natal and transits option) or you can order from me.

Here is the section of my chart showing the Moon opposing the Sun on 3/5:


Not sure what all those glyphs (symbols) mean?

So for me, the moon falls in my 10th house.  You can look up the meaning here, among other places: Full Moon in the Houses

Full Moon in the Tenth House 
You are suddenly in the limelight--everyone notices you now. It's time to put your best foot forward, but be sure to do so with grace and consideration for others, or you may just make a display that you regret later. Perhaps you've been hiding yourself away, taking it easy. Now you need a little attention, and career matters come to a head. You're called to perform, perhaps on a moment's notice, and it's best to keep your cool and do whatever you can to show your competence. A sudden job opportunity, or some form of assistance with regards to career, home, or property matters, could be part of the picture. This can also produce an event that requires you to take charge and show your responsible side.

From the New Moon, through the First Quarter Moon until the Full Moon, the moon is said to be waxing, which means the light is increasing.  From the Full Moon, through the Last Quarter Moon until the next New Moon, the moon is said to be waning, or reducing in light.

Be a Closet Astrologer

"While the sun and moon are in the same energetic sign at a new moon, they are in opposite ones at the full moon. We feel this tension, but it's also a time of fruition and manifestation of the intentions we set at the previous new moon. We've been working with that intent, perhaps that we made about our closet, but now we have a chance to integrate it in a deeper way. Now we are ready to move from blueprint to building the house. We have planned out our new closet organizational design, purchased the hangars and shelves, and now we are ready to take the action of putting it all together.  While we created symbolic imagery at the new moon, we may want to make a more three dimensional expression at the full moon. This could be an altar or it could be making your closet into an altar!"

When the Moon is Full in Virgo, we are oriented towards organization, and you should see some of your intentions set at the previous new moon come to fruition. Take a look at what you wrote about, designed or imagined (or made images of) at that time. What have you or can you put into action?
Other Services to consider

Upcoming Lunations

The next lunation is the New Moon in Pisces which will fall on Friday, March 20th, which also happens to be both the Spring Equinox and a solar eclipse.

Introductory Astrology

Astrology Art Charts

Astrology Art Charts by Jane Rekas

View more examples here: facebook album my former name was Jane Arnell


Order unique individual astrology collage based on birth data (date,time,city). 
$19.99 (for 5x7 .jpeg). 

Astrology Art Chart

Introductory Astrology


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Working with New Moon Energy

The Star of Venus or Ishtar is a pentacle,
symbol of transformation

In this post, learn about making New Moon Plates.

As a fan of astrology, you already know the importance of the moon phases, and you may even use an astrology calendar of some kind to keep lunations in mind.  Here are a few ideas to add to your practice

Lunation Calendar 2015

New Moon Ideas

In my earlier post, Personalize New MoonI list several ideas that you can use at the New Moon to think about your intentions, especially with your wardrobe.  What do you want to manifest? what clothing items are missing from your wardrobe? what is the next level of organization you would like to work on?

In this video, Ameera shows an idea of making New Moon plates.  (She originally made this video at Winter Solstice 2014, but it can be used any new moon).

She mentions that 5 is the number of change or transformation and the 5 elements.

"The Star of Venus also called the Star of Ishtar is an ancient symbol originating in Iraq used as early as 2000 BCE that represents the planet Venus, historically to represent the Assyrian and Babylonian Goddess Ishtar that are connected with Venus, as well as being historically used by Phoenician culture to represent Venus and the goddess Astarte (a counterpart of Ishtar).[1][2] The symbol has been commonly represented as an eight-pointed star as it was discovered to be presented as such on a Babylonian seal approximately dated to 800 BCE.[2] However in modern times in Islamic societies it has been represented by a five-pointed star that is used alongside a crescent moon.[2]"

Introductory Astrology

Personalize New Moon: Feb 18


The moon will be New on Wednesday, Feb. 18th at 29 degrees Aquarius, when the Sun also enters Pisces, but what will this mean for you?  (The New Moon occurs at 29 degrees 59.9 Aquarius, which is incredibly close to 0 degrees Pisces).

You can always look at "This Week in Astrology" at Cafe Astrology to see if there is a significant lunation in the week.

What sign is the Moon in?

First we can consider the sign that the Moon is in.  The moon changes sign about every 2.5 days, taking a lunar month to traverse the sky and our charts.

When the Moon is in Aquarius Moon 
Aquarius Attraction to all that is new and unusual, and an instinctive need for improvement, characterize the Moon in Aquarius. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional, and interactions are more impersonal than personal, under this influence. This is a time that promotes social gatherings, dealing with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas, and progressive changes. We are open to new methods of doing things and we have our eye on the future. It can be hard to stick to schedules now, as personal freedom is most important to us. The Moon in Aquarius generally favors the following activities: Unusual or radical undertakings, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, joining a group.

Setting Your New Moon intention 

by your Sun or Rising Sign

Look at both, but preferrably your Rising sign.  For me, my Sun is in Scorpio and my Rising is Sagittarius:

"If you’re a Scorpio or Scorpio rising, this New Moon is blooming in your Seventh House of partnership, significant others and marriage (this can also include business partnership). So the area of life you’re ready to “fluff” is your relationships, usually romantic and often having to do with marriage. The Seventh House is the house of long-term commitment (not short, lusty love affairs – though maybe it has to start there!) This is about getting in touch with your values and how those come to bear on your partnerships; choosing more consciously your thoughts, actions and way of being in love.... 

If you’re a Sagittarius or Sagittarius rising this New Moon is blooming in you’re Sixth House of Work, health and service to others. This is the house associated with Virgo – those kind and cooperative souls associated with an eye for detail, a systematic work ethic, attentive loving and yes … perfection. The New Moon in Virgo’s house is about rolling up your sleeves and working for what you want – whether that is a new physique, more physical energy or a vocation which allows you to be of service in some way....

What is happening at the lunations?

Every new moon (and full moon) is different because it falls in a different sign.  When the moon is new it is in the same sign as the Sun because, by definition, they are conjunct and the moon is between the earth and the sun.  When the moon is full it is in the opposite sign from the Sun because, by definition, they are the farthest from each other, with the earth between them.

"This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere."

What house is this moon occuring in for your natal chart?

So an important thing to consider is the house in your natal chart where the lunation is falling, as well as any planets that might be nearby.

So you will need to look at your chart.  I recommend pulling it up at (use the free extended charts, natal and transits option) or you can order from me.

Here is the section of my chart showing the Moon (conjunct the Sun) on 2/18:

Sun and Moon conjunct at the cusp of my 2nd and 3rd houses

Not sure what all those glyphs (symbols) mean?

So for me, the moon falls in my 2nd and 3rd houses.  You can look up the meaning here, among other places: New Moon in the Houses

New Moon in the Second House
Heightened sensitivity to the world of the five senses, to your physical environment, and to the security you gain from the solid ground you have built for yourself is in order for this period of time. Attunement to, and appreciation of, the physical world of the senses is the focus, and this is a time to start fresh in terms of how you arrange your life in order to feel a sense of value and worthiness. Financial issues come into focus. Setting realistic financial goals, as well as formulating such things as budgets and other sensible financial planning projects, will be favored during this time. Discovering ways to increase your income is featured. It is also a wonderful time for taking moments to pleasure yourself through earthy, tactile, and comforting endeavors.

New Moon in the Third House
The third house rules our communication skills, learning, methods, daily interactions and contact, and general "busy-ness". This is a favorable time for learning something new, feeling at ease in social situations, taking care of the details of daily life, and developing a mental rapport with others. It is a time when you will be more aware of your environment, and when you experience increased alertness. It's a good time to take tests, fill out forms, start a new course, write letters, make phone calls, and take care of daily tasks with energy. 

From the New Moon, through the First Quarter Moon until the Full Moon, the moon is said to be waxing, which means the light is increasing.  From the Full Moon, through the Last Quarter Moon until the next New Moon, the moon is said to be waning, or reducing in light.

Balsamic Moon: 10 ½ days after the Full Moon, up to the New Moon, or 2.5 days before.  So we are entering the Balsamic Phase soon.  "If this is your Moon phase, you see in the dark. You're at home when enveloped in mysteries, especially the ultimate mystery - death. Your life purpose is to tie up loose ends, and create a nutrient-rich environment for the new to germinate."

Be a Closet Astrologer

"The magical energy of the new moon is for setting new intentions. You can use it to commit to new ways you are going to be creative or develop something new in your life. You can use this time to dream your closet. What do you want to fill it with? What do you want to draw in to you? How is your closet feeling energetically for you? is it supporting you? What is needed to enhance this? This is a great time to build your pinterest boards, create polyvores or even make photoshop collages or paper ones."

Since this new moon is in Aquarius, we may have some interest in being unusual or unique.  We may be tempted to plan something new for our wardrobe, which we may not have been open to up until now.  It's also a time we may feel like socializing, such as going shopping with a friend or sharing our plans in a facebook group.

Other Services to consider

Upcoming Lunations

  • The next lunation is the Full Moon in Virgo on Thursday, March 5th
  • followed by the New Moon in Pisces which will fall on Friday, March 20th
  • which also happens to be both the Spring Equinox and a solar eclipse.

2015 Astrology Gemstone Calendar

Introductory Astrology

What Moon Phase Were You Born Under?

What are the terms for the waxing and waning moon phases?

From the New Moon, through the First Quarter Moon until the Full Moon, the moon is said to be waxing, which means growing and the light is increasing.  The New Moon is 0 degrees separation between the Moon and the Sun.  When they are 45 degrees apart, this is called the Crescent Moon.  The First Quarter is when they are 90 degrees apart.  At 135 degrees apart, the Moon is called Gibbous.

From the Full Moon, through the Last Quarter Moon until the next New Moon, the moon is said to be waning, which means shrinking and reducing in light.  The Full Moon is 180 degrees opposition between the Moon and the Sun.  At 225 degrees separation, the Moon is called Disseminating.  At 270 degrees, it is called the Last Quarter.  At 315 degrees apart, approaching the New Moon again, the Moon is called Balsamic.

  1. "New Moon: dark phase at the beginning of the lunar month, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction. A time for formulation and planning. The arc of aspect from Moon to Sun is between 0° and 45°
  2. Waxing Crescent Moon: waxing between new and first quarter. A time for setting things in motion. The arc of aspect is between 45° and 90°
  3. Waxing First Quarter: when the Moon is half light and half dark. A time for focused, forceful activity. The arc of aspect is between 90° and 135°
  4. Waxing Gibbous Moon: when the Moon is waxing towards the Full, with more than half of its surface visible. A time for overcoming obstacles. (Gibbous means swollen on one side). The arc of aspect is between 135° and 180°
  5. Full Moon: bright phase when the Moon is has all or nearly all of its surface visible. A time for fulfillment, when plans succeed or fail. The arc of aspect is between 180° and 225°
  6. Waning Disseminating Moon: when the Moon is waning but still has more than half of its surface visible. Also known as a Waning Gibbous, it is a time of bearing fruit and participating with others, or dropping failed plans and making a new start at the coming New Moon. The arc of aspect is between 225° and 270°
  7. Waning Third Quarter: when the Moon is rapidly waning towards the New. A time to move beyond the past and start working in earnest towards the activation of the New Moon. The arc of aspect is between 270° and 315°
  8. Waning Balsamic Moon: when the Moon diminishes from a sliver to the darkness of the New Moon. A time of completion, inward-looking, yet of planning for the next phase. The arc of aspect is between 315° and 360°"


New Moon Phase

Which phase were you born under?

My chart example

If your Sun is before your Moon on your chart, in the order of signs, but not as far as opposite, it is one of the waxing phases.  If it is after, it is one of the waning phases.  To find out which, you need to count the degrees of separation.  My Sun is 4 degrees Scorpio, or 26 degrees from Sagittarius.  My Moon is 12 degrees Sagittarius.  So 26 plus 12 equals 38 degrees.   This falls in the New Moon phase of 0 to 45 degrees of separation, at least that is what I always thought.  When I use some online calculators they put me in the next phase, or the Waxing Crescent.

CRESCENT NATAL PHASE, 45 deg - 90 deg
If you were born during the Crescent Moon Phase of the Lunar Cycle... 
Having passed through the darkness of the new Moon, a sliver of light has just begun to illuminate the path as the Moon embarks on it's new cycle. 
Your greatest challenge is to become independent of belief systems and concepts that are part of the past. This is necessary in order to fully realize selfhood and individuality. Be aware of comfortable ruts and habitual behavior. They represent the chains of the past. As you break free, opportunities will open up to you. The first is the hardest. It may feel as though you are going against the grain. In many ways you are. As you take the initiative to make changes you may find a lot of resistance in those who are used to relating to you in a certain way. They may feel threatened by your breaking from the status quo. By asserting your will and determination you will foster belief in yourself and develop creative new vision. 

THE WAXING CRESCENT MOON phase (46d-90d) implies that the seed has sprouted and is working its way toward the light. Momentum is being gained on the trajectory launched under the new Moon. Former emotional bonds and completed tasks have been relegated to the realm of memory as the outward bound soul enthusiastically strives in the direction of its fresh ideal.

You were born during a Waxing Crescent moon
This phase occurs right after the New Moon, when we can start to see part of the moon that's illuminated by the sun.

- what it says about you -
You like having a clear vision of the future, and are good at helping people set out plans to accomplish important goals. Once you're done with a task, you're done with it. You don't like revisiting or rehashing issues you think are settled. You're inventive and encourage people around you to be new and different instead of copying from the past.
What phase was the moon at on your birthday? Find out at


Electional Astrology

Introductory Astrology

Be a Closet Astrologer

What if we ventured to deal with our closets by the phases of the moon and other planets?

This thought occurred to me as we approach Mercury going direct, that perhaps the energy of a Mercury retrograde is a good time to re-evaluate our closets.  I just realized that I made very little progress in planning my wardrobe during the past few weeks, and was just sort of living with the clothes I have and making the best of it.  Maybe that was the correct energetic response to the pause that Mercury retrograde brings us?

So then I got to thinking about how we could use the energy of new and full moons with our closets?

New Moon Magic:

The magical energy of the new moon is for setting new intentions. You can use it to commit to new ways you are going to be creative or develop something new in your life. You can use this time to dream your closet. What do you want to fill it with? What do you want to draw in to you? How is your closet feeling energetically for you? is it supporting you? What is needed to enhance this? This is a great time to build your pinterest boards, create polyvores or even make photoshop collages or paper ones.

The sign and house of the new moon can sometimes guide us as to the specific things we are needing to focus upon. It is a good idea to think about the new moon in advance of it being exact, in part because their is an orb of energy the day before and after, both the new moon and the full.

The new moon is quieter than the full, and thus gets a lot less press. You may not feel the same intensity that we often notice around a full moon.

Full Moon Magic:

While the sun and moon are in the same energetic sign at a new moon, they are in opposite ones at the full moon. We feel this tension, but it's also a time of fruition and manifestation of the intentions we set at the previous new moon. We've been working with that intent, perhaps that we made about our closet, but now we have a chance to integrate it in a deeper way. Now we are ready to move from blueprint to building the house. We have planned out our new closet organizational design, purchased the hangars and shelves, and now we are ready to take the action of putting it all together.

While we created symbolic imagery at the new moon, we may want to make a more three dimensional expression at the full moon. This could be an altar or it could be making your closet into an altar!
More on this soon! Send me your ideas too

Introductory Astrology

Personalize Mercury Retrograde

The impulse to write this is a little late (which is funny), since Mercury goes direct again tomorrow, but I thought I would share how to find out where Mercury is transiting retrograde in your chart, because it does happen about four times a year.  The next one will be from May 18th to June 11.

Remember that Mercury Retrograde gets a very bad rap, so use the time in a positive manner by doing all the things that start with "re" ~ relax, refresh, revisit, revise, revision, rehash, rethink.

What sign is it in?

So the first thing to consider is the signs that Mercury is moving through during the retrograde, which sort of effect everyone similarly.

So for the retrograde just ending: 
When Mercury goes into retrograde phase in the sign of Aquarius there would be much focus on independence and freedom than what is needed. Social orders would be put to great test. People would be found to be more adamant in their view point which would cause serious frictions in relationships, both personal and professional. Intellectual conflicts arise. Those in the political scenario need to be careful with their moves. Nerve and muscle related disorders are said to be on the rise during this phase according to medical bulletins analysed over a good period of time.

What element is it in?

We can also consider the element of the sign through which Mercury is retrograding, in this recent instance it would be Air.
The zodiac sign that Mercury is travelling through and the aspects it forms (by transit or in the natal chart) will modify our mental orientation to some extent. For example, when Mercury is in the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), it will tend to be more intuitive, sensitive and imaginative. When Mercury is going through the Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), it is typically more cerebral, intellectual and interactive. When Mercury travels through Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), it is often more logical, down-to-earth and serious. And when Mercury sprints through the Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), it is bright, excitable, intuitive and expressive. source

What are retrogrades of Mercury like for your sign and rising?

 You can also look at how Mercury retrograde generally effects you as just your Sun or Rising sign (scroll down):  (BTW, they say that Mercury retrograde is particularly intense for Geminis since it is the sign ruler).

My Sun is in Scorpio: All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with friends or groups, as well as intimate communications and shared financial resources, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to financial transactions and personal communications with friends, or, better yet, take this time to re-budget or rethink your plans instead of taking premature action.... 
My Rising is in Sagittarius: All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with bosses or in your career in general, as well as communications with a close partner, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. An argument over joint finances can also get you into hot water. Hold back. Because Virgo and Gemini are on the angles of your chart, you may be especially sensitive to all of the common Mercury Retrograde issues. ...

What house in your natal chart is Mercury turning around in?

But the most important thing to consider is the houses in your natal chart that contain the retrograde, as well as any planets that might be within the degree span.

So you will need to look at your chart.  I recommend pulling it up at (use the free extended charts, natal and transits option) or you can order from me.  Here is the section of my chart showing Mercury moving from 18 degrees Aquarius back to 1 degree Aquarius tomorrow.

where Mercury began to appear to go backwards

where Mercury will go forward/direct again
Not sure what all those glyphs (symbols) mean?

So for me, this all happens in my second house.  You can look up the meaning here, among other places:

You will want to read the paragraph for the day house that Mercury goes retrograde which will be titled "stationary retrograde", and then when it goes Direct again, that paragraph will be titled "stationary direct."

Mercury Stationary Retrograde in 2nd House
 I would read this for Jan. 21
The coming three weeks mark a period when not only hedging your bets but replacing your wagers may be just the right thing to do. When resources come up short, don't hesitate to reallocate them in order to provide yourself a firm foundation and a springboard to the future. Redesign with an eye toward giving yourself some extra padding, rather than relying on last minute income to fill in the gap. Less is more when you streamline your operations, and that may include reshuffling the way you present yourself on a day-to-day basis, in order to become a better part of the flow of life around you.
Mercury Stationary Direct in 2nd House  
 I would read this for Feb. 11
Kinks, twists, and delays in financial matters are on their way out and a return to smoother sailing is in the works. Although delays may have been annoying, the resolutions they have brought will benefit you immediately and in the long run. Picking up loose ends and tightening your operation has lasting benefits, not only on your resources, but also on your opportunities to disseminate your ideas and expand your contacts and horizons. Any headway you may have lost is momentary and will be made up for by a smoother operation, a steadier course, and fewer distractions over the next several weeks. Tie up loose ends and be ready to move on to expanded horizons and a surer sense of your underpinnings.

 2015 Mercury Retrograde Dates:

Mer R Jan 21 2015  07:55  17°Aquarius 04' Retrograde
Mer D Feb 11 2015  06:58  01°Aquarius 19' Direct

Mer R May 18 2015  17:50  13°Gemini 08' Retrograde
Mer D Jun 11 2015  14:34  04°Gemini 34' Direct

 Mer R Sep 17 2015  10:10  15°Libra 55' Retrograde
Mer D Oct  9   2015  06:58  00°Libra 55' Direct

Introductory Astrology