Family Dynamics are quite interesting when exploring synastry chart comparisons in astrology. While on vacation, I got a book by Judy Hall, Karmic Connections: The Birthchart, Karma and Relationships. I must say, this book is excellent!
Karmic Connections
by Judy Hall
another related title: Dynasty: The Astrology of Family Dynamics
by Erin Sullivan
Also see The Family Karmic Inheritance
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family tree |
I have been studying astrology since I was 15, and genealogy for about 5 years now. I am posting synastry chart comparisons with my mother, grandmother and great grandmothers.
Patterns I discovered by topics in the book by Judy Hall
Karmic Interaspects
My mother's North Node is conjunct my Sun*, the same pattern repeats. [This means this is a new life together without past karma to work out.] My grandmother's North Node is conjunct my mother's Sun (and actually my great grandmother - paternal to my mom - Orpha's North Node is also conjunct my Mom's North Node).
MY Interaspects:
My Mom's Interaspects:
MY Interaspects:
- RISING grandma's Moon
- SUN Mom's North Node, pat grandmother's Saturn, GGM Mono Jupiter, GGP Willi Uranus, Greg's Neptune (soul mate)
- MOON grandma's Moon, mom's in same sign, GGM Mono's Chiron, GGM Frida's Saturn
- VENUS Dad's Venus, GGM Mono's Saturn, GGM Frida's Saturn
- MARS GGM Frida's Saturn
- JUPITER grandma's Jupiter exact, GGP Willi's Mercury, Greg's Mercury
- SATURN grandma's Saturn, GGM Henriette Chiron, GGM Orpha's Venus
- URANUS Mom's Neptune, Dad's Chiron, GGP Willi's Chiron, GGM Frida's Mars
- NEPTUNE Mom's Moon
- PLUTO Mom's Neptune, Dad's Chiron, GGP Willi's Chiron, GGM Frida's Mars
- CHIRON GGM Henriette Saturn, GGP Willi Mars,
- North Node Dad's Mars, Dad's Uranus, GGM Henriette Mercury, GGM Orpha's Moon, GGP Willi Sun, Moon, Neptune and Pluto woah, Greg's Sun (soul mate)
- South Node grandma's Mars, GGM Mono's Uranus?
My Mom's Interaspects:
- RISING mother's Mars
- SUN mother's North Node, grandmother Orpha's North Node
- MOON daughter's Mercury and Neptune
- MERCURY grandmother Henriette's Uranus
- VENUS grandmother Orpha's Uranus
- JUPITER late son's Jupiter
- SATURN grandmother Henriette's Chiron
- URANUS late son's Sun
- NEPTUNE son and daughter's Pluto and Uranus (generational)
- PLUTO mother's North Node, grandmother Orpha's North Node
- CHIRON mother's Neptune
- North Node daughter's Sun
- South Node late son's Sun
My grandma's conjunctions with her own mother include her Venus conjunct her mother's Jupiter, her Neptune and Jupiter conjunct her mother's Venus and her Jupiter conjunct her mother's Sun.
Nodal Contacts
- My Sun is conjunct my mother's North Node
- Mom's Sun and Pluto are conjunct her mother's North Node
- My father and his mother had conjunct North Nodes (conjunct his Pluto)
- My father's Mars and Uranus, both 5 Gemini, were conjunct my North Node at 4 Gemini.
- My GGM Henriette's Mercury conjunct my North Node
- My GGM Orpha's Moon conjunct my North Node
- My GGM Orpha's North Node conjunct my mom's Sun
Conjunctions to the North Node propel the soul into new patterns and behavior.
I haven't checked the South Nodes, they pull you into old patterns.
[My Sun, mom's NN; Mom's Sun, her mother's NN and GGM Orpha's NN] When your Sun is conjunct your partner’s North Node, a strong bond exists between the two of you. This aspect indicates a relationship that is constantly moving forward. This aspect indicates the two of you are “new” to each other in this lifetime. If there are no South Node Aspects between the two of you and only North Node connection, it implies that the two of you have no past karma to work out. Indeed, the two of you have a “clean slate” upon which to build your relationship.
[My GGM Orpha's Moon, my NN - I did not meet her] When your Moon is conjunct your partner’s North Node, or vice-versa, an intense emotional attraction is indicated. This connection is distinctly emotional and penetrating. It creates a strong emotional attachment which makes it possible to overcome the things that ruin other relationships. The cycle of giving and receiving support and love will be a main theme in your relationship. However, the Moon person is likely to give a disproportionate amount of support to the North Node person, in comparison to how much the Moon person receives in return. This is because the North Node person is learning how to express these qualities, and may feel they are exploring new ground in doing so.
[My GGM Oprha's Mercury, my NN - I did not meet her] When your Mercury conjuncts your partner’s North Node, or vice-versa, a strong intellectual connection is indicated. Communication between the two of you is likely to be excellent (notwithstanding hard aspects to either person’s Mercury). The two of you enjoy communicating and exchanging ideas. The North Node person is highly receptive to the Mercury person’s ideas, and admires their intellect. The Mercury person opens up the North Node person’s mind to different ways of thinking. Indeed, it is the Mercury person’s role in this relationship to guide the Node person to their future, in regards to ideas and communication.
[My father's Mars conjunct my NN] When your Mars is conjunct your partner’s North Node, or vice-versa, a stimulating, action-oriented connection is indicated. The Mars person motivates the North Node person and encourages the North Node person to take action. The North Node person may become frustrated with the Mars person, especially if the North Node person is not ready to follow Mars’ direction. In addition, the Node person may find the Mars person overly pushy or aggressive, which may turn the Node person off. Regardless, this connection promises a dramatic and fiery union. The Node person is strongly attracted to the Node person’s drive and ambition. If other synastry aspects agree, this aspect also indicates a strong amount of physical desire and passion.
[My mother's Pluto and her mother's NN, and My Father's Pluto, his mother's NN]
- When Pluto is involved in a synastry, power is always an issue. Who has it, who uses it, who controls it within the relationship. Outer planets influence inner, but those with the inner planet have the ability to make Pluto sharpen its awareness of the way it operates. The inner planets are not helpless against Pluto’s assault. Because the inner planets are so immediate and conscious, they will have a greater understanding of the way Pluto must transform, and inner transformation is ultimately what Pluto is after (after the death and rebirth, that is). No accident that Pluto is the planet that rules analysis and any other means of self-exploration. Pluto’s attempts to plumb your depths are, in fact, motivated by an intense desire to understand itself. In positive mode, Pluto will take the inner planet by the hand and embark on a mysterious, challenging, sometimes frightening journey towards a greater purity of interaction and intention. The inner planet will provide Pluto with a means and a perspective; Pluto will provide the desire, the drive and the will.
Early Relationships
Chapter discusses how your Sun indicates your father and your Moon indicates your mother.
See also:
Excerpt taken from:
Erin Sullivan: The Astrology of Family Dynamics.
See also:
Excerpt taken from:
Erin Sullivan: The Astrology of Family Dynamics.
My Sun Scorpio - Father
"Scorpio is a powerful sign and the soul with this Sun placement will expect the father to be equally powerful, an ideal hook for the projection of power until the child comes into his or her own. There is an element of self-destruction to Scorpio which may show itself in the father, but there is also a unique perspicacity with regard to his offspring." He was powerful but not present.
My Moon Sagittarius - Mother (mom has this placement also)
"The soul seeks companioniable mother, one who is playmate and co-explorer of the world. The archetypal Sagittarian Moon mother is spontaneous and freedom-loving. She enjoys her children but may lack discipline herself and therefore be unable to provide the guidelines a child needs. What the soul fears, is that the mother may be so busy exploring her own world, she will have little time for her child." This was true.
Sun and Moon in Aspect in Natal Chart
My Sun is trine Jupiter and Saturn in a Grand Trine in water signs.
"Jupiter-Sun: "This soul has received strong and supportive fathering in the past and the expectation is, unless there are other aspects that mitigate against this, that the father will be a source of growth in the present life." This was not directly true in my life as my father was absent.
"Saturn-Sun: In other lives, the soul will have had experiences with a stern authoritarian father and will come to expect emotional distance, or actual separation, from the father. There may be an absent parent in the present life - physically or emotionally - or a lack of affection. The father may also be much older (no), belonging to quite a different generation. The experience of the father is often one of disapproval unless the child conforms to rigid behaviour patterns. The challenge for the soul is to father itself." This was true.
My Moon is square Saturn, Pluto and Uranus in a tsquare.
"Saturn-Moon: With Moon-Saturn aspects the soul has received poor mothering in the past. There may have been coldness and indifference, illness, poverty and separation in early life. Being the eldest or middle child in a large family could mean that the soul misses out on being mothered, for example, and often, if female, has to care for itself or younger siblings. The challenge for the soul is to mother itself." This is moderately true.
"Pluto-Moon: As we have already seen, the Moon in aspect to Pluto indicates powerful karma around mothering and being mothered. This is smother or devouring love. There is a peculiar intensity about Pluto that doesn't let you off lightly. In other lives the soul will have experienced abandonment, rejection, persecution and the archetypal figure known as the 'devouring mother' - in other words heavy mother issues. The expectation now is that being mothered is likely to involve symbiosis, power struggles and a desire on the part of the mother to live out her unlived life through the child. One noticeable facet of natal Pluto-Moon aspects is that the child incarnates with a strong soul connection to one or more of the grandmothers. It is as though the grandmother is the stable rock upon which the child can depend, and who can support the child, even through the most difficult times with the rest of the family." True
"Uranus-Moon: The soul with this combination has experienced unstable or unpredictable mothering in the past. The mother could not be relied upon, throwing the child inward onto his or her own resources. This can make for an extremely independent soul, but it can also lead to difficulties in making relationships. The challenge for the soul is to trust the maternal energy once more, whilst learning to nurture itself." True
Parent Child Synastry
My Sun is conjunct my mother's North Node. My mother's Moon is conjunct my Neptune. My mother's Neptune is conjunct my Pluto and Uranus.
Neptune: "Neptune contacts indicate an old closeness and a subtle sense of wanting to care for the other soul... problems can arise in families with Neptune interaspects when individual boundaries are not recognized..." Yep
Pluto: ?
Uranus: see below
North Node: covered earlier
I don't know my father's time of birth, but I can put his planets in my houses. His Chiron 15 Virgo was conjunct my Pluto and Uranus 16 and 17 Virgo (part of my tsquare). His Venus was conjunct mine at 20 and 23 Sag. His Mars and Uranus, both 5 Gemini, were conjunct my North Node at 4 Gemini.
Chiron: "When Chiron interaspects occur between parent and child, the relationships is either offering the child an opportunity to heal old wounds - or for the parent to do so - or to replay old wounding situations so that the soul once more has an opportunity to heal the past." My father was inconsistently parented by his own parents, and he chose not to remain in the parent role with me.
Uranus also: "Uranus contacts to the personal planets (NN in this case) indicate a freedom/commitment or control dilemma. It may be that the old contact was one of two much control and that the soul now needs to recognize and acknowledge the other's unique individuality and need for freedom. On the other hand, the parent may have failed to take on responsibility for the child..." in an future life, he will make a commitment to me?
North Node: covered earlier
Venus conjunct Venus: generally express love in similar ways, and have similar tastes in art, fashion, expression.
Neptune: "Neptune contacts indicate an old closeness and a subtle sense of wanting to care for the other soul... problems can arise in families with Neptune interaspects when individual boundaries are not recognized..." Yep
Pluto: ?
Uranus: see below
North Node: covered earlier
I don't know my father's time of birth, but I can put his planets in my houses. His Chiron 15 Virgo was conjunct my Pluto and Uranus 16 and 17 Virgo (part of my tsquare). His Venus was conjunct mine at 20 and 23 Sag. His Mars and Uranus, both 5 Gemini, were conjunct my North Node at 4 Gemini.
Chiron: "When Chiron interaspects occur between parent and child, the relationships is either offering the child an opportunity to heal old wounds - or for the parent to do so - or to replay old wounding situations so that the soul once more has an opportunity to heal the past." My father was inconsistently parented by his own parents, and he chose not to remain in the parent role with me.
Uranus also: "Uranus contacts to the personal planets (NN in this case) indicate a freedom/commitment or control dilemma. It may be that the old contact was one of two much control and that the soul now needs to recognize and acknowledge the other's unique individuality and need for freedom. On the other hand, the parent may have failed to take on responsibility for the child..." in an future life, he will make a commitment to me?
North Node: covered earlier
Venus conjunct Venus: generally express love in similar ways, and have similar tastes in art, fashion, expression.
Adult Relationships
My Sun is conjunct my husband's Neptune. His Sun is conjunct my North Node. My Jupiter is conjunct his Mercury. And my Saturn is conjunct his Chiron. (see our chart later)
Soulmate Aspects
"Soulmate indications are shown in Neptune to inner planet ineraspects... and in Sun-Moon-Venus contacts to the Nodes across the charts." We have both.
Soulmate Aspects
"Soulmate indications are shown in Neptune to inner planet ineraspects... and in Sun-Moon-Venus contacts to the Nodes across the charts." We have both.
Our Charts
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my chart
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my mother |
My mother's mother, Inez, was like a second mom to me and I still miss her but feel her presence in my life. This is a noon chart, because I don't have her time of birth. I marked a few planets, forgetting that the houses are unknown with a noon chart, d'oh!
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maternal grandmother |
GGM: I didn't meet my maternal grandmother's mother, Henriette (noon chart). Again, I marked a few planets house placements, but of course they are unlikely to be correct as this is a noon chart.
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maternal great grandmother |
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maternal great grandmother |
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paternal grandmother |
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Eva's painting of her own chart |
I also did not meet my paternal grandmother's mother, "Mono" (noon chart). Ignore the house indications.
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paternal great grandmother |
HUSBAND: My Sun is conjunct my husband's Neptune. His Sun is conjunct my North Node. My Jupiter is conjunct his Mercury. And my Saturn is conjunct his Chiron.
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my husband's chart with me |
My chart in comparison with (mostly) female relatives
MOTHER; My Sun is conjunct my mother's North Node, which means this is a first time life together and it should move us forward. My mother's Moon is conjunct my Neptune, which indicates a lot of emotional karma, with "deeply ingrained emotional expectations and needs.". My mother's Neptune is conjunct my Pluto, which brings intensity and lack of boundaries, and Uranus, which can mean heightened experiences or psychic connection..![]() |
me and my mother |
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me and my father |
MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER; My chart with my grandmother's planets, who I believe is now one of my Spirit Guides. The most amazing conjunction is here. The most amazing is an exact conjunction of our Jupiters at 1 degree Cancer (which is exalted). Our Moons are also conjunct in Sagittarius, at 10 and 12 degrees. And our Saturns are conjunct in Pisces, at 10 and 14 degrees. With her Mars at 1 degree Sag, it's conjunct my South Node at 4 Sag.
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me and my maternal gramma |
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me and my paternal grandmother |
GGM: While I never met my maternal great grandmother, Henriette, her Mercury was conjunct my North Node and her Saturn was conjunct my Chiron.
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me and maternal great grandmother |
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me and maternal great grandmother |
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me and paternal great grandmother |
His Uranus was conjunct my Sun, which indicates past life connections and sharing of unconventional ideas, his Mercury conjunct my Jupiter, which might indicate that the way he thought fits with my expansive philosophies, and my North Node was conjunct his Sun, Moon, Pluto and Uranus, indicating that my life lessons relate heavily to who he was, how he felt and intensity and uniqueness, and his Chiron was conjunct my Pluto and Uranus, implying some connection to family wounds.
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me and my paternal grandfather, also |
GGM: My paternal great grandmother, Frida, has her Mars conjunct my Pluto and Uranus, and her Saturn was conjunct my Ascendant, Venus, Moon and Mars (like "Mono" my other paternal great grandmother).
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me and paternal great grandmother |
My mother's chart in comparison with female relatives
As mentioned earlier, my Sun is conjunct my mother's North Node. My mother's Moon is conjunct my Neptune. My mother's Neptune is conjunct my Pluto and Uranus.![]() |
mother and my chart |
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my mother and her mother |
My mother's chart with her maternal grandmother's planets. Mom's Mercury is conjunct her Uranus. Her Saturn is conjunct her Chiron.
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mother and her maternal grandmother |
My mother's chart with her paternal grandmother's planets. Mom's Sun and Pluto conjunct her North Node. Her Venus conjunct her Uranus.
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mother and her paternal grandmother |
My grandmothers' charts with relatives
Here's my late paternal grandmother's chart with my late father's noon chart (as I don't have his time of birth). They have conjunct north nodes. Also my father's Pluto was conjunct the nodes. My father's Saturn was conjunct his mother's Mars.
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paternal grandmother and father |
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paternal grandmother and me |
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paternal grandmother and her mother |
So then looking at my maternal great grandmother's chart with my grandmother's (ignoring house placements). My grandmother's Sun is conjunct her mother's Jupiter, and Venus conjunct her Neptune, and her Jupiter conjunct her mother's Venus.
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maternal great grandmother and gramma |
Introductory Astrology and Calendar
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