The Full "Pink" Moon will be full on April 10/11th at 21 degrees 33 minutes Libra. Look up the house this will fall in your chart.
2017 Calendar
Full Moon
Sun 21 Aries Hematite keyword Fervour
Moon 21 Libra Shells keyword Exhiliration
(and Moon is conjunct Jupiter below)
Uranus 24 Aries Alexandrite keyword Charitableness
Jupiter 17 Libra White Flourite keyword Relaxation
Pluto 19 Capricorn Plume Agate keyword Expectation
Mercury 4 Taurus Goldstone keyword Faith
Mars 22 Taurus Dioptase keyword Guidance
North Node 2 Virgo xxx keyword xxx
Saturn 27 Sagittarius xxx keyword xxx
Neptune 13 Pisces xxx
Chiron 26 Pisces xxx
Crystal for the Moon:
11th April 2017 6.09 am GMT Full Pink Moon 21 degrees 33 minutes Libra. (Shells)

LIBRA 21: Shells

Birthdays - October 13 – 15
Key Word - Exhilaration
Crystal - Shells
Attributes - Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups. Shell treats hearing disorders and calcium deficiencies. It assists the healing of broken bones and general dysfunctions of the spinal canal and the nervous system.
Message - Vitality and enthusiasm, with the joy of new experiences.
Focus - You love social events seeing them as an opportunity to entertain, network and enjoy.
Affirmation - I join in with the excitement, entertainment and energy.
- See more at: Word - Exhilaration
Crystal - Shells
Attributes - Shell stimulates intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability. It helps to enhance mental clarity and provides insight into decision-making. Shell promotes cooperation between the self and others, as well as within the self. It provides cohesive energy for groups. Shell treats hearing disorders and calcium deficiencies. It assists the healing of broken bones and general dysfunctions of the spinal canal and the nervous system.
Message - Vitality and enthusiasm, with the joy of new experiences.
Focus - You love social events seeing them as an opportunity to entertain, network and enjoy.
Affirmation - I join in with the excitement, entertainment and energy.
Crystals for the Planets
coming soon
For Starseeds:
11th April 2017 6.09 am GMT Full Moon 21 degrees 33 minutes Libra. (Shells) conjunct Centaurus B (Nordics) and Hemelein Prima (in Bootes)
Coming up
26th April 2017 12.17 pm GMT New Moon / Supermoon 6 degrees 57 minutes Taurus. (Astrophyllite) conjunct Keun Nam Mun (Andromeda)

Introductory Human Design
Lunation Calendars
and Calendar
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