The Eclipse seasons began with July 23rd's New Moon at 0 degrees 24 Leo. Interestingly, the next New Moon will also be in Leo, which is rare to have a repeat. It will be the awaited complete New Moon Solar Eclipse August 21st, at 28 degrees 53 Leo. Before that we will be having a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees 25 Aquarius on August 7th. And Mercury will go retrograde on August 13th at 11 Virgo.
When a planet or luminary transits the houses we can also consider the esoteric or evolutionary meaning of the houses.
Get your chart out and mark the lunations, like this:
Another way to look at the transits is to create an event chart and then put it into synastry. Let's also look at the Retrogrades.
Mercury is Rx in President Trump's 1st house.
Discussed in this post.
Saturn in Scorpio is Rx in President Trump's 4th house, conjunct his natal Moon currently.
Saturn is retrograde for approximately 140 days and is stationary about 5 days before and 5 days after retrogradation. You will be re-learning life lessons, becoming solely responsible in an area of your life (determined by the house).
Generally Saturn in 4th house - Home may not have been supportive early in your life, resulting in you feeling a lack of a firm footing in life. Later you may build up a solid foundation based on your own hard work, and your home life will become a solid base for you. These issues will be revisited during Saturn retrograde and will need to be cleared. Also, please note, since Saturn is in Scorpio, the house in your Natal Chart ruled by Scorpio will also be affected. Scorpio is ruled by Mars which is in his 12th house and conjunct the total eclipse. (Also Pluto in his 12th).
Pluto in Capricorn is Rx in President Trump's 5th house.
Pluto is retrograde for 160 days and is stationary about 16 days before and 16 days after retrogradation. During this time, you will need to rectify any issues from your past.
Generally Pluto transiting the 5th house- The house of creativity, love, romance, children and gambling and speculation. Get ready to have a whole new perception on what was once considered fun. Pluto is bringing your love life up for inspection. Maybe you weren't a person that enjoyed the simple things in life, maybe you aren't wired for fun, love, romance or leisure. Maybe you had too much fun, maybe your whole life has been one big playground. Whichever it was Pluto has come to transform the way you have fun, relate to children or love. If you are single you may meet a different kind of lover then you ever have had in past.Regardless of what happens during this transit expect to be renewed and going forward you won't pursue love and romance the same if you are able to catch a drift.
Neptune in Pisces is Rx in President Trump's 7th house.
Neptune is retrograde for 160 days and is stationary about 16 days before and 16 days after retrogradation. "Reasoning and all logic may be tossed aside in favor of mysticism, intuition and the esoteric."
General Neptune 7th house: Ambiguities surrounding close partnerships are felt during this cycle. The area of close one-to-one partnerships may be on somewhat shaky ground. Uncertainty about a partnership, or a feeling that partnership is elusive, may be part of the picture. Some of you will be dealing with frustrating behavior on the part of a spouse or close partner. You may be judging him or her as behaving quite foolishly or irresponsibly. Some may be meeting potential partners who seem to be “the one”, but who end up being elusive or disappointing. The tendency to attract people who you deem needy of being “saved” could be problematic. Others will be connecting on a new level of spirituality in their relationships, recognizing that one can’t control a partner, and that a partner shouldn’t have to follow a particular script.
General about Neptune Rx: Phobias, hypochondria and paranoia may become more noticeable during Neptune retrograde but also easier to discuss. The world may seem boring when conspiracy theories are debunked or Armageddon is postponed indefinitely. Sometimes, however, your suspicions may in fact, be based on accurate psychic impressions. In the case of health matters especially, it is worth seeking a second opinion in case of misdiagnosis or misinterpretation of results.
Chiron in Pisces is Rx in President Trump's 8th house.
Chiron square Sun and Moon and Uranus, trine Venus and Saturn, opposed Neptune
"A square to the Sun can make it more difficult, and you may be forced to face your issues in an uneasy way.
A square to the Moon can open up old wounds and stir up emotional baggage that you have to deal with, but are uncomfortable with
A trine to Venus can be helpful for feeling more at ease with your baggage and wounds, and you can get help from other people or through your relationships.
A trine to Saturn can be helpful for being responsible and practical with your wounds and baggage. You can approach them with a practical outlook so you understand exactly what you can and can’t deal with right now, and you can go about healing in the right way.
A square to Uranus can make it so you act impulsively when your wounds are triggered, or you become anxious to deal with your baggage, so you have to make sure you’re not reckless but are allowing yourself to move forward with your healing.
An opposition to Neptune can make it difficult for you to figure out what it is that you need to work on, and you may need to work on being more realistic about how your baggage and wounds impact you. You can also be far more vulnerable and need to guard yourself. "
Where will the Aug 21 Complete New Moon Solar Eclipse at 28 Leo in your Chart?
On each of these graphics, the July 23 Eclipse is interpreted on the right,
and the Aug 21 Eclipse is interpreted on the left.
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- Who am I?
- Outer Appearance
- Expectations of Yourself and Life
- How you interact with others
- Your Personality or Persona
- What is new in this incarnation for you
- Also our Aura
- Our Body as an extension of our Soul
- Head Chakras
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- What do I have?
- Assets, Belongings
- Values
- Capability of Earning
- What you do with your income
- Wishes, expectations, anxieties, confusions, despairs
- Your basic talents
- Talents you developed from past lives
- Sense of self-worth
- Our Spiritual Resources
- Our Prana (energy)
- Freedom and Abundance
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- How do I communicate?
- Learning ability
- Interacting skills
- Your elementary school years
- Brothers and Sisters (karmic connection?)
- Mental Processes
- Search for Knowledge and Wisdom
- How the Soul learns to govern the Mind
- Mental Telepathy
- Our Soul Brothers and Sisters
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- Where do I come from?
- Our Roots
- Family of Origin environment
- Mother
- Memories of Past Lives
- Memories of your Race/Ancestors and it's History, Hopes and Fears
- What you like to eat and don't
- Religion passed down from our family
- Holidays and Rituals and how your family celebrates them
- the Universal Mother
- Becoming a Co-Creator with our Spirit
- Growing Beyond our Conditioning
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- How do I play?
- Being
- to have a Child
- to carry out a Creative Project
- to fall in Love (Romance)
- Sponteneity
- a taste for what could be
- a dream to try to live
- Excess in food, gambling, alcohol, romance
- Risk of staying shallow
- Expression of Spiritual Will
- Acutalization of our Higher Selves
- Our Soul as a Parent to our Inner Child
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- How do I work?
- Daily chores
- Routines
- Health & Wellness
- Perception of Details
- Cooperating with others by Service
- Energy Imbalances from Previous Lives
- Hygiene and Self Care
- Maintaining your surroundings
- Service to Humanity
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- How do I relate?
- Contacts with special others
- Marriage
- Business Partners
- The completion of ourselves through our opposite
- Two Equals enriching the lives of each other
- Counselors, listening to others
- Relationships that are Karmic (though we do have choice)
- Transcending conflict to heal
- Known enemies
- Integrating our Shadow
- Finding union with our spiritual coworkers
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- What is hidden in me?
- Intimacy with Your Self, knowing yourself deeply
- Intimacy with Special Others
- Two Become One
- Clearing out old karma
- Power is involved
- Primal feelings: desire, anger, ecstasy, insecurity, greed
- Sexuality
- Death
- Bank Accounts (resources of others)
- Connects to all your other identities, unreasonable fears, insight and knowledge that comes from out of the blue
- Transcendance to the desires of the soul
- Transcendance of death through the immortality of the Soul
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- How do I break out of boundaries?
- Hope, enthusiasm, belief, expansion
- Long Distance Travel
- Higher Education
- Religion of all kinds
- Publishing and Media
- Cosmic Laws
- Philosophy
- Divination
- Higher Unity Path
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- What do I aspire to?
- Midheaven (highest part of chart)
- Indicators of Career
- Opportunities
- Reputation
- Not the house of money
- Experiencing success or failure
- Responsibility
- Maturity
- Sharing your Talents
- Authority Figures
- the Father
- awareness of Higher Authority of spiritual initiation and service
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- Who are my friends?
- Chosen associations
- Social Contacts
- Extracurricular Activities
- Learning how to serve in groups
- Organizations
- Connecting at the level of Soul
At the Lunar Eclipse, things come up from our shadow to then enter our conscious awareness. Things also can suddenly leave our lives.
At the Solar Eclipse, we lose touch with the familiar, experiencing an interruption, and then take a leap of faith to grow in this area.
- What is beyond me?
- Energies beyond human control and normal understanding
- Prisons/Incarceration and Institutions
- Loneliness
- Secrets
- Hidden Enemies
- Unredeemed Karma carried over from Past
- Awareness of Past Lives
Based on Alan Oaken and Astrology Work

Introductory Human Design
Lunation Calendars
and Calendar
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