I thought I would try to keep track of what the effect of the eclipses are on my chart.
We have a Lunar Eclipse followed by a Solar Eclipse
Jan 31, 2018 - July 1, 2018 Lunar Eclipse at 11 Leo in my 8th house |
January, February, March, April, May, June
Now until July: "Eclipses in the eighth house are intense, and bring on soul-searching. Some might become aware of the heavy energetic price of debt or toxic entanglements. A catharsis might be due in order to summon emotional courage and transform your darkest fears into productive action. Being close to death is a possibility, with all the reflection the ultimate life passage brings. Other possibilities are banishing intensity around sex, meeting your or another person's dark side, or leaving a controlling situation. Overall, eclipses in the second and eighth house involve developing or squandering natural talents, realizing your values, selling your soul, fertility, and death."
"Eighth House keywords: your attitude toward transformation, sexual intimacy, psychological transparency and honesty, intimate bonding, other people’s money and resources, death
Here’s how it might play out:
-A dear friend commits suicide, leaving you with many questions and even more chaos in your soul where you experience a ‘dark night’. You question the value of a single life and wonder who will remember you when you’re gone. Your vulnerable questioning temporarily isolates you then makes you tender, forging deeper bonds to the temporary nature of life, to the people you love. -You reconnect with an old lover and end up sleeping together. You feel terrible about yourself in the morning, experiencing the old familiar sexual hangover yet again -a feeling of diminished self-worth. You’ve given away your pearls to swine and today you call your self on it. You begin to address the deeper issues behind your patterns of sexual intimacy. -You aren’t feeling fairly compensated for your craft. You’re selling your work at far below market value. A friend asks whether you even value your own gifts and talents. You start to do spiritual work on scarcity, and discover a new sense of spiritual security arising in you. Because you did the spiritual-magical work, when you raise your rates people are happy to pay them. -Your partner financially supports you which the eventuality you’d find your direction, find a job and start contributing to the household income. That day hasn’t come. You wonder if money is a measure of worth. You see the gifts you bring — like being a supportive partner and parent, which can’t be measured in dollars. You realize your self-worth is not dependent on money. -You loan money to a cousin who just lost a job. She promises to repay you, but doesn’t. You wrestle with your emotions, realising animosity will cost you this dear relationship. You forgive her. You’re learning lessons around spiritual generosity."
"Lunar Eclipse in 8th house: An excellent period for matters involving material goods. It tends to be a transformative period involving sex, death, and/or taxes. Sex does not necessarily mean “the act” but could involve sexual organs or an awareness of a sexual concept. Death also does not necessarily mean “literal death” but could involve the death of an outdated idea or situation so that you can begin anew. Taxes, on the other hand, mean taxes and tax debt. No pseudonym for that one."
2/3/18: Right now, we are looking for apartments and planning to move from the Columbia River Gorge area in to Portland. Greg lost his job, so we are relying on savings from inheritance, his severance and his unemployment. I am taking a job in Tualatin* and we are hoping he will get a job in Portland somewhere. This is a lot about changes in my partner's finances. *Gladstone
"Death" of my years of living in the Columbia River Gorge...
Yeserday (2/14/18) there was another school shooting, this time in Florida. :(
2/15/18: Today, I am very, very tired. I have two weeks left in my private practice. All my clients know now. I am weary. It feels like it is all happening so fast ... and so slow. I had coffee this morning with someone who also works where I will be working. She commented that I am organized enough to make sure I make money. Now Greg just needs to get a job. He is interviewing right now for one... that he doesn't want, but goes to EXPO soon where he will network.
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Feb 15, 2018 - July 15, 2018 Solar Eclipse at 27 Aquarius in my 2nd house |
My 2nd house
February, March, April, May, June, July
"Second House keywords: money, talents/gifts/skills/resources you have that can support you, movable possessions, resources, where you derive your security, your ability to survive and feel safe in the world"
"Solar in Second House: The focus is on financial perspectives. The ego drives one to seek financial and material status. Excessive ego may prompt a person's attempt to increase income by expanding resources while another person may try to amass assets for savings or other security means. Acquiring large debts while purchasing material objects can satisfy the ego; or displays of financial generosity might give another person a sense of pride. The results of the Solar Eclipse period within the second house might range from proportional prosperity to economic ruin. However, security and growth is not merely financial activity; the focus deals with the development of material values and obligatory attitudes that promote inner growth as well as material and psychological security."
We have a Solar Eclipse followed by a Lunar Eclipse, and then another Solar Eclipse (which is unusual)
Thursday, July 12, 2018
7:48 PM New Moon Partial SOLAR Eclipse 20 Cancer 41
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July 12, 2018 - Jan 12, 2019
Solar Eclipse at 20 Cancer in my 7th house
My 7th house
July, August, September, October, November, December
"Seventh House keywords: partnerships, marriage, friendships, counselors, open enemies, contracts, shadow projection onto others
Here’s how it might play out:
-You’ve lost weight. You’ve grown in spiritual mastery. But you still see yourself as that chubby overweight kid, or, likewise the perpetual student who knows nothing. Now is the time to steep in the awareness of just how much you’ve changed. Play with your new identity, try it on. Then be a boss, own it. -You’ve decided to pursue a career as an artist and you feel your straight-laced clothes may be giving off the wrong impression to people you meet. You change your appearance and begin dressing like an artist (because you are one) to more fully embody an identity. This throws your accountant boyfriend into a tailspin while simultaneously drawing new arts-y folks into your orbit. -You have the shocking realization that your self-image, and your friends, are completely tied into your partnership. You make this harrowing discovery when your lover leaves and you no longer recognize your self. -You unconsciously see your self as an eternal bachelor or bachelorette. You discover this when you meet someone you want to spend more time with and they challenge your footloose self-image by asking you to settle down. –You’re in a stable partnership and your partner develops new interests outside of the home. Now you have more time on your hands. This free time stimulates you to ‘do something’. Suddenly you’re off and running in a new direction of self-discovery."
"Solar Eclipse in 7th house: The focus is on one to one human interaction at a personal level and a business level. A sense of incompleteness encourages individuals to seek an equivalent in order to enhance self-esteem. The meaningful alliances are generally expressed as marital or business partnerships. The Solar Eclipse in the seventh house strengthens relationships that are solid and satisfying while disbanding relationships that are unbalanced or unrewarding. Harmony and balance are important to emotional growth. Self-worth can be realized through one's ability to assist another person to meet his/her needs."
Friday, July 27, 2018
1:20 PM Full Moon Total LUNAR Eclipse 4 Aquarius 45
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July 27, 2018 - Jan 27, 2019
Lunar Eclipse at 27 Aquarius in my 2nd house
Again my 2nd house
July, August, September, October, November, December
"Second House keywords: money, talents/gifts/skills/resources you have that can support you, movable possessions, resources, where you derive your security, your ability to survive and feel safe in the world"
"Lunar Eclipse in 2nd house: Discovering a need to receive something from someone else. A sense of self-security may be an issue highlighted at this time. Values based on self-worth and how that relates to others as the most basic level might become an issue. Your code of ethics – the rules that govern your sense of right and wrong – may be questioned or validated by others."
Saturday, August 11, 2018
3:58 AM New Moon Partial SOLAR Eclipse 18 Leo 42
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August 11, 2018 - Feb 11, 2019
Solar Eclipse at 18 Leo in my 8th house
Flaws in an important system in our lives are revealed around the time of the eclipse, prompting us to redo or to start fresh. We may find ourselves completely re-working this area of life. Something ends in order for something else to start anew. We may be called to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter in our lives. Although the “new” may be unrecognizable, it is important to allow the necessary surrender to the unknown.
This is a time for concentrating on building our self-confidence by discovering our paths as distinct individuals, and expressing ourselves confidently, or letting go of limiting attitudes that prevent us from pursuing this path. We might find opportunities to uncover or rediscover our unique creative powers. We might consider putting effort into our relationships by becoming more personal, demonstrative, and involved rather than detached or technical in our approach. We may begin a new romance, start fresh in our dating lives, or renew a commitment to a current relationship. Same goes for a hobby, leisure time, games, and entertainment. We might also consider ways to add more leisure or play time to our lives.
This eclipse is conjunct retrograde Mercury and forms a square with Jupiter. We’re inspired, poised to solve problems confidently and with authority, and filled with good intentions. It’s a good time to develop warmer communication skills, and it’s an excellent cycle for infusing our romantic lives with fun, good-spirited energy. We may want to take a wait-and-see approach to new launches, however, with Mercury retrograde until the 19th and Mars retrograde in Leo’s opposite sign, Aquarius, until the 27th. As well, there is a strong tendency to exaggeration and blowing matters out of proportion.
However, we’re learning to take more pride in ourselves as unique individuals, to give ourselves warmly and generously to others, and to assume more responsibility for our lives.
We may find ourselves completely re-working the area of life ruled by Leo in our charts.
With this eclipse, we might experience a strong urge to act on impulse. However, it will be important to avoid jumping to conclusions and asserting ourselves without considering others’ feelings and reactions. There is a big difference between asserting ourselves from a place of healthy confidence and asserting ourselves brashly and blindly, designed to give us a false sense of confidence or bravery. We should also watch for cockiness and excessive pride interfering with our progress now. Taking the high road is absolutely critical for success now.
With this potent Leo energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives that will benefit us well beyond this Moon cycle. For some of us, circumstances are such that we need to pay more attention to these matters. Nagging problems from recent months need to be dealt with and put behind us.
An eclipse occurs close to the nodal axis, and this eclipse is close to the North Node of the Moon in Leo. Eclipses close to the North Node tend to feel a little less challenging than those conjunct or closer to the South Node, as we are focusing less on what we’re leaving behind and more on where we’re heading."
Again my 8th house
August, September, October, November, December, January
August to next February: "Eclipses in the eighth house are intense, and bring on soul-searching. Some might become aware of the heavy energetic price of debt or toxic entanglements. A catharsis might be due in order to summon emotional courage and transform your darkest fears into productive action. Being close to death is a possibility, with all the reflection the ultimate life passage brings. Other possibilities are banishing intensity around sex, meeting your or another person's dark side, or leaving a controlling situation. Overall, eclipses in the second and eighth house involve developing or squandering natural talents, realizing your values, selling your soul, fertility, and death."
"Eighth House keywords: your attitude toward transformation, sexual intimacy, psychological transparency and honesty, intimate bonding, other people’s money and resources, death
"Solar Eclipse in 8th house: The focus is on sharing material, physical, and/or inner spheres. Activation of the material assets that may be shared with the marriage partner or business associates. Activation of the physical sensory may arouse aggressive sexual urges. The psychological or inner response accentuates spiritual evolution and psychic development. The individual's motivation may depend upon his/her own level of growth attained to this stage of life. "
12/31/18 Happy New Year's Eve
Well, mostly these past few months have been about working at two schools again, in addition to the clients I saw through the summer. It's been exhausting and frankly I have felt pretty dead inside. The other thing is Greg has been recovering from his stroke-like event.
Introductory Human Design
Lunation Calendars
and Calendar
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