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Neptune square Moon: Mirages
Mid-May 2016 until mid-December 2018: Under this influence you may have to contend with rather strange moods and feelings. You may feel that your hunches are extremely accurate, but be careful - the language of your unconscious mind, which is speaking rather strongly to you now, is very different from the language of the conscious mind. Your hunches may mislead you.
At the same time, you are more subject to outside influences now. If you are around an angry person or someone under the influence of any other intense feeling, you will feel their energy strongly. For this reason, you should avoid people who are under the influence of strong negative emotions. Your empathy is so great that you will easily become subject to their feelings. And avoid anyone who tries to control your thinking through subtle suggestions and hints, which is very likely to happen, because the thoughts they instill will seem to come from within you - another good reason for avoiding negative people.
There may be other problems in your home or personal life or with emotional relationships. It is extremely important that you try to communicate with those around you as clearly as possible. Misunderstandings are rife under this influence. You may begin a love relationship that is hopelessly unrealistic and yet very fascinating.
Moods and emotions may appear and disappear with great speed. Do not take them too seriously or get too wrapped up in contemplating them, for you will only make mountains out of molehills. Even when you are disappointed about something, do not dwell on it. Your own negative emotions can be very destructive.
Transit Neptune Square Moon
Your emotions are confusing during this time, as you fall under a spell of idealism, romance and compassion. This will often affect your home, family or personal relationships, but may also involve the more material aspects of your life such as work or finances. You’re strongly affected by strange moods and confusion as you attempt to follow a more spiritual path, but this idealistic spell makes you less discriminating and realistic and you may get drawn into situations that are deceptive. You may also deceive yourself and go against what your rational mind is telling you. You have more difficulty when handling the material aspects of your life, which may cause a loss of money or endanger the security of your home and property. You’ll confront your illusions about other people and whether or not they fulfill your emotional needs, and partnerships are more frustrating now as you constantly question their value. You may discover that relationships are built on your expectations rather than an honest assessment of their worth. Solid partnerships will survive this re-evaluation, but unrealistic ones will likely end; you should wait until this cycle completes before making any firm commitments. Be more attentive to problems at home such as deception or chaos involving the issues of home, and should be especially careful about water problems - check your plumbing for leaks. You may engage in escapist behavior such as drinking or doing drugs, but your body is much more sensitive and you should be careful when taking in any foreign matter, even prescription drugs. Also watch digestive problems and food poisoning.

Jupiter conjunction Neptune: A sense of compassion Beginning of January 2018 until mid-September 2018: During this time your ideals will be aroused as they seldom are at other times, and you will approach life with a greater sense of compassion. People who cannot help themselves will win your sympathy especially, whether you encounter them personally or through working with others in a charitable enterprise. Your primary concern is to help individuals by giving them a hand. You may be less concerned with transforming the social order that has given rise to the conditions that oppress the people you are dealing with.
Your interest in spiritual, religious and mystical philosophy is likely to grow at this time, and you may become involved in a group that is studying these subjects. This world no longer seems to meet your needs adequately, so you have to turn inward to find a world that can give you what you really need. Here, too, you will discover that the ego's drives for self-gratification and self-assertion may be the major factors in preventing you from getting what you want out of life. At this time the demands of the ego must be quieted at least a little, so you can hear what the inner self is really saying.
Unfortunately there is another side to this influence, which you should watch for. Some people develop a feeling of false happiness, like living in the dream world of an opium smoker, with no basis in reality. You may feel that everything is all right when it is not, or you may feel that you can do anything you want and get away with it. That is why this influence is often associated with gambling or taking risks with limited resources, often with disastrous results. This is not a very good time for investments, not because you will necessarily lose out, but because you just won't know for sure, and you will be tempted to gamble even when it is a poor risk. For the same reason, in business deals be sure you are not the victim of a massive misrepresentation.
With this influence it is best to avoid purely selfish concerns, for when your actions are thus motivated you are most likely to encounter its negative side.

Saturn sextile Sun: Recognition Mid-January 2018 until beginning of November 2018: This influence will present many opportunities for achievement. At this time you will be able to strengthen many areas of your life so that they can withstand adversity later. But you have to take control of this moment. Nothing will be given to you without some effort on your part. You will have to exercise considerable care and responsibility and pay attention to what others require of you and the commitments you have made to them. This is not a "lucky" influence in the ordinary sense of the word, but it can be exceedingly fortunate for you, if you work hard to make it so.
Recognition by others, particularly persons in authority over you, may come now. At this time you have more patience and perseverance than usual. You are able to work in a disciplined and careful manner and make your work enduring. This is an excellent time to tackle difficult and demanding projects. Even your health is better than usual, but that does not mean that you should abuse it. Instead, you should be building up your strength. In the not-too-distant future you will need your good health, so don't waste it now. This is a time of successful preparation for climaxes and periods of crisis to come. How well you are able to deal with the future depends largely upon what you do now.

Jupiter conjunction Mercury: Foresight Beginning of February 2018 until beginning of October 2018: At this time you are able to combine breadth of vision with sharp perception and intellect, knowledge of the particular with knowledge of the general, and thereby see the whole scope of anything you are involved in. This reveals itself as foresight and long-range planning ability. This is a good time to map out your future, because you can understand and interrelate all the elements that will affect your life.
At the same time, you feel optimistic and proceed with the belief that everything will come out exactly as you want it to. And it probably will, because you don't get completely carried away with grandiose thinking. This influence usually indicates a good balance between details and generality in your thinking, but there is also a tendency to deemphasize the details and not pay adequate attention to them. If you are not careful, this can result in sloppy or hasty thinking. Be sure to slow down somewhat and do not get carried away with your plans. Otherwise, this is an excellent time to make decisions or to conclude any kind of transaction. It is a superb time to buy or sell, because you will almost certainly be satisfied with the deal.
As your mind tries to expand, you will want to learn more and more. This is a good time for returning to school, but even on a less formal level you will be anxious to learn. You may even travel long distances with this aim in mind. Any dealings with the law should prove to be quite fortunate for you now. You will prepare for such a confrontation skillfully, leaving no loose ends to trip you up.
Communications with others are exceedingly fortunate under this influence. Your optimism and positive state of mind bring you good news from others concerning matters of importance. At the same time, everything that you say to others is very positive and reinforcing, which leaves good feelings behind you wherever you go.
Neptune square Ascendant: Ego losses End of May 2018 until mid-December 2020: At this time in your life your relationships with others are likely to become confused and difficult. You may encounter persons who try to dissuade you from a course of action that you have been committed to for years, with the result that you become confused about the direction of your life. The other person's intentions in this may be either good or bad.
This is not a good time to become involved in any kind of contractual or business negotiations. Even if the people whom you are dealing with are completely honest - and with this influence they may very well be dishonest - you will find it difficult to think clearly about your own goals and objectives in the negotiations. As a result you will not get what you want from the procedure.
On the metaphysical plane there is a lesson to be learned from this influence. The less involved your ego is in a situation, the more freedom you will have to do what you want. By bringing about a loss, this influence often shows us that our attachment to material objects or to certain personal relationships has prevented us from being free. So it is not usually the influence itself that causes losses or confusion, but your ego's relentless drive to maintain the game it is playing. And this may be happening at your expense, when viewed from a higher perspective. When your ego takes over in this way, you set your priorities incorrectly, and you are not likely to be successful.
The strategy with this influence is to flow through it without any particular set plan of action nor any special objective. Simply treat this time as a learning experience. If a relationship doesn't work out, ask yourself why you got into it in the first place. If you attract dishonest people or if your dishonesty has brought you trouble, ask yourself what purpose this served in your life. Often you will discover that you were trying to protect something that really wasn't worth protecting.
This is not a good time to become involved in any kind of contractual or business negotiations. Even if the people whom you are dealing with are completely honest - and with this influence they may very well be dishonest - you will find it difficult to think clearly about your own goals and objectives in the negotiations. As a result you will not get what you want from the procedure.
On the metaphysical plane there is a lesson to be learned from this influence. The less involved your ego is in a situation, the more freedom you will have to do what you want. By bringing about a loss, this influence often shows us that our attachment to material objects or to certain personal relationships has prevented us from being free. So it is not usually the influence itself that causes losses or confusion, but your ego's relentless drive to maintain the game it is playing. And this may be happening at your expense, when viewed from a higher perspective. When your ego takes over in this way, you set your priorities incorrectly, and you are not likely to be successful.
The strategy with this influence is to flow through it without any particular set plan of action nor any special objective. Simply treat this time as a learning experience. If a relationship doesn't work out, ask yourself why you got into it in the first place. If you attract dishonest people or if your dishonesty has brought you trouble, ask yourself what purpose this served in your life. Often you will discover that you were trying to protect something that really wasn't worth protecting.

Jupiter square Saturn: Something is wrong From 23 December 2018 until 1 January 2019: During this time you will make many adjustments in your life, separating yourself from persons or circumstances that are doing you no good. You will change many standards of behavior and morality that you realize are inappropriate and generally realign your conception of duty and responsibility more in accordance with reality. In the process you may experience a considerable amount of tension, and for a time you may be confused, not quite knowing whether to go backward or forward, to expand or cut back.
Probably you would be well advised to go off by yourself for a while, because other people's advice will be of little value, unless you select your advisors with great care. The challenge here is to increase and go forward in some areas but to cut back in others. You will not be able to keep everything going, no matter how much you want to. Unfortunately there is no way of telling in advance which areas of your life will be affected.
Under this influence there is often a strong feeling of restlessness and uncertainty. You know clearly that something is wrong, but you are not sure what it is. The best way to deal with this is not to be in a hurry. Usually you will have all the time you need to make a decision based on careful observation of the facts, so don't rush.
In business and professional matters, this is a critical time, but not necessarily a bad one. It simply means that whatever you do now will have a more important effect than usual on the future. It is possible that you will change jobs during this time, because a new offer gives you more opportunities to get ahead than your old job. In that case, take it, because such changes are often beneficial with this influence. In general you should take any opportunity that comes along now to broaden your scope and release yourself from limitations that have held you back. The trick is to do this in a way that is not destructively disruptive.
Pluto Transits Conjunct Ascendant- Transits the 1st house
"During this transit, you will yield a lot of power. You will find that others are more willing to go along with your desires. You will feel empowered. It is also possible for you to meet a special person, that can offer you many opportunities. You may come across wealthy and powerful people. Everything in your life for the next 12-14 years will change and the decisions you make along the way are very important to how you will end up. You will be exposed to the underworld, the world where power and money rule it's important that you do not get involved with all the wrong people. Remember, Pluto will tempt you will all that glory and wealth but it's always with a price attached. Handle this new found power with respect. You will have a strong, powerful and sexy presence and will be quite confident. This is a time to pursue your dreams, especially when it comes to career. You will be ambitious and many amazing opportunities will come your way. It is easy to get caught up in all kinds of Pluto temptations at this time. People may challenge you, but you won't mind you actually have the upper hand during this time. Pluto's intensity is all throughout your inner being, and you may want to engage in activities, or may be thrown into activities that bring out these Plutonian activities, situations and offers that may require you sell a part of your soul for the offer. This is not always the case, just be wise about who you get involved with at this time. It is also possible that you come across controlling or dominating during this transit this is becasue you are not much afraid of anything now. There will be a subtle influence working within you that can open the door to power-trips, temptations, and situations that challenge you. You will have a desire for more power within your environment. You may experience a very intense Plutonic relationship, that will test your will on all levels. You will learn about how you use your personal power and it's effects. It's best if you utilize this time to strengthen your convictions, find out who you really are, and by using this empowerment in a positive way to accomplish your goals. Try not to fall into the traps of game-playing, manipulation, and power trips, for Pluto can leave quite a disaster in your wake. This is a powerful time in your life that can help you discover who you really are, infuse you with the confidence drive and willpower to accomplish a lot. This is a especially powerful transit for career."
My cusp: 21 Capricorn
Pluto is sitting on the cusp in my chart or retrograding most of this year.
Pluto Transiting your 2nd house
"This transit will tranform your belief system around money and it's power. As with all transits his can be both positive or negatively expressed. I find the transits tend to function in phases and with the outer planets such as Pluto, then tend to happen over a longer period of time so often aren't blatanly obvious initally but some can be. Initially when Pluto hit's this house, you might find yourself seduced by money and all it's glory. Some during this transit might find themselves surrounded by those with lot's of money, or people with powerful personalities often with opportunities. You may also initially decide to get your first tatoo, under Pluto's influence in your house of values your tastes can change along with what you value, want or find attractive. You may have some very sensual times ahead romantically. However, negatively you might incur many dramatic situations surrounding money and power. You can also find yourself in powerstruggles with others over money. You will be introduced to money and the power of it, but will also be tested on just what it is you are willing to tolerate, or what part of your freedom, and even soul in order to have it. These come across in situations as love relationships of all kinds, love, family, work, friends. In order to not have the negative happen one will need to be conscious of their core values but also willing to walk away for the sake of sanity from those unhealthy attachements. We learn what financial attachements to others can bring negatively. It's said Pluto types seem to show and this means, sexy, powerful wealthy people, with control issues. Which can bring about dramatic and even painful situations. It's very important that you are careful with whom you choose to get involved with financially at this time. The 2nd house is the house of Taurus- who's motto is- I have. What this transit can do positively is that it can bring about a stronger self worth, aquistion and more control of one's own life and financial affairs. However, if you are not careful you can end up with the imfamous Pluto destruction or loss. This usually occurs if you are not careful about the attachements you have to others. You will not want to give your power away and may be put into some shadowy situations to test this. As Saturn will slow down the income here initially, Pluto can increase it dramatically along with your ego surrounding it. You may become obsessed with money, you need to becareful though because if you use unethical tactics, or sell yourself short and sell out, you will not only be accountable and may experience loss, but if you sell out, you will have much regret later but a lesson will be learned. Pluto is that planet we know appeals to our earthly desires, those of wealth and power and all the shameful qualities attached. Our secrets and things we wish to keep hidden. We can feel more secretive during a Pluto transit, because we become more inticed by things that we might have not realized until now. Sometimes if the person was not previously strong in self-worth, than their transformation might be that they suddenly feel they deserve more and aren't afraid to ask for what theyre worth. This is in area of business and money but also in areas of relationships and things all Venus such as luxury, sensuality, art, music and even sex since it's all things that bring us pleasure and even glamor. We may feel sexier, more passionate about our desires and more willing to not only pursue them and even demand them. However, it's important to be conscious of the influence inorder to best manage it positively and avoid many of the conflicts or shady situations that this transit can bring about. This transit in short will bring about a transformation in what you value, your self value, and what you need to have to be happy but also what you are willing to do for it. It's best approaching all matters with intuition, logic and balance and realize their is no real urgency which is difficult to do under this transit. Later in the transit you will rebuild any loss, you will have a newfound self worth, and you understand the value of money and the freedom it allows. It's a energy that can be used for good or bad. It can hurt us or help us, it's all in how much power we give it. But also how we use it."

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