I had a post to reflect on the eclipses in 2018. Remember all eclipses last 6 months, thus they overlap.
The New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse on January 5, 2019, at 15 degrees Capricorn, will be conjunct Vega in Lyra, and it squares the Vertex in the Spiral Galaxy.
Eclipse Transits: https://astrologicalcounsel.blogspot.com/2017/01/eclipse-transits.html
"Crystal - White howlite is a stone that strongly urges you down the path of independence and taking control of your life. It prompts you to take conscious control with your life while taking care of yourself and others. It makes you aware of your actions and how they will affect others. Physically white howlite equalises your sense of balance, helps with nausea, vomiting, reduces skin irritations. Message - Health, happiness and friendship – these simple pleasures raise the spirit. Focus - You have a great capacity to show concern, encouragement and affection to those in need. Affirmation I am learning a new way of life. I am grateful for the abundant goodness in my life."
IN MY FIRST HOUSE: The focus is on personal development. Self-recognition is essential to self-esteem and growth. Acknowledgement of a weakness is as important to development as the recognition of strengths. No person can exist without some form of weakness. Some people experience identity crises or ruminate on self-doubts as part of the growth process. The Eclipse's influence is one in which the individual realizes that personal potentials can be developed and expresses them more fully. Self-knowledge, self-confidence, and self-enrichment lead to an expansion of personal horizons for those who respond positively to Solar Eclipse energies. A negative reaction blocks growth potentials and gives rise to arrogance and self-gratification. People that are too satisfied with the "self" as they are, fail to recognize what they have become.
The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on January 21, 2019, at 00 degrees 52 seconds of Leo, will be conjunct Aludra in Canis Major, opposing Aladfar in Lyra and squaring Vertex in the Spiral Galaxy.
"Crystal - Brecciated Jasper - Prepares you for conflict. Helps you regain a foothold after a defeat. Eases the resolving of conflicts and helps make up for damages. Rejuvenates and revitalises; stimulates the circulation, blood flow and your self healing power.
Message - Calmly re-focus, re-crystallise ideas, create new outcomes.
Focus - You are an emotional person, drawing on personal life experience to generously help others.
Affirmation - My genuine self-confidence is irresistible."
IN MY EIGHTH: A Lunar Eclipse in the eighth house, some drama with regards to a spouse's income, or your taxes, debts, and investments, may occur on a mundane level. It may be time to settle some of your debts, financial or otherwise. What makes you feel comfortable and secure needs to be balanced with attention to other people's needs and comfort levels. There can be new money coming into your life.

Introductory Human Design
Lunation Calendars
and Calendar
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