my Hologenetic chart


4 Scorpio - Embracing the Dark Side
Mind Sun 28/38 Spleen
"Life must be an adventure for you. This doesn't necessarily mean outwardly, although that is more than likely if you meet the challenges that come your way. But your real talent is for seeing life as an adventure. This attitude will change the whole gear of your existence — from life being a struggle in which you are a victim of circumstance — to life being a journey with you as the hero or heroine. By living in this way, you will not only feel alive but you will empower everyone whom you meet with a higher vision of themselves. Above all, you must learn to trust in your own intuition to guide you along the way. Even when the odds seem stacked against you, try to remember that all is not what it seems. Over time, the difficult phases you pass through will allow more of you to come into the world."

Food of the Gods
Earth Mind 27/50 Sacral
Line 3 - Break out of the need for attention/approval by doing things without agenda.

"As a strongly individual person, your challenges in life are likely to centre on your level of commitment to others. It is essential that you choose your allies in life extremely carefully. Despite your love of adventure and excitement, you are one of the great nurturers of others. For you, closely tied relationships are meant to last. You are tied to seven year cycles of caring, which means that when you enter into a relationship or serious endeavour, you need to complete at least one cycle lasting seven years. If you break out of this cycle before it is completed, it will haunt you for years. Sometimes you may not realise how much you really care for others until it's too late, so it's better to understand your nature from the beginning. For you, there is nothing more beautiful or fulfilling than to be in a position where you nurture others."

Sounding Your Truth
Body Sun 7/32 Throat
"Radiance for you is about recognition. When those who resonate with your message hear your voice, you really begin to shine. You cannot make people recognise you; you have to wait for the right timing. The more effort you expend, the further away from yourself you will move. Your health and well being is highly dependent upon your self expression. Are you doing the thing you really love? Are you reaching people? Are you shining? These are all natural by-products of your being in the flow of life. Above all you are here to exert your positive influence over others whatever medium you use to convey it. Your gift is to help them find their own inner flow with life. If you cannot be of service to the world and to others, you cannot really glow with vitality. Your ideal environment in this regard is to be part of a team where your specific gifts are well recognised and respected."

 Line 5: Orthoclase

The Prime Emanation
Body Earth 30/41 Root
"Your inner purpose is to feel the sheer joy of life throbbing through you as you bring something totally new into the world. Whatever you do in life, no matter what it is, you have to do it in a way that has never been conceived of before. You are ahead of your era. By following your Life's Work, you will catch the crest of a new wave that is emerging into the world. Because of this, others will look to you as a leader, whether you want that or not. The highest level of this Gift is about aligning yourself to an energy that has not yet fully arrived in the world. This is an incredibly exciting role to have, and if you do not feel this excitement welling up within you regularly, then you have not caught the right wave yet. You need to go deep within yourself to sense this wave, and then have the courage to surf it out into the world."


The Dragon in your Genome
Body Venus 6/59 Sacral

Sacred Tricksters
Mind Venus 26/44 Will

The Ending of Time
Mind Mars 5/15 Sacral

Line 6: Golden Beryl

A Universal Panacea
Body Moon 4/63 Ajna


Jupiter Mind 5/15 G center
0 Cancer - An Eternally Flowering Spring

Line 4: Verdelite

The Art of Softness
Body Mars 10/57 Spleen

Cosmic Communion
Body Jupiter 21/45 Throat

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