Open centers

When the planets in your undefined centers are subconscious, it's the same as being open.

41 Earth (subconscious) in root

"People with Open Root Centers have the wonderful potential to live their lives on their own terms. When they finally understand that stress is a part of the world we live in, and that it's never going to go away, they can choose to stop allowing the pressures of the world to run their lives. They can learn to take their time, to honor their own rhythms, to make room for de-stressing activities (or non-activities). Ultimately, they can become experts at taking in the pressures of the world, and letting them go right back out! Without acting on any of it. There are, of course, occasions when a particular external pressure is 'right' for people with Open Roots. This is where their gift for discerning between 'helpful' and 'unhelpful' pressure comes in. When a burst of 'helpful pressure' comes along, they can consciously and skillfully use that energy to their advantage. In such situations, people with Open Root Centers can be incredibly fast and efficient. In the end, Open Root people are here to cultivate -- and ultimately facilitate in the world around them -- the Art of Pacing."

"If you have an undefined or open Root Center, you have the flexibility of dealing with stress in many different ways. However, transits and other people can activate your root, immensely pressurizing you, which tends to amplify and distort this powerful energy. This can show up as hyperactivity (especially in children), an uncontrollable restlessness and inability to focus. When you have a totally open root center, you can experience the full range of pressure - from deep stillness to intense hyperactivity. Letting pressure pass through you that is not your own is important. Nature is an especially helpful place of renewal and peace for you."

"The undefined or open Root Center absorbs and amplifies the adrenaline pressure around it, which typically translates to stress. People with open Root feel immense pressure from those with defined Root Centers, and because the amplified pressure is uncomfortable, they are always trying to get rid of it. These are the people who rush around trying to do the work of three people, trying to get everything done in order to relieve the pressure, and yet, as soon as one pressure is done there is another in its place. Open Roots are typically early for everything, and over-prepared because they not only live with constant pressure, but they also live in anticipation of receiving more pressure from whomever they come into contact with. Those with an open Root Center can stress eat, use caffeine or nicotine to fuel themselves, and wind up exhausted because they can’t sustain the adrenaline energy that they absorb from those with defined Root Centers. Consequently people with open Root Center can wind up with adrenal issues and suffer from burnout. This can also translate to anxiety, or ADD like behavior when the open Root becomes convinced that they cannot handle the amplified pressure. Open Root Centers have to learn to step back when they feel the pressure from others, and understand that what they are experiencing is an amplified version. They also have to recognize that the pressure of an open Root Center is constant. If they can learn to separate themselves from the pressure, and realize that the world will not stop if they do not respond immediately, they can let themselves off the hook. Open Root Centers have to learn to slow down, set realistic goals and time frames, and allow themselves space to get things done. They can benefit from making lists, and giving themselves extra time to complete tasks so that they get relief from the pressure that they feel."

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