- Your Sun is what you put out into the world
definition: it is the animal survival instinct to survive which is time related. It is direct response / in the moment reaction is about “flight and fight”. (e.g open refrigerator and know which not to eat, dark alley) / intuition/ health, survival and time. <which are in the same space>.
DEFINED: fixed and insensitive to body changes. (e.g. feel sick and need medication of Western medicine).
Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected 3 Godhead - Minerva Line 3 - Adventurism Unfounded risk taking. Exaltation: A basic conservatism that even in adventurous acts is necessarily prudent. An intuitive caution in risk taking in times of struggle.
28 Fear of life has no meaning: fear of anything of doing will be too hard —deep understanding of true value of life
"The Spleen is the home of our oldest and only existential awareness, our body consciousness, the 'gut' feeling. The 28th gate is a conceptualizing gate, the first step of any awareness process. The potential of intuition is to know in the now, whether it is of value to struggle or not. Where the mechanical fighter will not listen, the game player must. The fear of this gate is of death. The challenge is life itself. The development of intuitional potential is based on trial and error. Being a part of the Knowing Circuit, this is a deeply individual process. The risks are always taken alone and so are the consequences. The individual in society is the key to direction, but that role is fraught with difficulties. Any change in direction is the direct result of Mutation, the Format (3 / 60) of this circuit. If the mutation is going to be successful and replace the old with the new, the Tribe and the Collective must be convinced of its value. The knower who does not know what knowing to fight for, or how to fight for it, will face enormous resistance."
The Sun is Yang and is the most expressive aspect of your personality. It’s what you put out into the world. This will be the first impression that others have of you. The Sun is what you express out into the world. This is your personal power and talent.
- Your Earth is what grounds you
My Earth is in gate 27.3 in my defined sacral
Line 3 - Greed The obsession with having much more than one needs. Exaltation: Here, the psychological manifestation. The obsession and dependency on knowing what is hidden. The secret policeman. The power derived in having more than one needs, whether sexually, mentally, or materially.
definition: most powerful motor center for work (i.e.) and life force (i.e. sex and sexuality / energy of taking care of kids/feeding the kids)
"Without nourishment and caring, nothing can survive, particularly a Human Being, who is so vulnerable for so many years. This is the mirror of the pure sexuality of the 59th gate. This is a gate that is both a fuel and an expression of sexuality. Through definition the power of the Sacral to move us is initiated. The drive to nourish is also in its polarity, the drive to be nourished or cared for. This need to be cared for, driven at the Sacral level can lead to all kinds of Sexual health problems. If it is accompanied by a lack of values from the harmonic gate 50, serious problems are possible. When the possibility of values and the expression of caring come together, we have the Channel of Preservation, a design of Custodianship. Those who preserve and protect. This is the gate of compassion, the power to care for the weak, the sick and the young and can be impressively altuistic in its manifestation, as in the case of Mother Teresa of Calcutta."
The Earth is Yin and is what grounds you. It is about receiving, taking in and integrating. Investigating the gates of your Earth is a good place to start when you are trying to heal, because the energy of the Earth influence makes you feel more grounded. The Earth is what grounds you and what you need to feel grounded. These are energies you attract and receive from others.
- Your North Node is the theme of your life age 40+
North node is in gate 20.6 in my defined throat
"Contemplation is the only purely existential gate. The Throat Center is the final stage in the process of expressing the Intuition. The Throat Center is not aware. It has a mechanical function, to speak or act, which can be conditioned by Awareness. Each gate of the Throat has its own unique voice. The voice of Contemplation, unaware and free of maia, says, 'I am Now'. When the Intuition is Defined to the Throat, then the voice says, 'I know I am Now'. It is important to remember that the Splenic Center is not a motor. The Channel of Penetrating Awareness, remains strickly verbal and though the knowing in the now exists as Awareness, it cannot be transformed into action. When the entire Stream of Intuition is Defined, the Throat can then manifest all of the potential of Intuition. 'I know what I am struggling for in the Now'."
definition: center for communication and manifestation. words have the power to manifesting. roles: center regulate and modulate how someone is able to do or manifests. — — if not used correctly, maybe burnout. (may be blow the throat, hythroait may affects about cardio) defined throat: always consistent way of communicating.
Spleen to throat: about what you sense intuitively
Godhead - Maia Line 6 - Wisdom Contemplation which results in the ability to apply understanding. Exaltation: The establishment for the benefit of society, values, ideals and their patterns and how they can be understood and applied. The ability to transform individual awareness for general application and understanding. Detriment: The same as above but motivated by the self-satisfying mental challenge rather than altruism. The ability to transform individual awareness for general application for the mental challenge.
The North Node is the theme of your life for the second half of your life, it is felt more strongly during this time. This is the time to breath out – expression of your wisdom. It flips to your North Node theme at around age 38-42 (from your South Node theme) when you go through your Uranus opposition. The North Node is a life theme that starts during your Uranus opposition. This is what you are moving towards.
35: voice of experience: tell what they have done
45: leadership: here to lead using their resource bet
31: I lead (democratic leadership).
20: I unify (power): gathering people around ideas
- Your South Node is the theme of your life age 0-39
My south node is in gate 34.6 in my defined sacral
"The only purely asexual gate out of the Sacral center. This is a gate of pure unconditioned power. It is power ready for display, available for use. The 34th gate is one of the four gates of the Integration Channels (20,10 & 57). As energy, it is powerful enough to fuel three different channels (Power, Charisma & Exploration). Such power is never to be underestimated. This is the essential fuel of Individuation. The Sacral is second only to the Throat Center in complexity. Like the Throat, it both moves us and provides us with a voice. The movement is rooted in what is termed 'sex drive'. It is in fact a repetitive frequency. The defined Sacral takes its blind walks, shuffles its papers and cleans the house compulsively. This is frequency and not the metamorphosis possible through the Throat. The Sacral also has its voices, the moans and sighs. The 34th gate is the grunting / growling voice. The power to be independent and the energy of conviction. It is the Power of the Great which determines whether Individuation can be maintained. This is an enormous energy resource and not aware. Its power allows it to fuel three different channels. The empowerment of the Human Archetype is its primary function and the definition to 57 is essential. This power without the guidance of awareness can wreck havoc. It is through the Channel of Charisma, a design where thoughts must become deeds, that its destabilizing impact is so common. The power of 34 is relentless, when defined to the Throat, it must manifest. Charisma is what we call the release of Individual Power in the Now. In the design keynote, the term 'thoughts' is used. Do not misinterpret this illusion to the mind only. It is in fact a reference to any of the three awareness centers (Ajna / Mind, Spleen / Body and Solar Plexus / Spirit). The Channel of Charisma not defined to an Awareness center is open to conditioning from any awareness and in the instant of identification with the awareness, it will turn the awareness into deeds. The irony is that charismatic individuals, who seem to epitomize personal power, are so often profoundly manipulated in their lives."
Line 6 - Common sense
Knowing when enough is enough.
Exaltation: The good sense when having bitten off more than one can chew to spit part of it out. The restriction of the release of power when one does not have the strength to maintain it.
Detriment: Enthusiasm overriding better judgment, invariably leads to complications. The lack of restrictions that can sap one's strength.
The South Node is the theme of your life for the first half of your life from birth until about age 38-42. This is time to breathing in – you learn and take in during this time. The South Node is a life theme you master before your Uranus Opposition.
- Your Moon is what drives you
My moon is in gate 5.2 in my defined sacral
"Tantric channels are about the empowerment of the Self. No other channel in Design has such significance. Being in the Flow is a universal mechanism and binds all life forms together in the 'rhythm of Life'. The 5th gate is the power to fix the pattern. It is the gate of habits, of daily rythm and tempo. This is not about establishing the pattern through awareness. This is a mechanical gate. The role of awareness is to not identify with concepts that try to alter the natural pattern. If it is natural to eat at 7 o'clock in the morning, nothing should be allowed to interfere with that pattern."
Ajna definition: center for concrete, thinking analysis and data process and storage where we hold information and believe system.
The glorification of feelings. The mother which always pardons the errant child. The potential to recognize that not everyone can understand
"This is a gate of good fortune. It is clear that the most grounded path is based on logic. To use logic, that is to be able to substantiate things in fact, protects one from misjudgment. And this gate through the Understanding circuit is related to the Channel of Judgment. The real difference lies in the frequency. Splenic awareness operates in the now, but the mind's frequency is over all time. The pressure of a doubt or suspicion can last a lifetime. The I'Ching name for this gate is Youthful Folly. The potential is to have an answer to the doubt. A Stream of Awareness has four stages in its process. An answer, a formula is only a potential. Many answers are sheer foolishness. A formula is the beginning of a logical awareness. It is worthy of remembering that an answer is not necessarily a solution or a fact."
Line 2 - Acceptance
The recognition of limitation in oneself and others leads to tolerance and the suspension of judgment.
Exaltation: The glorification of feelings. The mother which always pardons the errant child. The potential to recognize that not everyone can understand.
Detriment: The assertion of the ego at the expense of others' failures. The potential to take advantage of the lack of understanding in others.
— — defined Ajna: when information goes in, it will stay in the memory. (e.g remember the information clearly). Fixed way of thinking, and have less possibility to see information from other perspective. Lucked at idea (e.g. always fixed at doing things )moon 4: Answer (made up answer) answer for hypothesis unless is true.
note: life is like ping-pong when most people rely on both Head and Ajna (The Mind) to make decision. THERE IS NO MOTOR (where real life is below the neck because the motor is not connected. UP here is just idea/wire thinking/….
- Your Mercury is what you are here to teach & share
mercury is in gate 43.4 in my defined Ajna
The overreliance and stubborn obsession with one's mental abilities in the face of recurring obstacles. This design, given Mercurial mental gifts, may though rarely succeed. A stubborn reliance on one's unique insights that demands focused mental ability to be properly conceptualized.
"The Knowing Circuit is linked to our sense of Hearing. Breakthrough is not to be confused with the so-called 'Third-Eye' or the 'sight' in insight. This is the gate of the Inner Ear. Nothing is more difficult for individuals with this gate, than to listen. They are the most difficult people to teach. It is not a fault or a problem but their genetic protection from undue influence. To teach such a person, one must be simple and begin at the beginning. The Inner Ear listens only to its own 'inner' voice. This is the only possibility to transform the rationalized inner truth into an insight, a unique perspective. This is the gate of Individual Mental Knowing. It is not backed up by facts and may be merely delusion. It takes fortitude, strength even courage to stand behind it. The gates of possibility are the final shaping of an awareness. Once fully conceptualized, they await only access to the Throat and manifestation."
Your Mercury is what you are here to communicate about. Whatever gate is in your Mercury is what you will teach or share. Your Mercury is what you are here to learn about, communicate about, teach and share.
- Your Venus is your value system
Venus is in gate 26.4 in my undefined Ego
"This is the gate of the Egoist. It is the gate of the Trickster. With the 44th gate, this gate is a specific gate of Memory. This is the memory that can be manipulated. It is important to remember, that the Heart center is not aware. The manipulation of memory is inborn and a mechanic. 'Fools are liars and prophets too, for they can never know if what they say is true. They just have to wait and see. ' Every gate in Design is by its nature dualistic. From the mouth of the great liar can also come the great truth. This is the gate of the Ego's strength. This channel forms one of the main health networks in the body. The 26th gate is the gate of the Thymus Gland, where our Immune System is developed during our pre-natal phase. It is the only direct connection between the Ego and the Spleen and thusly can cleanse the ego and how its memory is applied."
open center: 7/8 open defined. Sometime mistaken that have will power, and pushing in without realizing may burn out. Undefined center may go to a highly energized mentoring session with someone who may have defined center, then few days after may longer feel the energy. Biggest challenges is to question their own wealth, not worthy. In business, open will center will undervalue and need to prove yourself. Always ask what trying to prove? (e.g. why people call themselves XXX Diva XXX Bad Ass…. because people may need to rationalize their value. Constant look to prove and maybe burn out.
Venus is your values and what you love. Your Venus is your value system. It is who and what you draw to yourself and relate with. It is your desires. These are usually relationship themes for men.
- Your Mars is your opportunity for growth
mars is in gate 5.6 in my defined sacral
"This is the most complex gate of the Solar Plexus and the most difficult in terms of finding the awareness within the wave. Not only is it a powerful motor with the energy for producing life itself but it also contains the awareness possiblities of all three Streams of Emotional awareness; Feeling, Emoting, and Sensitivity. Where the 50th gate is the awareness of our Personal Defense Reflex, Conflict is our evolved Genetic Defense Reflex. There is no survival for Humanity unless it continues to reproduce. From the perspective of our genes, this is our only purpose, to maintain and continue the genetic pool. In our biology, the 6th gate is associated with our PH balance. It is PH that keeps our outside/outside and our inside/inside. It establishes the boundary of the body. Throughout most of our history, this has been a mechanical process. The possibility of awareness in this gate could transform the nature of all of Humanities intimacy. Who is in and who is out, who can penetrate or be penetrated is the work of this gate. However, as an energy, and this is its general state, it always confines intimacy to a hope and pain cycle"
definition: most powerful motor center for work (i.e.) and life force (i.e. sex and sexuality / energy of taking care of kids/feeding the kids)
Line 6 - Yielding
Waiting is never free from pressure, physical or mental and is often punctuated by the unexpected.
Exaltation: The growth of awareness that comes with bending to the universal flow. Accepting that in one's fixed rhythm despite the pressures, growth will be empowered, and often through the unexpected. No polarity.
Detriment: There is no planet in detriment; each in its way, given the power of this position, will yield to the inevitable.
Mars can be immature until the lessons of growth are taken in as wisdom.15–5: energy for aligning for natural order and rythem . place where we have alignment to morning/noon/night, cycle of nature and season.
and subconsious Mars
57 Fear of Future: (most intuitive in the chart), often get paralyze in getting in action. — ability to intuitively know what’s going to happen and how to unify people to bring them together with possibility of future
- Your Jupiter is expansion and blessings
Jupiter is in my gate 15.4 in defined G
A genuine form that may/or may not mask inadequacies. The uncomfortableness of the Self when it is out of the flow. "The 15th gate is part of the Cross of the Vessel. It is the gate of the 'Aura' and is the Self that is magnetic. The Love of this gate is for Humanity. This channel defined always determines the rhythm of the environment. Modesty in the traditional sense is always a matter of balancing extremes. Through this gate, the possible extremes are lived out. People who are busy and not, sleep long and short, eat early, eat late; in other words, people who will live out extremes in their rhythm. In Design Analysis, in working with composites, there is a type of connection called Electro-Magnetic. In this connection each partner activates the opposite gate of a channel forming a definition. This is attraction / repulsion, love / hate, a basic relationship dynamic. However, in three cases (45/21, 35/36 and 5/15) this type of connection is very difficult. The 15th gate is uncomfortable with a fixed pattern and the 5th gate destabilized by extreme rhythms."
definition: for self or identify or self identity or center for love or center for direction. The self direction is from the G center because monopose. You have choice for follow or resisting it. (magnetic mono pole will take where your life to reach the highest expression) defined: limited selection in life, and it is great while there is an unlimited. The choice is actually alignment to your design. (e.g. you go to life of restaurant, you are only ordering from the menu). Will not take over other people’s aura, just follow the defined alignment.
Jupiter is where you will be rewarded with expansion and blessings if you follow your Human Design Strategy.
Line 4 - The wallflower
Modesty as a shield against exposure of inadequacy.
Exaltation: A genuine form that may/or may not mask inadequacies. The uncomfortableness of the Self when it is out of the flow.
Detriment: An ultimately weak defense leading to exposure and humiliation. Extremism that keeps the Self out of the flow.
Jupiter is where we find our meaning. This is the planet of blessings and rewards.1: design to make creative contribution, from the voice in center (I AM). who will you be and who you are
15 the love of humanity: what we can give and share, instead of mean and selfish. direction giving energy. getting the energy from sharing. while we are creating, it is for greater of good, and sharing is powerful. Go share, and go find someone and share. The heart will crack open. Sharing does not always to give, but just be yourself.
- Your Saturn is your challenge
Saturn is in gate 37.6 in my undefined Solar Plexus
"This is the most communal of all the gates. It is the transpersonal expression of the potential sensitivity of Revolution. This gate is also the focusing of sensitivity for communal expression. This gate is the possibility to offer support and friendship to others. The Tribal Circuit group (Ego and Defense) are the most intensely social. They establish, support and maintain our communities. Once the sexual imperative has been satisfied (Defense), the community is an essential development. Sensitivity, biologically is about food. The Tribe must be fed. The 37th gate is the gate of the Mouth. The friendship offered by this gate can never be free of an underlying bargain. It is always seeking loyalty and looking for a promise of loyalty in return. The wave of emotional awareness leads to the hope and pain cycle of friendships, loyalty/ disloyalty, promise/broken promise. This is the gate of the Sense of Touch. It is the outstretched arms ready to embrace the outsider. The possibility of awareness in this gate lies in the 'touch' not in the energy to embrace."
Line 6 - Purpose
The energy to maintain the family is enhanced by recognizing its values..
Exaltation: The gift of not only recognizing the inner meaning of the family but an appreciation for its values. The possibility of extending friendships through the appreciation of its value.
Detriment: A need for diversity that may ignore the achievements of the family in favour of withdrawal. The need for diversity that despite appreciation will prefer casual friendships.
my subconsious saturn is in gate 63.6 in my head"This is the fuel of doubt, of suspicion, of distrust. The doubt is not only projected out into the world but it is also turned in on itself. The pressure of this doubt is an essential inspiration of the entire logic system. The Understanding circuit is universal in lifeforms on this planet. Understanding is an essential process in this life and it begins with doubts. This pressure of uncertainty demands proofs, facts, substantiation. There is no need to feel uncomfortable because one has doubts, they are the beginning of a process of understanding, not an end. The foundation of this circuit is patterns. The doubt will only arise when there is something unclear in the pattern. This is the gate of Questioning and it is not aware. The logic circuit is about establishing with certainty the validity of a pattern so that it can form the basis for projecting into the future. The pressure of doubt fuels anxiety and the fear for the Collective future. The fuel is to question. The pressure is a need for an answer."
Line 6 - Nostalgia
Exaltation: The good sense to avoid turning the previous struggle into an obsession. The logic of leaving old doubts behind.
Detriment: Revolutionary nostalgia. Illogic and the potential obsession with old suspicions and doubt.
63: doubt and suspicion: can this be true, how may I know that this is true.Saturn is a challenge that is brought to you as a catalyst for growth. If you are living out of alignment, Saturn tries to knock you back into alignment. When you are aligned, you will get blessings! There is a Saturn return around age 28. Your Saturn is where we can struggle and be uncomfortable. These are lessons that we learn from and master. Our first Saturn return is around age 28. This is where we get our first big lesson.
- Your Uranus is an unexpected catalyst
uranus is in gate 47.2 in my defined Ajna
"This gate is the gate of realization but it is not a comfortable process. This is the Sensing circuit, an abstract current that cannot be substantiated by facts. This gate can create a lot of mental stress and anxiety. It is a burden even at its best. The 64th gate, the fuel of this conceptualizing potential, can be compared to going to a Movie theatre where you expect to see a feature length film, only to discover that it is showing thousands of video clips. To realize which single clip out of the many makes sense is the potential of this gate of Realization. It is no wonder, that this is the gate of Oppression. This is an ongoing process. The Format of the Sensing Circuit is cyclic. The secret to handling such a process, is also the secret of this entire circuit, Patience! You cannot go into the image pool and rummage around, hoping to find a resolution to the unresolved pressure. There is only waiting, waiting for the moment of realization, ah ha."
Line 2 - Ambition
Exaltation: The ambition and drive to overcome personal oppression in order to achieve security. Realizing that to be busy is mentally healthy.
Detriment: An indecisiveness in times of personal oppression, whether to apply intelligence to recovery or accept its weight to take advantage of other prevailing conditions that may only be temporary. The inability to sense when and which activity is healthy.
Uranus is less personal and more energy for your entire generation. Uranus is a catalyst for a deep transition and evolution. It is slower moving. Uranus is a generational planet where we align with others. It is where we are unique. It is the planet of the unexpected.- Your Neptune is about spiritual work
My neptune is in gate 43.1 in my defined Ajna
"The Knowing Circuit is linked to our sense of Hearing. Breakthrough is not to be confused with the so-called 'Third-Eye' or the 'sight' in insight. This is the gate of the Inner Ear. Nothing is more difficult for individuals with this gate, than to listen. They are the most difficult people to teach. It is not a fault or a problem but their genetic protection from undue influence. To teach such a person, one must be simple and begin at the beginning. The Inner Ear listens only to its own 'inner' voice. This is the only possibility to transform the rationalized inner truth into an insight, a unique perspective. This is the gate of Individual Mental Knowing. It is not backed up by facts and may be merely delusion. It takes fortitude, strength even courage to stand behind it. The gates of possibility are the final shaping of an awareness. Once fully conceptualized, they await only access to the Throat and manifestation."
— — defined Ajna: when information goes in, it will stay in the memory. (e.g remember the information clearly). Fixed way of thinking, and have less possibility to see information from other perspective. Lucked at idea (e.g. always fixed at doing things )
neptune 43 43: News Ideas: new ideas that other people are not ready for. other people may feel
Neptune is also less personal and more about your generation. It can feel mysterious, but the gates in Neptune are your vehicle for your spiritual journey. Neptune is a generational planet that shows your spiritual path and theme. It is where we may need to reveal truth.
- Your Pluto is about renewal and rebirth
Pluto is in gave 47.1 in my defined Ajna as well
"This gate is the gate of realization but it is not a comfortable process. This is the Sensing circuit, an abstract current that cannot be substantiated by facts. This gate can create a lot of mental stress and anxiety. It is a burden even at its best. The 64th gate, the fuel of this conceptualizing potential, can be compared to going to a Movie theatre where you expect to see a feature length film, only to discover that it is showing thousands of video clips. To realize which single clip out of the many makes sense is the potential of this gate of Realization. It is no wonder, that this is the gate of Oppression. This is an ongoing process. The Format of the Sensing Circuit is cyclic. The secret to handling such a process, is also the secret of this entire circuit, Patience! You cannot go into the image pool and rummage around, hoping to find a resolution to the unresolved pressure. There is only waiting, waiting for the moment of realization, ah ha."
Line 1 - Taking stock
Exaltation: The ability in times of hardship to concentrating on eradicating the negative factors that have led to oppression. Realizing that negative thoughts have to be eradicated.
Detriment: The delusion of seeing oppression as an exclusively external phenomenon with often disastrous results. The sense that the world is against you.
My subconscious pluto is in 64.4 in my defined headWhen Head Defined: have fix way of thinking and get inspired. I am inspired and inspiring and share my inspiration with other. Sometime may feel stuck.
"The Head is a Pressure Center not an awareness. This is the beginning of the Abstract mental process. The keynote of this channel is mental activity. The term Confusion is not to be taken as a negative. It simply means that the pressure is a busy mind with a great deal of data (most of which is superfluous) that requires filtering before the pressure can be relieved. While the Logic process tests the pattern in the present to project into the future, the Abstract process is about experiencing the present in order to reflect upon it, when it is past. The pressure of this gate is a flood of images rooted in past experience. When activated from the Design (pre-natal data), this is also a powerful dreaming gate. Since this is the mental pressure for the Abstract Circuit, the starting point is by its very nature a mixed blessing."
- Your Sun is what you put out into the world
sun is in gate 16 in your open Throat parathyroid
Channel of Talent - 16/48 - Gate of Skills / Gate of Depth
The 16 is the eagerness that gets you excited about new endeavors but it lacks depth unless paired with the Gate 48.
The Sun is Yang and is the most expressive aspect of your personality. It’s what you put out into the world. This will be the first impression that others have of you.
earth is in gate 9 in your open Sacral
Channel of Concentration - 52/9 - Gate of Inaction / Gate of Focus
The Earth is Yin and is what grounds you. It is about receiving, taking in and integrating. Investigating the gates of your Earth is a good place to start when you are trying to heal, because the energy of the Earth influence makes you feel more grounded.
south node is in gate 55 in your defined Solar Plexus
Channel of Moodiness - 39/55 - Gate of The Provocateur / Gate of Spirit
The South Node is the theme of your life for the first half of your life from birth until about age 38-42. This is time to breathing in – you learn and take in during this time.
moon is in gate 34 of power in open Sacral but in your solar plexus
several channels
The Moon is a motivating force. If you are following your Human Design Strategy, it’s the “why” behind it.
mercury is in gate 15 in your G
Channel of Rhythm - 15/5 - Gate of Extremes / Gate of Fixed Rhythms
Your Mercury is what you are here to communicate about. Whatever gate is in your Mercury is what you will teach or share.
Venus is in gate 42 in your open Sacral but your solar plexus
Channel of Maturation - 42/53 - Gate of Growth / Gate of Beginnings
Venus is your values and what you love.
mars in gate 33 thyroid
Channel of the Prodigal - 33/13 - Gate of Privacy / Gate of Listener
- Your Earth is what grounds you
earth is in gate 9 in your open Sacral
Channel of Concentration - 52/9 - Gate of Inaction / Gate of Focus
The Earth is Yin and is what grounds you. It is about receiving, taking in and integrating. Investigating the gates of your Earth is a good place to start when you are trying to heal, because the energy of the Earth influence makes you feel more grounded.
- Your North Node is the theme of your life age 40+
- North node is in gate 59 in your open Sacral sexual organs
- Your South Node is the theme of your life age 0-39
south node is in gate 55 in your defined Solar Plexus
Channel of Moodiness - 39/55 - Gate of The Provocateur / Gate of Spirit
The South Node is the theme of your life for the first half of your life from birth until about age 38-42. This is time to breathing in – you learn and take in during this time.
- Your Moon is what drives you
moon is in gate 34 of power in open Sacral but in your solar plexus
several channels
The Moon is a motivating force. If you are following your Human Design Strategy, it’s the “why” behind it.
- Your Mercury is what you are here to teach & share
mercury is in gate 15 in your G
Channel of Rhythm - 15/5 - Gate of Extremes / Gate of Fixed Rhythms
Your Mercury is what you are here to communicate about. Whatever gate is in your Mercury is what you will teach or share.
- Your Venus is your value system
Venus is in gate 42 in your open Sacral but your solar plexus
Channel of Maturation - 42/53 - Gate of Growth / Gate of Beginnings
Venus is your values and what you love.
- Your Mars is your opportunity for growth
mars in gate 33 thyroid
Channel of the Prodigal - 33/13 - Gate of Privacy / Gate of Listener
Mars can be immature until the lessons of growth are taken in as wisdom.
jupiter is in gate 41 in your undefined root
undefined: people with open root center is always pressure, with never ending to-do list. (e.g. I will get this done, then I can take a rest) . Take defined root, when they say something, open root will feel pressure of doing things. People like adrenaline such as stand up on the stage, getting the attention. Should practice to answer “what is the worst case would happen if I chose not to do this”.
Channel of Recognition - 41/30 - Gate of Contraction / Gate of Recognition of Feelings
Jupiter is where you will be rewarded with expansion and blessings if you follow your Human Design Strategy.
Hanging gate 41 will pressure to connect with other opposite center 30 in solar plexus when there is hanging gate.
saturn in gate 61 in your open Head pineal gland Capricorn
Saturn is a challenge that is brought to you as a catalyst for growth. If you are living out of alignment, Saturn tries to knock you back into alignment. When you are aligned, you will get blessings! There is a Saturn return around age 28.
uranus in gate 4 in your open Ajna neocortex Leo
Channel of Logic - 63/4 - Gate of Doubt / Gate of Formulization
Uranus is less personal and more energy for your entire generation. Uranus is a catalyst for a deep transition and evolution. It is slower moving.
neptune gate 44
Channel of Surrender - 44/26 - Gate of Alertness / Gate of The Egoist
Neptune is also less personal and more about your generation. It can feel mysterious, but the gates in Neptune are your vehicle for your spiritual journey.
pluto in your defined Ego/Will gate 40 stomach
Channel of Community - 40/37 - Gate of Aloneness / Gate of Friendship subconscious sun
Pluto is another planet with generational influence. It is about endings and beginnings. It’s a spiritual rebirth. It can also be a generational challenge that needs to be overcome in a unified way.
- Your Jupiter is expansion and blessings
jupiter is in gate 41 in your undefined root
undefined: people with open root center is always pressure, with never ending to-do list. (e.g. I will get this done, then I can take a rest) . Take defined root, when they say something, open root will feel pressure of doing things. People like adrenaline such as stand up on the stage, getting the attention. Should practice to answer “what is the worst case would happen if I chose not to do this”.
Channel of Recognition - 41/30 - Gate of Contraction / Gate of Recognition of Feelings
Jupiter is where you will be rewarded with expansion and blessings if you follow your Human Design Strategy.
Hanging gate 41 will pressure to connect with other opposite center 30 in solar plexus when there is hanging gate.
- Your Saturn is your challenge
saturn in gate 61 in your open Head pineal gland Capricorn
Saturn is a challenge that is brought to you as a catalyst for growth. If you are living out of alignment, Saturn tries to knock you back into alignment. When you are aligned, you will get blessings! There is a Saturn return around age 28.
- Your Uranus is an unexpected catalyst
uranus in gate 4 in your open Ajna neocortex Leo
Channel of Logic - 63/4 - Gate of Doubt / Gate of Formulization
Uranus is less personal and more energy for your entire generation. Uranus is a catalyst for a deep transition and evolution. It is slower moving.
- Your Neptune is about spiritual work
neptune gate 44
Channel of Surrender - 44/26 - Gate of Alertness / Gate of The Egoist
Neptune is also less personal and more about your generation. It can feel mysterious, but the gates in Neptune are your vehicle for your spiritual journey.
- Your Pluto is about renewal and rebirth
pluto in your defined Ego/Will gate 40 stomach
Channel of Community - 40/37 - Gate of Aloneness / Gate of Friendship subconscious sun
Pluto is another planet with generational influence. It is about endings and beginnings. It’s a spiritual rebirth. It can also be a generational challenge that needs to be overcome in a unified way.

Introductory Human Design
Lunation Calendars
and Calendar
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