Astrology and Weight

I have been overweight a majority of my life.  I'm going to look at my chart and transits and see if I can gain any insight.  I found an article that I've quoted below with lots of factors to consider.  So, as a Scorpio, I am a water sign which has a tendency to be overweight.  With Sagittarius rising, that placement also tends towards overweight.  My Sun Scorpio is trine my Jupiter exalted in Cancer (and not negative aspected), which is associated with weight problems.

My moon, venus and mars are conjunct my Sag ascendant.  Moon ruling nurturing, Venus ruling food and security, and Mars ruling attitude towards exercise.

I also notice my Moon and Jupiter are in mutual reception. Not sure if that is significant.

My moon is conjunct my Venus which is said to "make the person prone to be fatty because they will tend to eat much sweets by some psychological vacuum."

My Jupiter is in Cancer "The person will like to stay at home and eat."

"Astrological Factors for Weight / Metabolism
  • Planets – Moon (ruling nurturing), Venus (food / security), Mars ( our attitude towards exercise, passion / intensity); Jupiter (ruling fat); Pluto (co-ruler of Scorpio for passion / intensity – fast metabolism); Sun (Most important as ruling digestive fire)
  • Sign –  Taurus, Cancer, Aries, Scorpio; Leo (digestive fire)
  • Houses – 2nd house for food intake (attitudes towards food and security); 4th house for digestion; 6th house for digestive system
Taurus / 2nd house / Venus – Attitudes towards food and security; Lord of 2nd house and/or planet influencing 2nd house (aspect / placement) determining food / taste / flavour
Moon / Cancer / 4th House – Nurturing (how we nurture others and how we like to be nurtured)
Mars / Aries / Ascendant – Our attitude towards exercise, physical burning out the energies
Mars / Scorpio / Pluto / 8th House – Passion / Intensity
Weight gain: Jupiter, Sun Pluto
Weight loss: Saturn, Sun Pluto; When Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, the native suffers from loss of fats
cachexia – Afflicted Cancer / 4th house / Moon
Weight problems: Sun Jupiter, Jupiter in sixth house, Sagittarius rising, water emphasis, Moon in Taurus or Cancer
Waist: Libra
Wasting: Saturn Neptune
Water: Moon
Water imbalance: Moon Saturn, Moon Neptune
Water retention: Moon, Water sign on Ascendant
Fast metabolism – Gemini, Virgo, Mercury, Pluto, Uranus; Fiery sign, planets in fiery signs; Sun / Mars
It all depends on the ascendant, the ruler and the aspects as well what signs are involved. The Moon and the Sun are also influential. It is a complex issue. The Earth and Water signs tend to metabolic issues and retaining weight….Taurus, Pisces, Cancer in particular….These are yin or feminine.
Usually weight gain based on astrological profile shows up when native in your 30s.
Astrologically, the First House (or Ascendant or Lagna) represents our body, than any other area of our life (or Horoscope). Jupiter is the planet that stands for fat. In a rasi chart it tends to expand that house where it aspects. when Jupiter influences First House – it expands  physical body and put on excess weight increases exponentially.

The process of breaking down any complex substance or using up the complex substance is ruled by Mars, including the breaking down of the fat in the body; whereas, the process of combining simple compounds into complex structures is ruled by Venus. The products that are results of the Mars Processes (which are usually toxins or waste products) are ruled by Saturn and the body needs to get rid of it. Whereas, the end products of Venus ruled processes are ruled by Jupiter. They are stored in the body for later use. Fat is one of them.

In short, dieting is nothing but a Mars ruled process resulting in a Saturn ruled by product! So, to lose weight all you need to do is increase your Mars and Saturn energies and reduce the Mars-Jupiter energies. It is all about balancing the two sets of energies. Venus rules the sweets, starches  appetite and your pleasure seeking senses. The output of these is products ruled by Jupiter, which causes expansion and heaviness.

So, here is a simple formula for weight loss:
a) Reduce Venus ruled products and processes; (Taurus, Libra)
b) Increase Mars ruled processes (like exercise); (Scorpio)
c) Get rid of Saturn ruled end-products (like toxins); (Capricorn, Aquarius)

d) Use-up the Jupiter ruled products (like Fat). (Sagittarius)

FeaturesPlanet/Planetary combination contributing to the features
BeautyMercury, Moon, Venus
ObesityVenus, Jupiter
PimplesMars, Sun
Oily SkinJupiter and Mercury
Dry SkinSun, Saturn
Scar and BurnsMars
BaldnessSun and afflicted Saturn
Patches of Skin DiscolorationMercury, Moon
Impropotinate bodyJupiter and Saturn
Well built muscular bodyMars
Trim and FitMercury
Lean and appearing to be weakRahu and Saturn
ManlySun and Jupiter
FeminineVenus, Moon
  • Illustrated Combinations for Weight / Metabolism
  • Astrologically, the individuals born in watery signs i.e. cancer, Scorpio and Pisces tend to be overweight.
  • Afflicted Venus, moon, Jupiter, Rahu in angles or with or aspecting the lagna or its lord makes a person obese. These persons have afflicted 9th house or its lord. They tend to inherit these traits from their parents.
  • The dasa, antardasa is mostly of moon, Venus, Jupiter and Rahu.
  • The persons who are dominated by sun and mars have a fast metabolism and they can eat whatever they like without gaining weight.
  • The lord of second house ruling eating habits and Karaka moon, if afflicted especially by Rahu and Saturn, the person tends to eat a lot of junk, oily and fried foods.
  • Jupiter and Venus cause one to be addicted to sweets and rich food. The affliction by mars makes one fond of spicy and hot food.
  • Moon opposition/square/conjunct/ Venus will make the person prone to be fatty because they will tend to eat much sweets by some psychological vacuum.
  • Moon opposition/square/conjunct Pluto, will make the person slender because they will have a very fast basal metabolism
  • Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius in the chart will make the person prone to eat a lot
  • Jupiter in Cancer or Taurus (The person will like to stay at home and eat)
  • Moon in Cancer or Taurus (The person will like to eat sweets)
  • Ascendant in Cancer or Taurus (The person may have full/thick complexion)
  • Planets in fire may help burn calories that enables a person to stay trim, yet a harshly aspected Jupiter in Leo can be a real teaser for overweight as a result of cholesterol problems
  • Moon and Venus both increase fat. If your birth chart is effected too much by Moon or Venus, then your fat increases, but you still look attractive. You will have chubby cheeks and your skin and face will always be soft looking. However, you still have to suffer through the problems caused by obesity. You will have too much phlegm and water in the body.
  • Jupiter causes fat in the belly, increased cholesterol, pains in the arms and legs, makes one lazy.
Aries (ruled by Mars)
Taurus (ruled by Venus)
Gemini (ruled by Mercury)
Cancer (ruled by Moon)
Leo (ruled by Sun)
Virgo (ruled by Mercury)
Libra (ruled by Venus)
Scorpio (ruled by Mars)
Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter)
Capricorn (ruled by Saturn)
Aquarius (ruled by Saturn)
Pisces (ruled by Jupiter)

  • "Aries: The energies are often in excess of the nervous and mental balance, and most ill-health has its origins in such things as violent exertion and outbursts of anger. The Aries person should seek poise at all costs.
  • Taurus : Over-indulgence and too much comfort lie at the roots of most disorders, but there is also a tendency to brood over troubles which lends force to any passing ailments.
  • Gemini : Nervous reactions and restlessness, form the basis.
  • Cancer : Usually complaints originate in the emotions through some mental irritant, cause nervous reactions and general lessening of vitality. It has been said that nine times out of ten the Cancerian is hurt in health more by others than by himself.
  • Leo : Nearly all afflictions tend to arise from over-exertion of some kind.
  • Virgo : There is a tendency to upsets of the digestive organs from nervous causes, producing acidity and other troubles.
  • Libra : Troubles arise usually from nervous exhaustion of some kind.
  • Scorpio : Breaking down of the resistance through worrying and interaction of others upon the individual.
  • Sagittarius : Restlessness often causes the trouble; the folks under this Sign are peculiar to accidents and injuries.
  • Capricorn : Disease is frequently rooted in inhibitions.
  • Aquarius : Nervous causes, usually, based on the highly sensitive nature.
  • Pisces : Over-heating of the mind with possibly fancied injuries from others, plus much sensitiveness physical and mental, form the basis for most complaints."


  • Start drinking warm water immediately after every meal. 
  • To keep Moon, Venus, and Jupiter balanced, don't eat anything cold. 
  • Drink buttermilk at room temperature instead of eating yoghurt. 
  • Reduce the intake of sugar and salt. 
  • Eat papaya as much as you can. 
  • Make sure you do some work which makes you sweat. 
  • Don't sleep too much and also don't wear gold too much. 
  • Don't drink too much milk or sugar in tea. Drink green tea instead. 
  • Make sure you chew your food properly. 
  • Eat triphala vati with some warm water after food. 
  • After food, sit in "vajraasana" for 5 minutes. 
  • People who complain too much, have a lot of gas in them, so stop complaining. 
  • Do tadasana, swargasana, agnisaar kriya, halasana, bhastrika pranayam for 30 minutes morning and evening before food. 
  • Eat triphala after food before sleeping. 
  • Add fenugreek seeds' powder in the food. 
  • Take moong and masoor dal instead of the heavy legumes. 
  • Stop sleeping in the day. 
  • Do the remedies in a group if possible. 
  • Don't be under too much stress. 
  • Don't start exercising too much abruptly. 
  • Don't eat banana, sugarcane, kathal, eggplants or mangoes - and eat fruits instead of their juice. 
  • If Jupiter is in your first , ninth or 5th house, then it shows that obesity is in your genes. 
  • Start donating Jupiter related items - yellow clothes, yellow lentils, or yellow sweets. 
  • Do accupressure in your upper arm, soles of your feet, and your ears. 
  • Apply some balm in the areas of your body where you want to reduce your fat and then do your exercise. It will help reduce the fat faster. 
  • Doing the mantra for Jupiter should also help in alleviating the symptoms due to a negative Jupiter.  

Read more at:

Introductory Astrology
Introductory Human Design
Lunation Calendars
and Calendar

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