Lunar Eclipse, March 14, 2025, 23 degrees Virgo

Lunar Eclipse

23 degrees Virgo
24 Virgo 34Cor Caroli (Canes Venatici)
"Canes Venatici, has connotations with the words Venus, and nirvana, “an ideal condition of harmony and joy”, and the Vanir, an early race of Norse gods who dwelt with the Aesir in Asgard, the heavenly residence of the Norse gods and the promised land to the slain heroes of war. Sanskrit vanam, is a forest (from wen). There is the native American’s ‘Happy Hunting Grounds’. Greyhounds were raised for deer chasing and hunting. Traditionally hunting dogs were kept in royal parks. The River Jordan was drawn on this part of the sky. In the Hebrew Bible, the Jordan is referred to as the source of fertility to a large plain (‘Kikkar ha-Yarden‘), called on account of its luxuriant vegetation ‘the garden of God’ (Genesis 13:10)."


Zelnskyy's 4th house
"For some, this might be a good moment to dream big about starting a family or getting the job you’ve always wanted. But for most, this will be about your past, and specifically your family’s past, and how that impacts your present. “Indagar en todo esto no necesariamente va a resolver,” Kryshtar says. “I know enough to understand that maybe I’ve been there, maybe this is a rabbit hole. And there’s no way I can know all of what was going on or even what the truth was, but I make peace with it.” " Here’s How the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo Will Impact Each Zodiac Sign
The lunar eclipse is opposed Zelenskyy's Jupiter.
"Eclipses aspecting Jupiter: When was the last time you had an adventure? When eclipses aspect Jupiter, you’re itching to take a chance, to feel the thrill of being completely alive. These can be times when you overreach out of sheer optimism; but they are also moments when your life jumps tracks and starts moving in a new direction. " Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change – Big Sky Astrology


Putin's 11th house
"Remember that your connections reflect you and this lunar eclipse in your 11th house sheds light on friendships and long-term goals. If certain social circles or aspirations no longer align with your growth, this eclipse may encourage you to step away and seek new connections." The Lunar Eclipse In Virgo Will Bring The “Ultimate Glow Up” For 4 Signs
The lunar eclipse is squaring Putin's Mars and trining his Jupiter.
"Eclipses aspecting Mars: Mars is a trained, ruthless guard dog that answers only to you. He guards you and your home, defends your reputation, and helps you get all the things that you want. When eclipses aspect natal Mars, the watch dog is stirred up and straining at his leash; get what’s yours, but don’t let anyone get hurt. "
"Eclipses aspecting Jupiter: When was the last time you had an adventure? When eclipses aspect Jupiter, you’re itching to take a chance, to feel the thrill of being completely alive. These can be times when you overreach out of sheer optimism; but they are also moments when your life jumps tracks and starts moving in a new direction. " Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change – Big Sky Astrology


Musk's 3rd house cusp
"As the eclipse touches your social circles and immediate environment, you may feel a shift in how you connect with your neighborhood or local community. This is a good time to think about your role within these spaces and decide if there’s a need for change. You might feel ready to detach from social circles that no longer resonate with you or contribute positively to those that align with your values. This eclipse brings significant changes that allow you to explore new ways of engaging with your surroundings, opening up paths for more fulfilling connections within your personal lives and close networks." Your Guide to the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in the Third House
The lunar eclipse is squaring Elon's Venus.
"Eclipses aspecting Venus: If only each of us were endowed with flawless confidence, great relationships, bountiful self-esteem, and oodles of cash! Eclipse aspects to Venus remind us that world will not always give us the treatment, whether kind or cruel, that we think we deserve. This awareness usually comes through financial challenges, relationship transitions, or your feelings about your attractiveness. " Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change – Big Sky Astrology


Trump's 1st house
"You can be recognized for who you are and what you seek to create. The 1st House is about identity, and with a Full Moon here, you may be shedding some skin. You can let go of who you were– in order to make room for who you truly are. This is being unapologetically yourself. Now you are the alchemist. You call the shots. You make the choices. " Virgo Lunar Eclipse Miniscopes — Anthony Perrotta Astrology
The lunar eclipse is squaring Trump's natal Sun Moon opposition.
"Eclipse aspecting the natal Sun: If life is a movie, the Sun is the protagonist – however flawed – for whom we cheer. Each of us is born to be the hero of our own life story; but often, timidity or false modesty persuades us to hand over that role to others. When eclipses aspect your natal Sun, you are thrust into the starring role, or must fight to reclaim it. Sometimes, authority figures like parents or bosses abdicate or must be overthrown in order for you to live an authentic life. 
Eclipses aspecting the natal Moon – From the moment we’re ripped from mom’s womb, we seek to reclaim the security and safety that we knew there. We feather our nests, stock the pantry with foods we like, and surround ourselves with people who make us feel comfortable. But when eclipses aspect the natal Moon, something – a new living situation, a change in health – may leave you feeling as exposed as a crab with her shell cracked open." Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change – Big Sky Astrology

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