Trump and Zelensky

Trump is a 1/3 Emotional Manifesting Generator and Zelensky is a 4/6 Splenic Manifestor.  Trump's aura extends 20 feet around him. Zelenky's is tight to his body.

Trump has emotional authority and Zelensky's is Splenic.

Trump's channels
Zelensky's channels



Trump and Zelensky both have the 21/45 Money Line connecting the Ego center to the Throat. This is Tribal in the Ego subcircuit. "This Circuit contains the energy for love and war, sex and procreation, laws and rules, business and agreements, and creating and managing resources...  energies for agreements and marriage, business and community, and the management and sharing of resources."

  "For all of the power and influence of the Tribe over human affairs, it’s interesting to note that it only has one direct connection to the Throat – only one voice. The voice of the tribe is, “I have or I don’t have” (as heard in the 45). The tribe wants two things: money and a secure and reliable commitment from everyone to be tribal together. [Gate] 45 is the King/Queen and the 21 is the Hunter/Huntress. It is the responsibility of the two working together to make sure the tribe has these two things."

Trump has his design Mercury in gate 21 The Hunter and his personality North node (life lesson) in gate 45 The Gatherer (He wants to be a King in this life).   "A (non-conscious) Design Mercury, in a defined center, which is connected to the Throat Center, can make comments, that the person concerned does not know where they come from (‘Who makes me say that”). Or seen differently, making a statement as a stimulus for the consciousness to wonder why it came out... A Freudian slip, so to speak."  Jan van den Berg

Zelensky has his design South Node (past life) in gate 21 The Hunter and his design Moon in gate 45 the Gatherer. (He may have been a King in a past life). He is making sure that his nation has what it needs.  "This [moon] activation indicates what drives you in life. It is the fuel that “powers” your doings and dealings. In other words, the reason why you get out of bed in the morning, but also the emotionalizing drive to spring into action. That is, in all its periodically recurring dimensions from modest to extreme"

This channel is Tribal and in the Ego Subcircuit.


“People with a predominance of gates and channels in the Tribal Circuitry are focused on family, friends, and community. This Circuit contains the energy for love and war, sex and procreation, laws and rules, business and agreements, and creating and managing resources. If you carry these energies, you put the good of the family/tribe above your own needs and desires. Emotional energy is found here, along with caring and nurturing, and you will tend to be very tactile and demonstrative. You like to touch and hug and be part of a family and community.” Dr. Kyre Adept


"The Ego Sub-Circuit contains energies for agreements and marriage, business and community, and the management and sharing of resources."


Zelensky has another Tribal circuit in the Ego subcircuit with the 26/44 Channel of Awareness. If you carry these (tribal) energies, you put the good of the family/tribe above your own needs and desires.,, (ego) energies for agreements and marriage, business and community, and the management and sharing of resources." 
He has his Neptune in gate 26 The Egoist and his design Uranus in gate 44 Alertness "The Gridworker". "This is the channel of the transmitter. The 44 is our oldest instinctual memory and resides in the bones, while the 26 has the ability to manipulate memory in the interests of improvement."

"Neptune in any gate veils its potential. This veiling can deeply disturb the not-self as it is not possible to see through the veil, and we lose the ability to see any limitations, which can lead to abuse. Surrender to Neptune, leave it alone, and you allow the potential magic to emerge from behind the veil. You also learn a great deal about the nature of surrender. "

6/59 MATING emotional wave

Defense: War and Peace

Trump has another Tribal channel with the 6/59 Channel of Mating but it is in the defense subcircuit.  His design earth is in gate 6 of Friction (or Peacemaker) and his design Moon is in gate 59 of Sexuality (which is his drive to get out of bed, ha ha).  This is also an emotional wave.  This wave ratchets up tension and then explodes, over and over again.

"Design Earth refers to the archetype of the Mother, and to the genetic material that you have received from your mother. The location of Design Earth shows how we get a grip on the world of form. This is about stability. "  

Design Moon "activation indicates what drives you in life. It is the fuel that “powers” your doings and dealings. In other words, the reason why you get out of bed in the morning, but also the emotionalizing drive to spring into action. That is, in all its periodically recurring dimensions from modest to extreme"


"The Defense Sub-Circuit is the energy for procreation, raising and educating children, waging war and making peace, and generating and protecting the resources needed by the family/tribe. It is powerful energy that defies logic and reason—it’s very primal."


They both have Collective (make the world a better place) channels in the Understanding subcircuit. 

Trump has the 17/62 Acceptance Channel, with design Venus in gate 17 of Opinion and personality Venus in gate 62 of Details. "The flow of the 17/62 takes us from speculation and conjecture in the Gate 17 to a practical answer in the Gate 62."  The theme of Venus is "What we value – themes of love, and our needs and ideals in relationships."  I suspect these placements of his Venus gates contribute to his desire for opulence in his environments.

7/31 ALPHA

Zelensky has the 7/31 Alpha Channel, with his personality Moon in gate 7 and personality earth in gate 31, causing him to be a loving parental figure guiding his people. “The Moon is truly what moves us. It is a driving force thematically in someone’s Design. Mythically, in Design, the Moon is the eldest daughter. She carries a responsibility to both Mother / Earth and Father / Sun. The moon is able to take the place of the Father as a source of illumination and makes possible the task of the Mother to drive and move the form, thus ensuring evolution.”

“The Earth is where we find grounding and is our gravitational home. The energy of the sun has to be translated by the earth. In other words, the neutrino stream is grounded through our bodies. The sun/earth relationship is thus the relationship between energy and matter.”


"Those with channels defined in the Collective Circuit are here to share their experiences and experiments with others. This sharing isn’t personal, though, it is to pass information that helps humanity learn new things, grow from our mistakes, and make the world a “better” place. "


"The Understanding Sub-Circuit contains energies for logical thinking, perceiving and correcting patterns, and testing ideas to see which help bring humanity closer to the perfect expression of ourselves and the enjoyment of life." Dr. Kyre Adept

35/36 TRANSITORINESS (emotional wave)

Trump has another Collective channel but in the Sensing subcircuit, with the 35/36 Channel of Transitoriness. "This is an emotional Manifesting channel [which] will try anything and everything, whether of intrinsic value or not, to get things moving in the direction of a new experience."   This emotional wave builds up and crashes over an over. 

Trump's design Uranus is in gate 35 of Change and his design Sun is in gate 36 of Crisis. "Design-Sun is the archetype of the father. So if you look at the Design-Sun in the Chart of yourself, you see a genetic theme from your father, which your Design inherited from your father. In combination with the characteristics of that Gate, the kind of center, an open or defined Center, and for example the profile, ego manifestation or not, etc., this may lead to a certain problem."


 "The Sensing Sub-Circuit is for abstract and holistic thinking, learning from the stories and experiences of others, and achieving clarity over time."  Dr. Kyre Adept


“People who have gates and channels within the Individual Circuitry (including the unusual Integration Circuit) are here to bring transformation and evolution to the world. This is the energy for survival, so it was the first circuitry to develop as humans were evolving. If you carry Individual Circuitry you are here to be different. You are not designed to “fit in” or be part of a group. You are a loner, often an outsider, and the gift of your individuality is the innovative thinking you bring forth. To be happy, you must fully express your uniqueness. You empower others through your example of completely being yourself.” Dr. Kyre Adept


And Zelensky has one Individual channel in the Knowing subcircuit, with channel 28/38 of Struggle. "This does not have to be the Channel of Struggle. But it struggles for something. This is what gives life its meaning. The meaning of life is not derived from the pattern or the experience. This is what we do over and over and over and over and over again, because it is the plane that we‘re on. This is something deeper than that. This is what gives life its meaning." 


"The Knowing Sub-Circuit contains energies that involve a deep knowingness that is not based on logic or perception. It goes deeper, to the very truth of things." Dr. Kyre Adept

Zelenky's design Sun is in gate 28 the Game Player and his personality Mercury is in gate 38 of the Warrior.  
"Design-Sun is the archetype of the father. So if you look at the Design-Sun in the Chart of yourself, you see a genetic theme from your father, which your Design inherited from your father. In combination with the characteristics of that Gate, the kind of center, an open or defined Center, and for example the profile, ego manifestation or not, etc., this may lead to a certain problem." 
"Mercury is about communication, and what seeks to communicate from within. Metaphorically, it is “the ear of the Sun, because it is the planet that is closest. In the tradition of Prometheus, Loki, etc., Mercury brings the knowledge of the Gods to humanity. The place of Mercury in the Bodygraph therefore shows what is ready for you to contribute."


Trump has the 1/3 profile, which is self-absorbed and compensating for underlying issues of shame.

Zelensky has the 4/6 profile which provides excellent transpersonal skills, with an underlying fear of not being accepted.

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