Full Moon 5/3

The moon will be full on Sunday, May 3rd, at 13 degrees of Scorpio, but what will this mean for you?  And it will be Gibbous 2 or 3 days before that, so use the time from the beginning of the week to get ready.  See the planner at the end of this post.

The Smallest Full Moon of the Year 

You can always look at "This Week in Astrology" at Cafe Astrology to see if there is a significant lunation in the week.

What Sign is the Moon in?

First we can consider the sign that the Moon is in, in general.  The moon changes sign about every 2.5 days, taking a lunar month to traverse the sky and our charts.
When the Moon is in Scorpio
Intensity is what the Moon in Scorpio is all about. Whether it's passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. We are motivated by the desire to get to the bottom of things, and we instinctively read between the lines. Superficiality won't work for us now. The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power, and it's an excellent time to rid ourselves of old fears and limiting habits. It can be an intimate and passionate time. Avoid manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness. The Moon in Scorpio generally favors the following activities: Taxes, accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid of old things.

Full Moon for your Sun or Rising Sign

http://www.astrology.com/full-moon-horoscopes/2-d-d-564091 (this link was specific to a different full moon though)

Look at both, but preferrably your Rising sign.  For me, my Sun is in Scorpio and my Rising is Sagittarius: 

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 
"Consider" comes from the Latin "consīderāre", meaning to observe, or go with the stars. For thousands of years, we considered that what was above reflected what was below. Thousands. Now horoscopes are one of the most popular things to read and yet astrology itself is generally seen as archaic superstition. Astrology is seen this way in part because it is easily disproved by science and that is because it isn’t one. It’s a meditation; a contemplation and, yes, it hopefully gives us pause long enough to consider what our next right action could be... 
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 
Remember all the creative brilliance that I was waxing poetic about last week? Well this is the week for its manifestation. Bearing in mind that creativity is born out of chaos, this week could feel like an out of control science experiment or just the right amount of wowzas. It’s not all happening on the external plane though...

What is happening at the lunations?

Every new moon (and full moon) is different because it falls in a different sign.  When the moon is new it is in the same sign as the Sun because, by definition, they are conjunct and the moon is between the earth and the sun.  When the moon is full it is in the opposite sign from the Sun because, by definition, they are the farthest from each other, with the earth between them.

So an important thing to consider is the house in your natal chart where the lunation is falling, as well as any planets that might be nearby.

So you will need to look at your chart.  I recommend pulling it up at http://astro.com (use the free extended charts, natal and transits option) or you can order from me.

Here is the section of my chart showing the Moon opposing the Sun on 5/3:

Not sure what all those glyphs (symbols) mean?

So for me, the moon falls in my 11th house.  You can look up the meaning here, among other places: Full Moon in the Houses

Full Moon in the Eleventh House 
You've been focusing on what brings you pleasure—your hobbies, romantic activities, and so forth. Now you realize that the role you play in others' lives (as a spouse, parent, friend) is an important element in your overall happiness. You're looking for validation from friends and group activities now. You may be called upon to perform a humanitarian gesture. For example, a friend may experience a little crisis and asks for your help. You may suddenly find yourself around many people, perhaps after a period of relative solitude or private time.

From the New Moon, through the First Quarter Moon until the Full Moon, the moon is said to be waxing, which means the light is increasing.  From the Full Moon, through the Last Quarter Moon until the next New Moon, the moon is said to be waning, or reducing in light.

Be a Closet Astrologer

"While the sun and moon are in the same energetic sign at a new moon, they are in opposite ones at the full moon. We feel this tension, but it's also a time of fruition and manifestation of the intentions we set at the previous new moon. We've been working with that intent, perhaps that we made about our closet, but now we have a chance to integrate it in a deeper way. Now we are ready to move from blueprint to building the house. We have planned out our new closet organizational design, purchased the hangars and shelves, and now we are ready to take the action of putting it all together.  While we created symbolic imagery at the new moon, we may want to make a more three dimensional expression at the full moon. This could be an altar or it could be making your closet into an altar!"

When the Moon is Full in Scorpio, we are oriented towards deep exploration, and you should see some of your intentions set at the previous new moon come to fruition. Take a look at what you wrote about, designed or imagined (or made images of) at that time. What have you or can you put into action?

Other Services to consider


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  • May 18th,2015: New Moon at 26 degrees Taurus, 12:13 AM
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