The Full "Sap" or "Worm" Moon* occurs on March 12th at 22 Virgo. When the Moon is full in Virgo, opposing the Sun in Pisces, it is a good time for mental activities, attending to details, reorganizing, solving problems and making decisions and reaping results from the previous new moon (which was also an intense solar eclipse). Venus will also be retrograde from March 4th until April 15th in Aries. There will be a challenging Cardinal Tsquare and a harmonious (mostly Earth) Grand Trine.

The Full Moon at 22 Virgo is represented by a Blue Sapphire, with the keyword Perogative, which asks us to have the focus: "Emblazon, recognise and marshal important symbols as you validate personal identity." The Moon is opposed the Sun at 22 Pisces, represented by Platinum, with the keyword Mandate, and the message: "Facilitate the integration of Divine principles; advance the ascension process."
The Sun is also in a Pisces Stellium with three other planets (one of which is an asteroid):
Neptune is at 12 Pisces, represented by Ytrium Fluorite, keyword Qualification. Affirmation - "My trials and successes lead the way for the betterment of others."
Chiron is at 24 Pisces, represented by Dolomite, keyword Cultivation. Affirmation - "I devote time and thought to manifesting positive outcomes in my life."
And Venus is at 27 Pisces, represented by Carnelian, keyword Benediction. Focus - "Gregarious, sociable and generous, you build healthy and enduring relationships." (And Venus will be retrograding: During this time you may be too busy for relationships you are in, or learning what you need to find in a relationship, or your relationship with money may be showing your true self worth.)
There will be a challenging Cardinal Tsquare.:
Jupiter is at 21 Libra (represented by Shells keyword Exhilaration) opposed Uranus at 22 Aries (represented by Diamond keyword Prospect), squared Pluto at 19 Capricorn (represented by Plume Agate keyword Expectation).
Jupiter's Focus - "You love social events seeing them as an opportunity to entertain, network and enjoy."
Uranus Message - "Amplified intentions, sending inner dreams outward to ideas and action."
Pluto's Focus - "You help others attain the greatness that they may not have seen if not for your insights."
And there is a harmonious (mostly Earth) Grand Trine:
Mars is at 1 Taurus, represented by Clear Spinel keyword Resourcefulness.
Message - "Unique, individual messages through simple channels."
North Node is still at 3 Virgo, represented by Angelite keyword Security.
Focus - "Angels protect and guide you; with this belief you inspire others to have faith that one is never alone."
Saturn 27 Sagittarius White Marble keyword Immortality
Focus - "Motivated by experience, your ideas are cemented into reality; others take notice and admire."
Look up the house this will fall in your chart.

Venus goes Retrograde March 4th, 2017 at 04:02am 13°Aries 09'
Venus goes Direct April 15th, 2017 06:16am 26° Pisces 55'
Venus is retrograde for approximately 42 days and is stationary about 2 days before and 2 days after retrogradation. Venus retro periods occur every eighteen months or so. During this time you may be too busy for relationships you are in, or learning what you need to find in a relationship, or your relationship with money may be showing your true self worth.
- See more at:
Crystals for the Planets
12th March 2017 2.55 pm GMT Full Worm Moon 22 degrees 13 minutes Virgo. (Blue Sapphire)

"Birthdays - September 13 – 15
Key Word - Prerogative
Crystal - Blue Sapphire
Attributes - Blue Sapphire endows you with spiritual power and astuteness. It bestows you with an unshakable calm. Blue sapphire helps you collect your thoughts and concentrate them with great strength on a particular goal. It relieves pain, fortifies nerves and reduces fever and blood pressure.
Message - Connecting with ancestry and cultural history recreates personal identity.
Focus - Emblazon, recognise and marshal important symbols as you validate personal identity.
Affirmation - I devote my life to God, the law, the people, indeed to the greater good."
- See more at: Word - Prerogative
Crystal - Blue Sapphire
Attributes - Blue Sapphire endows you with spiritual power and astuteness. It bestows you with an unshakable calm. Blue sapphire helps you collect your thoughts and concentrate them with great strength on a particular goal. It relieves pain, fortifies nerves and reduces fever and blood pressure.
Message - Connecting with ancestry and cultural history recreates personal identity.
Focus - Emblazon, recognise and marshal important symbols as you validate personal identity.
Affirmation - I devote my life to God, the law, the people, indeed to the greater good."
Full Moon 22 Virgo Blue Sapphire keyword Perogative
Focus - Emblazon, recognise and marshal important symbols as you validate personal identity.
opposed Sun 22 Pisces Platinum keyword Mandate
Message - Facilitate the integration of Divine principles; advance the ascension process.
in Pisces Stellium
Neptune 12 Pisces Ytrium Fluorite keyword Qualification
Affirmation - My trials and successes lead the way for the betterment of others.
Chiron 24 Pisces Dolomite keyword Cultivation
Affirmation - I devote time and thought to manifesting positive outcomes in my life.
Venus 27 Pisces Carnelian keyword Benediction
Focus - Gregarious, sociable and generous, you build healthy and enduring relationships.
Uranus 22 Aries opposed Jupiter 21 Libra
Diamond keyword Prospect
Message - Amplified intentions, sending inner dreams outward to ideas and action
Shells keyword Exhilaration
Focus - You love social events seeing them as an opportunity to entertain, network and enjoy.
Jupiter opposed Uranus, squared Pluto
Pluto 19 Capricorn Plume Agate keyword Expectation
Focus - You help others attain the greatness that they may not have seen if not for your insights.
Venus 11 Aries Green Aventurine keyword Idealization
Focus - Through strength and good fortune you achieve greatness, even under challenging circumstances.
Grand Trine
Mars 1 Taurus Clear Spinel keyword Resourcefulness
Message - Unique, individual messages through simple channels
North Node 3 Virgo still Angelite keyword Security
Focus - Angels protect and guide you; with this belief you inspire others to have faith that one is never alone.
Saturn 27 Sagittarius White Marble keyword Immortality
Focus - Motivated by experience, your ideas are cemented into reality; others take notice and admire.

Introductory Human Design
Lunation Calendars
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