2019 Retrogrades

Retrograde Motion of Planets in 2019:
There is no retrograde motion of Venus and Mars, in 2019.

 March 5th-March 26th: Mercury retrograde in Pisces 29-16 degrees

 July 9th-July 31st:/Aug 1st: Mercury retrograde in Leo and Cancer (4 Leo to 23 Cancer)

 November 1st-November 18th: Mercury retrograde in Scorpio 27-11 degrees

 April 10th-August 11th: Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius

 April 30th-September 18th: Saturn retrograde in Capricorn

 August, 7th, 2018-January 6th, 2019: Uranus retrograde in Taurus and Aries
 August 12th, 2019-January 1st, 2020 Uranus retrograde in Taurus

 June 21st-November 27th: Neptune retrograde in Pisces

   April 24th-October 3rd: Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

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