"The time between the lunar and solar eclipse is a portal," says DeFaltay, who has studied astrology all her life. "People use this energy as a symbol for what they want to change in their life."
Lunar Eclipse Rituals
"Light & Shadow Full Moon Magic by Selena Fox
(1) Eclipse Meditation - Find a place outdoors or by a window where you can sit with a clear view of the Moon. Prior to the start of the eclipse, stand & honor the Moon with words, rhythms and/or a song or chant. Then sit comfortably & meditatively watch the changing interplay of Light & Shadow on the Moon & around you for the duration of the Eclipse. Focus your full attention on this process. When the Eclipse has concluded, rise up & give thanks to the Moon. If sky conditions are such that the Moon & Eclipse are not visible, watch the Eclipse at a site that live streams it online.
(2) Release & Renewal - Prior to the Eclipse, call to mind something that you wish to dispel or diminish from yourself and/or your life. Write it down on a 3x5 card or other burnable object. As the Eclipse begins, Honor the Moon. Then kindle a fire in a cauldron, hearth, or bonfire are. Cast the card/object in the fire to enact release. Watch the fire & the Eclipse as you experience yourself releasing what you seek to dispel. After the midpoint of the Eclipse, shift your focus to cleansing & resetting yourself. Case some fragrant, purifying herbs such as Rosemary, Sage, or Mugwort into the fire. Focus on purification. As the Eclipse concludes, focus on the light of the Full Moon flowing down upon you & within you, renewing & energizing you to complete your transformation. Give thanks to the Moon.
(3) Cleansing & Energizing - Prior to the Eclipse, assemble ritual tools and/or other sacred objects that you seek to cleanse & bless and place them on an altar. Also assemble there tools of the five Elements of Nature - salt or other symbol for Earth, frankincense or sandalwood incense for Air, candle in candleholder for Fire, cup of water for Water, quartz crystal for Spirit. As the Eclipse begins, cleanse each item with Earth and then touch or pass each item over Water for cleansing. Cleanse each item with the Air of burning incense, and then pass each item over or near the lit candle for Fire. When the Eclipse has concluded, take the crystal and energize it with the power of the Full Moon Light and touch each item to energize and bless it with Spirit. Home blessings also can be done during an eclipse with cleansing during the Eclipse time, followed by protection and energizing at the culmination of the Eclipse.
(4) Enhancing Creativity - Prior to the start of the Eclipse, find a place to observe the Eclipse and where you can move, make sounds, and be quiet. Create a sacred circle for Creative Awakening. Call on the Divine according the the form(s) you work with and then call on the Moon to guide you in your Creative work. Have a journal and pen with you to use in recording inspirations. As the Eclipse begins, focus on the Eclipse process as one of Creative transformation. Scry into the Moon. Close your eyes and connect with the potentials and possibilities within you. Do freeform singing, speaking, movement, and/or rhythm making. Do journaling. Let the Creative powers within you flow. As the Eclipse concludes, face the Full Moon and be one with the radiant light. Experience yourself as a Creative being radiating Creative power around you. Give thanks to the Moon and the Divine form(s) you called upon. Spend some time writing about your experiences in the journal. Uncast your sacred circle and give thanks to the place where you did this rite. Pay attention to dreams and insights that may arise as a result of this working. Do something creative in your daily life.
Selena Fox is a Nature priestess & Senior Minister of Circle Sanctuary."
"During the eclipse, people will sit in meditation or light a candle or write about what they want to manifest and what they're looking to release," DeFaltay says. She says you should set your intention, think about what you want to create, and "send it out into the universe."
"People consider eclipses time of just great energy," she says. "Even if you're a totally rational person and you know exactly what's happening in terms of how the planets are moving, it's still really unsettling to see the sky turn black in the middle of the day."

Introductory Human Design
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