Ray 5 Combos

R5S/R1P–The  pursuit and application of concrete knowledge expressed with power and endurance-relentless research by personal strength. Fortitude and one-pointed, willful, serve selfless scientific enquiry and the urge to discover. The urge towards specific, focused research  masters  the  sense  of focused importance. A keen particularity supercedes the desire to see “the big picture.” Love of knowledge and its concrete become more important than the emphasis upon one’s Identity. Knowledge becomes greater than power.

R5S/R2P–The Pursuit and Application Of Concrete Knowledge are expressed lovingly, responsibly, and with great attention to the human impact of that which is discovered. The practice of pure research masters the love of personal comfort and ease. One who must know the truth no matter how he feels about it, personally. Broad humanitarianism furthers the applications of specialized knowledge for the advancement of the race. A high-powered scientific mind dwells in a gracious person. An expert who knows all the particulars of his field has the tact  and loving patience to do an admirable job of teaching what he knows.

R5S/R3P–The pursuit and application of concrete knowledge  is  expressed  with  an innovative  understanding of its diverse possibilities. “One-hundred-and-one” uses are found for the products of  pure  research.  The researcher with great resourcefulness. Research is valued more than commercial or business pursuits. Discovery becomes more important than utility. Accuracy becomes more important than expediency. Knowledge is valued more than money and business success. Or, a business sense serves  the implementation of scientific discoveries. The love of verified fact masters the tendency to theorize and speculate but not confirm.

R5S/R4P–The pursuit and application of concrete knowledge is expressed in a colorful, entertaining manner. The artist begins to investigate his medium so thoroughly and carefully that learning all about the technical means of expression becomes almost  more important  than  what is to be expressed. Science masters art. The strictly rational, observant  attitude stabilizes a  tendency towards emotional turmoil and mood swings. The ability to establish rapport with diverse people furthers the interests of scientific research. Scientific findings are beautifully, colorfully, appealingly expressed. One who can present the beauty of scientific fact. One who can dramatize the story of science- the romance of the quest for knowledge.

R5S/R6P–The  pursuit and application of concrete knowledge is expressed ardently, one-pointedly, and with complete devotion. This individual believes in science. The love of science pursued to the exclusion of all else. A narrow area of technical enquiry is pursued passionately. The need to know masters the need to believe. Knowledge masters faith. Realism masters  idealism.  This   is   an individual who would sacrifice all to achieve the discovery upon which he or she is intent. Ideally, an individual who has great faith in scientific discoveries and who will promote and defend their value tirelessly and without thought of himself. Science has become his god.

R5S/R7P – The pursuit and application of concrete knowledge is expressed systematically, methodically, and with great organizational skill. Right procedure and exactitude of method and measurement serve scientific enquiry. Innovative research masters reliance upon habitual methods. Discovery and the revelation of what is, overcomes reliance upon custom and customary procedures. The researcher who designs the program so faction needed for most well organized applications of his research results. This combination gives the capacity for the perfect material implementation of scientific discovery- consummate engineering skill. The facts and truth–”no matter what”–must master the attempt to “keep up appearances”."

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