Ray 4 Combos

Combinations of Soul Rays And Personality Rays , Michael Robbins (kennethsorensen.dk)

"(As this ray is not presently in incarnation, and as very few souls are found upon R4, these combinations  must be taken in a  more speculative manner,  and  applied  very infrequently, if at  all.  Examples  of  such individuals  will  be  more historical than contemporary – though after 2025 A.D., they may be encountered more often).

R4S/R1P–The urge to create  harmony  and beauty is expressed forcefully and, frequently, may be imposed. The individual desires peace so much that he may try to make it happen by the force of his personal will. This is potentially a very temperamental combination–the temperamental artist who egoistically insists upon his own means of expression. The urge to  seek  a  “righteous compromise” eventually masters the tendency to impose the will. Strength and steadfastness serve the task of revealing beauty and creating loveliness. The  strong  individual  is  able  to endure and persist in his soul-appointed task of creating harmonious linkages between diverse individuals. The linkages may be within the psyche as well, and much personal strength will also be required if the task is to be completed.

R4S/R2P–The urge to harmony and beauty is expressed serenely and lovingly. The struggle, stress and strain incident to the process of harmonizing situations and relationships prevail over the tendency to “be nice,”-a tendency for which the motive is “the love of being loved.” Friction is endured, if friction is the only way to achieve peace,unity and true interplay. The “give-and-take” involved in the process of equilibration masters a pleasant contentedness. Kindness, and personal pleasantness serve the at-one-ing process. Magnetism serves a refined aestheticism.

R4S/R3P– The urge to harmony and beauty is expressed with creative intelligence and adaptability.This combination yields the artist who can express himself along a great diversity of channels. Righteous compromise masters manipulative tendencies and slyness. The urge to create beauty masters the tendency towards economy, expediency, efficiency and mere utilitarianism. The task of linking many elements can be achieved innovatively, and in a great variety of ways. The love of beauty masters the love of business, and then uses business abilities to further aesthetic aims. The ability to devise many strategies serves the urge to achieve conflict resolution.

R4S/R5P–The urge to harmony and beauty is expressed with considerable technical “know-how.”The sense of drama masters “matter-of-factness.” Perfect knowledge of the technical means of expression serves to enhance the quality of that which is expressed. Technology serves art. Art and machine are united. Peace, harmony and mutual interplay are served by the fruits of scientific enquiry and technical innovation. Intuitive, buddhic consciousness is supported by hard-headed, rational- mindedness.

R4S/R7P–The urge to harmony and beauty is expressed fervently and zealously. The expression  of beauty  becomes  one’s greatest ideal. The artistic urge expresses itself through religious themes.Aesthetic pursuits become a passion. The spirit of accommodation for the sake of harmony, masters one-pointed, conflict-producing narrowness. Ability to compromise, and see the other’s point of view supercedes separative emotional loyalties. The ability to be bipartisan prevails over partisan devotions. Everything is given or sacrificed to serve one’s art,or one’s conception of beauty. The devoted person who becomes a martyr in the cause of peace.

R4S/R7P–The urge to harmony and beauty is expressed through an exquisite sense of form. The love of color masters the love of structure. Beauty is expressed in perfect form—art. Peace is made manifest and is perfectly instituted and administered. This combination brings perfected interplay, an d harmoniously manifested. The understanding of beauty in relationships is expressed in concrete symbols."

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