Ray 3 combos


"R3S/R1P – Intelligent comprehension and creative activity are expressed with dynamic power. Creative plans and large projects are executed with unfaltering one-pointedness. Mobility masters immobility; adaptability overcomes inflexibility. Intelligent manipulation supercedes willful insistence. The ability to undertake many things successfully is well supported by personal strength. A person who can be eminently reasonable and forceful at the same time. The ability to travel and “go here and there” as needed, masters the tendency to remain firm and immovable at the center. The love of creative thinking and doing master the love of personal power. Complexity is executed with simplicity. 

R3S/R2P– Intelligent comprehension and creative activity are expressed lovingly, sensitively and with heart. An intelligent comprehension which is detached and objective masters an approach that is too soft and kind to be effective. A good business headmasters a well-meaning but misguided heart. Speedy execution of responsibilities wins out over slow movement and the love of comfort. One who has accumulated much money through great financial skill shares it generously and whole-heartedly with others. An abstract orientation is well- conveyed by someone who has the “personal touch” and a love of teaching. Others might sometimes say of this individual: ”I have a hard time following his thinking, but he’s such a “nice” person. An individual with great creativity and mental resourcefulness, who has the patience and interpersonal skills to make his innovations clearly understandable. 

R3S/R4P–Intelligent comprehension and creativity activity are expressed in the spirit of interplay and compromise. The elaborately thought-out plan is effectively implemented because of a well-developed ability to “give-and-take”. The tactician masters the instability of personal vicissitudes. Many creative abilities are expressed colorfully and in an entertaining manner. A facility for creative, verbal expression is expressed in an aesthetically pleasing form a very imaginative combination. The power to stay in motion and act continually masters the tendency towards vacillation and spasmodic, irregular action. An excellent combination of business and artistic aptitudes. Philosophical abstractions are presented in a delightful and engaging manner. 

R3S/R5P–Intelligent comprehension and creative activity are expressed with complete respect for accuracy. Theory is well- supported by fact. Broad conceptions are reinforced by a mastery of detailed particulars. The ability to speculate about the future is supported by a head full of reliable data. The ability to see the abstract blue-prints and significant trends of any issues masters the more narrow, empirical, observational approach. Ideas for many utilitarian inventions can be made into technically workable actualities. The power to analyze is exalted. The extremely and flexible thinker who knows exactly what he’s talking about. 

 R3S/R6P–Intelligent comprehension and creative activity a re pressed enthusiastically and zealously. Intelligence and thought master ardent devotion and the unthinking pursuit “causes”. The rational masters the irrational. A reasonable approach moderates the tendency towards unreasonable and loyalties. Theories and systems are promoted with zeal. May be a tendency to believe too completely in one’s own Theological thin king is supported by great faith. The wide, and sophisticated view masters the narrow, simple-minded The “many” master the “one”. Much extroversion is possible with this combination, and a tendency to overtly impress ideas upon others .One may love one’s own ideas greatly, and think everyone else should, too. Positively, it is a tremendous combination for communication. There is a pronounced ability to project and adapt many ideas in the most convincing (and self-convinced) manner. 

R3S/R7P–Intelligent comprehension and creative activity are expressed in a precise and organized way. The organization- spirit serves the execution of creatively conceived plans. However, a looser, more free-form type of creative thinking must master a more rigid, sequential, procedural approach. This is an excellent financial combination. The most intelligent solution or arrangement is executed with detailed exactitude and excellent timing. The power of brilliant conception is served by the power to manifest the conception. The love of the idea itself, however, must master the love of how the idea will appear in form. Ideally, the intelligent essence of any conception will be perfectly expressed in form. The magical potential of this combination is very great: R3 is often called the “magician” and R7 the “ritualist.” 

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