Ray 2 combos

2S, 2P Ellen Yoakum, Julia Child, Thomas Merton, Andrew Greely, Saint Bernadette, Johannes Kepler, Baruch Spinoza

2S, 1P Ghandi, Gorbachev, Abe Lincoln, FD Roosevelt, H. Roerich, JFK, Shirley MacLaine, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Pope John Paul II, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning

R2S/R1P–Loving understanding is expressed with power and firmness. The union of love and will, with love preponderating. Wise and gentle understanding is conveyed with strength. Comprehensive studies are relentlessly pursued. The most benevolent motives are powerfully carried into life experience. Deep love is expressed without a trace of sentimentality. The tendency towards attachment masters the tendency towards detachment. The “heart of gold” is found beneath an often-distant or somewhat forbidding exterior. 

2S, 3P Spinoza, Einstein, Aquinas, Lewis Carroll, Copernicus, Ed. Gibbon

R2S/R3P–Loving understanding is expressed with great activity and intellectual resourcefulness. A multitude of ways are devised to express a deeply-felt humanitarianism. Wise, intuitive insights are creatively communicated–the versatile educator. The scholar with a penchant for philosophical expression. The teacher who possesses the business and financial skills to see that his message is widely distributed. The wise use of slow action masters the tendency towards excessive activity and wasted motion. The heart masters the busy intellect. Benevolence and loving kindness are expressed with ingenuity and savoir-faire. 

2S, 4P Mozart, Robert Burns, Schubert, G.F. Watts, Karl Bohm, Max Ernst, Franz Joseph Hayden

R2S/R4P–Loving understanding is expressed harmoniously and beautifully, with complete skill-in-action, Radiant serenity and confidence master inner and outer conflict, fret, turmoil, and the agony of dissonance. Many conflicting personal and environmental energies are wisely and gently fused into a whole. Love is served, and love is expressed through the ability to end conflict within (and bring peace and equilibrium to) the inner and outer environment. All things and people are unified into a whole through the power to build bridges of rapport. The teacher teaches through his aesthetic sensibilities. A wise understanding of human nature is expressed through drama or through dramatic action. The one who seeks to save and salvage finds success through his understanding of, and identification with, the “human predicament.” 

2S, 5P Darwin, Jonas Salk, Luth Burbank, Francoise Gauquelin, Vivian E. Robson, Elias Ashmole, Charles Beaudelaire, Samuel Hawick

R2S/R5P– Loving understanding is expressed scientifically, or with solid skill and common sense. Preoccupation with quality, essence and the subjective reality, masters preoccupation with form. Seeing the whole pattern, and the multitude of interrelationships, masters the tendency to see just the detail of the part. Compassion and mercy master the tendency to sit in judgment. The heart masters the concrete intellect. Love is expressed through research and discovery. The way of wisdom and divine understanding is supported by a practical comprehension and technical mastery of the facts. Humanity’s religious and spiritual impulse is shown to be supported by scientific fact and natural law. 

2S, 6P George Fox, Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther King, Hilary Clinton, Charles & William Mayo

R2S/R6P–Loving understanding is expressed with complete devotion and self-sacrifice. Broad inclusive love masters narrow, emotional loyalties and attachments. The love of the heart masters the emotion of the solar plexus. Impersonal love prevails but a personal, feeling-sensitivity is still preserved. The pursuit of wisdom and the detailed pattern of pure truth are aided by unflagging zeal. The expression of love for all becomes a passionately pursued ideal. Deep humility is supported by a willing, self-abnegation. There is total emotional commitment to a life of salvage and redemption. 

2S, 7P Disney, O.W. Holmes, Alvar Alto

R2S/R7P–Loving understanding is expressed in group “movements” through well-structured programs, and with real attention to, and an understanding of, the group spirit. Loving energies are perfectly instituted through right practice. The urge to unity is expressed in action (appropriate action)upon the physical plane. The wisdom of the heart masters the supposed rightness of method and outer techniques. The inner work is seen to be more important than its outer expression–at least it is seen that the heart must be in all acts before these acts can embody spirituality, no matter how rightly or perfectly they are executed. Essential love triumphs over and expresses itself through perfected form. The love which brings healing is applied with consummate

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