Ray 1 Combos

 Combinations of Soul Rays And Personality Rays , Michael Robbins (kennethsorensen.dk)

1S, 2P Fred, Pythagoras, Schweitzer, Alice Bailey, Sri Auribindo, Helen Wamback, Alex Haley

"R1S/R2P–Dynamic will is expressed lovingly and with wise understanding. The tendency towards detachment masters the tendency towards attachment, and yet, attachment is used effectively. The law always prevails but is mercifully applied. Truth is never compromised but is expressed with tact. The individual can have a strong attitude of impersonality and yet be well-endowed with the personal touch–this is the art of being impersonally personal. The iron fist in the velvet glove. "

1S, 3P Karl Marx, J. Rockefeller, Bert. Russell, Voltaire, Gertrude Stein, Shylock, Yogananda

R1S/R3P–Dynamic will is expressed with creative intelligence and adaptability. The purposive attitude masters the tendency towards dispersion, busyness and diffusion, and yet becomes all the more effective through versatility and expression through many lines of activity. Powerful intentions are executed adroitly, with strategic skill. The preservation of power is served by the ability to plan. Survival and victory are achieved through intelligent change. 

1S, 4P Picasso, Wagner, Isadora Duncan, Beethoven, Grandma Moses, Edmond G. Brown, Otto van Bismarck

 R1S/R4P–Dynamic will is expressed harmoniously. A firm attitude masters the tendency to compromise for the sake of comfort. Purposeful self-discipline controls the tendency to waste energy in purposeless combat. The achievement of unwavering intentions is furthered by the ability to establish rapport, relate effectively and compromise when needed, but spiritual purpose is always preserved, and principles are not compromised or weakened. This combination expresses the union of power and aesthetic sensibility: for instance–the ruler who is a patron of the arts. The peace-maker. 

1S, 5P Pasteur, Thom. Huxley, Thom. Edison, Walt Whitman, Maharaji

R1S/R5P–Dynamic will is expressed through a mastery of concrete fact, and a practical command of material energies. The ability to rule and govern is served by an utterly clear comprehension of technical details, so that the most well-informed decisions can be made. The leader with true common sense. The urge toward power is served by technology. Ability to see the”big picture”masters the tendency to specialize and get bogged down in the details of form. 

1S, 6P Jesus, Joan of Arc, John the Baptist, Joan Campbell

R1S/R6P–Dynamic will is expressed with one-pointed ardor and fervent devotion. Firmness, coolness and absolute self- control, master the tendency towards emotionalism and excessive zeal. The highest purpose is upheld with no thought of compromise. High-minded conviction is sustained with unshakeable faith. The goal is achieved at all costs. Impersonal self-sacrifice is ardently pursued. 

1S, 7P Merlin, Crowley, Paracelsus, Albert Pike, RD Laing

R1S/R7P–Dynamic will is expressed rhythmically and appropriately, with complete regard for laws, rules and social conventions, and with exquisite timing. The freedom and spontaneity of spirit master the tendency towards formalism and the habitual following of precedent. Powerful intentions are perfectly and practically executed. Sweeping changes are skillfully administrated. Pioneering initiatives are resourcefully structured and excellently organized. The reformer; the practical revolutionary. 

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