"The Sun sign – the personality ray
The Sun sign indicates the nature of the man, physical, mental and spiritual. It holds the secret of the personality ray and of the man's responsiveness or lack of responsiveness to the Soul, the real man. It indicates also the integration already achieved and the present point of unfoldment of the soul qualities, of the present available equipment, of the present life quality and of the immediately possible group relations. It indicates, from the angle of the Ageless Wisdom, nothing more. Humanity is enough evolved so that the astrology of the soul will become possible before long; it constitutes - from many points of view - a reversal of normal procedure. This is both wise and necessary, and also inevitable. Astrologers will eventually be divided into two classes: the exoteric astrologers who will be occupied with the horoscope of the personality, and the esoteric astrologers who will be occupied with the purposes of the soul.
The Rising sign – the soul ray
Modern interpretations fail to emphasise the importance of the rising sign (the ascendant) and this has been due to the fact that not many have been as yet ready to function as souls; small allowance has been made for the energies which play upon our planet all the time from other constellations or from the many "hidden" planets. The Ageless Wisdom claims that there are around seventy hidden planets in our solar system. The rising sign indicates the remoter possibilities, and the spiritual goal and purpose of the immediate incarnation and of the immediate succeeding incarnations. This sign concerns itself with the struggle of the spiritual man "to carry on" from the point achieved so that when the life energy is temporarily exhausted and the "death of the personality" takes place, the man finds himself "nearer the centre of his life, closer to the centre of his group and approaching the centre of divine life," as the Ageless Wisdom expresses it."
Jesus 6 Soul 1 Personality
Lincoln 1 Soul 2 Personality (Aquarius Sun)
Churchill 2 Soul 1 Personality (Sagittarius)
Mao Tse-tung 2 Soul 1 Personality (Capricorn)
Darwin 2 Soul 7 Personality (Aquarius)
da Vinci 4 soul 7 Personality (Aries)
Shakespeare 2 Soul 4 Personality (Taurus)
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